690 1Plane800Engines Comments

  • Fun With Tankers (absolute chaos) 3.2 years ago

    now make a tanker refuel a tanker, refueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling another tanker, refueling another tankerrefueling anoth

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.3 years ago

    i have the current version of this mod (0.15) but it says it is not the current version. please help

  • Map update leaked 2.7 years ago

    so jundroo decided to make sweden

  • B737-800[RYANAIR] 3.4 years ago

    that picture shows the most butter Ryanair landing ever

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.8 years ago

    it is said that this masterpiece of engineering came from Chernobyl

  • EngineOut 2.8 years ago

    whenever i click select engine, it does not do anything. But engine select works with wheels

  • Aircraft Seats 2.8 years ago

    @klm747klm747 you should ad a "helium" fuselage so stuff can float in the air so people can make blimps and hot air balloons.

  • Wise mystical tree 2.4 years ago

    "if you are over 25 and own a computer, this game is for you"

  • Enemy 2.7 years ago

    @DanDaFreakinMan, are you ok. I have not seen you on mp since a long time

  • dandelion diorama 2.7 years ago


  • Little Bugger Glider 2.7 years ago

    this real fun and i moved the com a bit back for me, btw, why does steam say you are not online @PPLLAANNEE

  • Little Bugger in glass ball 2.9 years ago

    You are sure to become an engineer when you grow up

  • Landing Gear powered flight 3.2 years ago


  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.2 years ago

    i cannot even use the mod. when i click play it does nothing

  • just a week away 3.3 years ago

    so unsus it is sussysusser

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.3 years ago

    mp does not even work at all now. when i join a server, it is like singleplayer. nothing on mp works now, please update again

  • P-51 in 51 parts 3.4 years ago

    mig-15 in 15 parts

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 3.5 years ago

    the options for the small rotator in xml are named hinge rotator for some reason

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.6 years ago

    on my laptop, just now, multiplayer disconnects me from the server when i was just about to finish connecting. this happens with any plane i use, i also set the part count limit to 800 but it still does not work. My laptop can handle at most, about 1200 parts. my internet speed is good so i think this is something that needs to be fixed.

  • teleporting Bear 3.6 years ago

    this is a secret Russian stealth jet with more hair than normal

  • Literal U-Boat 3.6 years ago

    the U boat has H pads on it

  • Minecraft Nether Designer 1.8 years ago

    it is only a few chunks wide though

  • Minecraft Nether Designer 1.8 years ago

    to stop the blocks form disappearing, you use a mod called designer settings and mod settings together, and set the max zoom to infinity.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 1.8 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE same

  • Unexpectable - Paddle steamer 2.6 years ago

    I think you føRgōr about the special of the 69k

  • Minecraft Silverfish 2.7 years ago

    now get real life silverfish

  • Phalanx Close-In Weapon System Minions 2.7 years ago

    imagine it uses your toilet

  • Minecraft Pufferfish 2.7 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE, did you delete the unlisted post because it said that it was not there

  • Snax The Heavily mutated Floridan gator 2.7 years ago

    about the average size of a jumping spider in australia

  • Sparklers 2.7 years ago

    Merica home of the brave. Nothin better than exploding colorful explosives in the sky 10 pm at night and driving slowly through traffic to home and arriving a year later.

  • Backrooms playable map 2.7 years ago

    there are 31 mobs in Minecraft, and you made maybe a dozen, so 19 mobs left. but if you include a Minecraft player as a mob, there will be 20 left

  • Backrooms playable map 2.7 years ago

    now make flying backrooms

  • Washington and B.C 2.8 years ago

    why is Mt.Baker a green spike in the terrain

  • AMX Tracteur C modéle 1940 2.8 years ago

    will you make a 69k point special

  • HELP! (XML) Inertia problems 2.8 years ago

    maybe try banking the turns. you can also add something to the wheels to make it stop tilting and stay on the tracks such as this https://technobyte.org/train-wheel-design-working-complex/

  • Near 1:1 Red Ant 2.8 years ago

    20 centemeter long ant. This thing is from millions of years ago

  • Variable wing 2.8 years ago

    that one known bug is actually from the game itself. it happens to every part with sliders.

  • Volcano Effects 2.9 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE when i click record, the game just freezes and crashes, and i have windows 11

  • Volcano Effects 2.9 years ago

    I know this comment is not related to this post, but, what screen recorder do you use because I want to start making videos.

  • Minecraft axolotl 3.1 years ago

    make a green minecraft block thing with every block, 4096 in all.

  • Cobra Landing 3.1 years ago

    can you please help me i have 420 points

  • An AI helped me make this 3.2 years ago

    2 ornithopters posted so far

  • Minecraft Chicken 3.4 years ago

    chicken eat nuggets

  • Kaiser K-1000 3.4 years ago


  • VRuilding Challenges 3.4 years ago


  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.5 years ago

    i deleted the old version of multiplayer in the files and it still shows it is there in the 0.12 version, and i downloaded the new version but it still says it is 0.12. multiplayer is not in the files but it still shows it in the game. can anyone tell me how to update it.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.5 years ago

    it is time for the mp mod to be updated

  • SP Physics being moderately funny 3.6 years ago

    BUt HoWw\/\/

  • hummingbird 3.6 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE you use trim to go up and down, and VTOL does not really do much, shift to go hummingbird mode and 0% throttle to glide down to land

  • Time Warp 3.6 years ago

    it seems to affect the start screen too