Seeing as Imgur doesn’t really work anymore, where do ya’ll upload your images so you can do the ![] thing? ImgBB doesn’t work, neither does CtrlQ, which is what I used for a long time.
-The Awsomur
Seeing as Imgur doesn’t really work anymore, where do ya’ll upload your images so you can do the ![] thing? ImgBB doesn’t work, neither does CtrlQ, which is what I used for a long time.
-The Awsomur works, you just have to click on it and control click until the url ends with .png or .jpg @Awsomur
@Awsomur ok
Unfortunately, that user haven’t uploaded anything in almost 3 years. I doubt if he’s playing anymore.
@Awsomur i found one that needs help
Looks like a good site. I’ll try it out.
Imgur is still main
I also use sometimes, and key visuals use deviantart
I didn’t know that still worked. Thanks dude.
postimage is the best choice for me
also, imgur never works for me and, when someone links a picture posted on imgur album or whatever instead of posting it on the sp site , that image takes a bit to load
bruh you literally have to just delete the s
I use Steam, via private screenshot posts.
I use either my Discord server or Steam for image hosting, although with Steam I can only show the raw screenshots from the game whereas Discord I can upload edited images.
No others can see it @RamboJutter
@SuperSix it doesn't work, only displays for you, other mobile devices can't see pics, just get broken links
I don’t have a Discord, but maybe I’ll get one for this reason.
I just use direct link for imgur no need to remove s
@Awsomur warhaek was right as Well, I tweaked some of my older builds links, remove the s from https and it seems to work, still prefer the discord way though
Thanks ya’ll
@RamboJutter @SuperSix @BoganBoganTheMan
I used to use tinypic but the site was down 2 weeks ago. Couldn’t upload pictures. Maybe they fixed it.
Ooooooooh ok....
I know that that’s how you can make it work, but I wanted to know if there’s a better way. I suppose not.