well...it's not really that high...400 parts is like a warning unless the plane is big, 800 is like BOI OH BOI YOU DO NOT LISTEN unless it's a small plane
Congrats on heing a mod! Hopefully you’ll do better than Tully but you both are going to be great. And no I’m not saying it shouldn’t be, i was just asking a weird question and yeah it does deserve to be featured. 4 great creations. Like those good ol’ days @EternalDarkness
Yeah btw thanks for the advice, I’d just gone down really when that ban controversy happened. I was doing great then crapped it all up in one single anger. Sorry for the drama that i started @CSP27
fuselage is fat, gear is kinda small, and the f-4 has another window in front of the canopy until the G series. but besides from those everything is...neat! i like the cockpit...
Mein Gott!
+1Np @Hyattorama
+1those eyes can steal a SOUL
+1nice work tho! really like the details
+1well...it's not really that high...400 parts is like a warning unless the plane is big, 800 is like BOI OH BOI YOU DO NOT LISTEN unless it's a small plane
+1Congrats on heing a mod! Hopefully you’ll do better than Tully but you both are going to be great. And no I’m not saying it shouldn’t be, i was just asking a weird question and yeah it does deserve to be featured. 4 great creations. Like those good ol’ days @EternalDarkness
+1oh lol i just saw the description XD
+1"whose taste is this?"
+1I don't know if it's the mods who's picking it or a random code or somethin'
Attacking cock i see...hmmmmmmm @LZYyumi
+1True...jets can suck you or melt you, and props can shred you then it bends
+1@RamboJutter loads for me
+1@Mainblocks i'll handle the fuselage but on the wings...sure! and thanks for helping out. i'll give credit when it's released
+1@F104Deathtrap oooooh, no wonder why she was called the widow maker...but that's a great story. thanks for telling
+1What about your name?
+1It’ll fly like an American patriot!
+1Long time no see! 🙂
+1It’s like you went to a time travel where...everything now is complicated
+1Kill the is-7 the british way!
+1Congratulations @PRC1949
+1Or...there’s an easy way...
+1So small, wehraboos can barely target it! @ProcessedPlAnEs
+1First to upvote
+1Lowridaa @DepressedTortoise
+1@DuckMintnewprofile @Spacedoge12345plane @Tully2001
+1Quite a Magnificent Plane! Sir
+1you made everything so good that, i can't make the ones you've built! (kinda suspicious...)
+1no problem @Dllama4 .
+1but overall i gotta say, the more you build, the more you get better. i mean this...attention to detail in every vehicle you built! good work mate!
+1i like how you added a beer at the back. soldiers must be partyin' last night before they get patrolled back XD
+1we call this in philippines the "garbage truck ng mga sigang bobong driver na nagsisimula ng disgracia sa daan" translation -->( a workers truck ;P )
+1Welp...Cooldown struck me but neat legeat!
+1XD @JelloAircraftCorporation
+1@CruzerBlade thanks maa man
+1@Tully2001 well thank you! ( and sorry about that Anti-Mod controversy i started )
+1Yeah btw thanks for the advice, I’d just gone down really when that ban controversy happened. I was doing great then crapped it all up in one single anger. Sorry for the drama that i started @CSP27
+1One more k pls @Awsomur
+1Back from the ban...
+1@JohnnyBoythePilot click the top view button, then swipe it with the cursor quickly
+1@randomusername alrighty, i think we have to call the MOD. @Tully2001
+1fuselage is fat, gear is kinda small, and the f-4 has another window in front of the canopy until the G series. but besides from those everything is...neat! i like the cockpit...
+1Obunga @destroyerP
+1one of the best stuka's i've seen here. nice job
+1Q U A L I T Y C O N T E N T
+1this looks fantastic, and the proportion is almost of what it was irl! plus it's a sleeky boi, stronk boi, and f a s t b o i
+1@ChromeGamer25 thanks! means a lot to me