126k AWESOMENESS360 Comments

  • WHEN THE VIETCONG IS SUS. 3.1 years ago

    Sussy 🅱️aka

  • XF-39 3.1 years ago

    Not bad! The only suggestions I’d make are to give it more weapons, and increase the roll rate so that it can turn quicker. Basically, just increase the size of the roll ailerons

  • Droplet 3.1 years ago

    @JuanNotAnAlt what

  • Flying Aircraft Carrier ''Birchwood Behemoth'' 3.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER asked to be tagged, so here you are I guess lol

  • ''Maniwaki Quebec UFO'' 3.2 years ago

    @ICIN aight, cool! Have you ever thought about making the TR-3B ASTRA, or some other secret Black-Project?

  • Flogger final! 3.2 years ago


  • Did you know that... 3.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER when you befriend a squid and then never see it again

  • Pfalz D.IIIa ''Max Holtzem'' VR 3.2 years ago

    @V is this VR Friendly? Thanks in advance!

  • Snek Game 3.2 years ago


  • Shell of something 3.2 years ago

    Put spaghetti in it

  • Can anyone tell me whats wrong 3.2 years ago

    @catzilla well aren’t you a ray of sunshine today

  • SimplePlanes VR is now available on Steam and Oculus Quest 3.2 years ago

    @klm747klm747 I personally would love something like that

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.2 years ago

    It is an honor to be able to spotlight this, you deserve way more points than I do!

  • F-15C Eagle 3.2 years ago

    ‘Ery Noice!

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 3.2 years ago

    @BagelPlane possibly for a more realistic screenshot? Search up any images of warbirds in flight and many of them do not appear to have spinning props, simply because we always associate the blurred blades with movement. I think the primary reason is because of how some cameras capture images at a higher frame rate, and therefore the prop appears less blurry.

  • The Swiss0011™ 3.2 years ago

    I watched the video and the amount of opportunity missed in the video is just absolutely stupid lol. SimplePlanes just doesn’t get the recognition it deserves

  • Exploring the Tanker 3.2 years ago

    @Freerider2142 that NOD Captured Orca actually looks quite cool

  • The F2Y SeaDart, a Supersonic Seaplane! 3.2 years ago

    @spacegenius747 it’s already posted

  • Weird spiral plane 3.2 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE oh son, let me educate you:
    Back in the day when SimplePlanes was still relatively simple, and there were only a handful of Platinum users, there came a user named HypnoToad. He was, if I remember correctly, the first person in SimplePlanes to hit platinum rank. They had a very peculiar building style, where they would make absolutely ridiculous geometrical fractal-like flying machines, almost entirely out of only wing parts. They almost looked like shattered stained glass as they sliced through the air, and for their time, they were among some of the most intricate and beautiful things on the website. He started a trend with the hypno-plane design, named after both him and the aircrafts’ “hypnotic appearance”, and suddenly everyone tried their hand at making a hypno-plane inspired build. Soon enough, the website was filled to the brim with these creations, each one different from the last, with their own unique designs and patterns. It was truly a moment in SimplePlanes history where all logic in creating “normal” planes was entirely destroyed, and people really let their wildest ideas flow forth with the Hypno-Plane design. Unfortunately, Hypnotoad is no longer active, as far as we know. But their fame shall live on!

    here’s a link to the Hypno-Plane tag. Yes, the design became so popular that it got it’s own designated tag in the website! Additionally, here’s a link to Hypno’s account, where you can find all of his creations.

  • F2Y SeaDart (vr friendly) 3.2 years ago

    @X4JB I was going to post it as unlisted, but it would get more attention from curators and/or developers as published. I also requested that people don’t upvote it, yet 26 people clearly had their own ideas. Not really my problem, but it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone else to be perfectly frank.

