My username: ForeverPie
Pi day: 3/14
St. Patricks Day: 3/17
Day I reached 75k: 3/13/18
My actual birthday: 3/18/18 (I turn 16)
Day I posted this: 3/15/18
Pie is a circle.
A pupil (in an eye) is also a circle.
How many "I" in my name: 1
Amount of "Eye" in Illuminati: 1
Amount of "I" in Illuminati: 3
Sides in the Triangle: 3
Eyes in the Triangle: 1
First digit in Pi: 3
@Alienbeef0421 lol yep
Dat lowkey birthday announcement tho
Ja. @ForeverPie
@Maxwell1 Y tho lol
@ForeverPie wat
@Ryn176 Thank You
@Maxwell1 Y E S
........ why, just WHY
@Mostly Yep
@ForeverPie That 10 minutes could've gone to memes, how dare you.
@Mostly 10 minutes I'll never get back.
So true @Mostly. Also, this doesn’t even make sense
how much time did you waste thinking about this
@CaesiciusPlanes Yep...
@communisticbanana @Gravity
Y E S lol
Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
you are the next steven hawking.