  • Bomber doing psm 3.2 years ago

    I like how it sets itself on fire as a result of PSM’ing lol

  • SimpleBomber V1.1 3.2 years ago

    @Bellcat this ain’t about the Hellkeska

  • T-103 Archelon-SALF (Super Artillery Landship-Fotress) 3.2 years ago

    This tingles all the brain parts

  • Weird bug with cannon tracers 3.2 years ago

    @iamTexas I have actually seen this before, I only just now thought about posting something that sheds light on it

  • F2Y SeaDart (vr friendly) 3.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii you’re a curator, right? Maybe you can help?

  • [SUGGESTION] A slider for setting the corners of fuselage 3.2 years ago

    Paired with fuselage slicing, this could be awesome!

  • Tupolev Tu-154 Trial Landing Wheel 3.2 years ago


  • Supersonic Business Jet "Bartgeier Mach 1" 3.2 years ago

    The cockpit looks really cool!

  • Dassault 55N Fullmyst 3.2 years ago

    Ayyy mikoyan hit 300k, congrats!

  • PZL-230F Scorpion 3.2 years ago

    insert obligatory reference to the ADFX-02

  • Convair F2Y ''SeaDart'' 3.2 years ago

    @Baelzzz yeah, idk why this got so much attention lol

  • Convair F2Y ''SeaDart'' 3.2 years ago

    @CaptainSquadronLeaderX you could just find it using X-Ray view

  • PW Mk1 3.2 years ago

    @Nerfaddict the SPAF grows ever stronger!

  • Lockheed Martin CL-1201 Flying Aircraft Carrier 3.3 years ago

    @divisor I just have a good gaming chair

  • Pancakes- 3.3 years ago

    @cat123 *luftwaffle

  • FanWing Teaser 3.3 years ago

    The way the cockpit opens and closes is really cool! I’ve never seen anything like that before.

  • Anybody else struggling getting error messages when upvoting, spotlighting and uploading crafts? 3.3 years ago

    Yeah! I thought I was the only one, is the website just being slow due to the SPVR stuff being added, or is something else happening?

  • I miss the old the exhaustStartColorOverridePrimary 3.3 years ago

    Yeah the new graphics kinda screwed up some of the custom exhaust plumes that relied on the vividness of their color sprite, but I suppose there’s not much that can be done about it

  • Sus Moment In Simple Planes Collab Server 3.3 years ago

    As part of the SPCS, I must be missing out on a lot cause wHEN did this happen lmao

  • WHY IS IT GREEN 3.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison aight, cool!

  • WHY IS IT GREEN 3.3 years ago

    @PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI ah

  • Potential Game Changer for SP! (Dogfight Elite) 3.3 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer ah ok, that makes sense actually now that I think about it.

  • Model 16-11 Experimental Cannon 3.3 years ago

    This is freakin awesome! The skull ornament on top of it is spectacular looking, and the sheer detail in almost every part of the gun is absolutely incredible! This deserves a feature, without a doubt!

  • HMS Warspite 3.3 years ago

    Really cool looking ship! The details on this are awesome, this is some reputable stuff here.

  • [Quick Teaser] HMS Warspite 3.3 years ago


  • F4 Phanton 3.3 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii heh yeah, that and the F-16 lol

  • SILENCE LIBERAL - Bossfight 3.3 years ago

    @24terrycast make it small at first, and then scale it up to whatever size you want. Important to note that massive size means massive drag calculations, which means massive amounts of processing power are required to run it, usually enough to crash low end devices. So I recommend disabling drag calculations, and drag in general on all parts via Overload.

  • Convair F2Y ''SeaDart'' 3.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison aight, great to hear feedback! I may try to improve it when the challenge deadline passes, just so nobody accuses me of cheating or something stupid. I appreciate the suggestions!

  • SILENCE LIBERAL - Bossfight 3.3 years ago

    @Something5353 nonsense! You could always just use it yourself, and spawn in AI planes to SILENCE

  • Psm phantom? Psm f 100? Psm lobster?!?!??! 3.3 years ago

    PSM Lobster sounds like something that we don’t necessarily need on the website, but nobody ever knew how much we wanted it until we got it. I’ll order 20 of them.
