1,257 An2k Comments

  • SAG-1 3.6 years ago

    Nice have tested it for distance 0.5 miles = hit..must remind myself thu to activating AG5 to level gun before firing. And nice additional function you can move turret manually adjust a bit even when auto aim is on. BTW what are those ammo on Air to Air are those flak? And is there a way to make autoaim detect vehicles behind you?

  • sarco ai 3.6 years ago

    Wow Its moves like a kaprosuchus! Maybe change name to it. Overall even this in beta preview i think its awesome already. Btw heres link.
    >>>Kapro link<<<
    Hoping you can implement this DEATHROLL>>deathrollLink<<

  • What dinosaur walker should i build next? 3.6 years ago

    Hmm probably this...
    Type Aquatic
    Sarcosuchus is an extinct genus of crocodyliform. The dino eating crocodile
    With special move
    ∆. Wide gape ..mouth open wide like wildcrocs do
    ∆. BITE ..clamphard.. possible addition of hmm some teeth..line of cannons with normal ammo & no sound no flash& short projectilelifespan so it can damage stuff it bites at will.
    ∆. DEATHROLL after a bite you can activate a highspeedRotator to roll the whole body and with it what it bites.

    Oh and can swim swim even perhaps possiblysubmerge itself a partially like crocs do

    Heck you can do crazy big a make it even bigger to bite the USS tiny and do a DEATHROLL

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    On resizable wheels add wheel hub types option

    A plain visual addition. On resizable wheel menu...Add new options for wheel hub types and color trim to each.
    ∆."default type" .what we have now
    ∆. "Motor cycle spoked wheel type" for motorcycles
    ∆. "Beadlock type rim" for offroad tires with color bead trim option
    ∆. "Sport type rims" just a generic street hub rim
    ∆. "White side wall type" like on the classic cars
    Possibly even make wheelhub size editable

  • Ad: Suspension 3.6 years ago

    Is it possible you can publish that suspension test course of yours for others to test their vehicles on? Btw adding a 40°/50°/60° 70°slope incline test will be great as well

  • hoverCraft v3 (FunkyTrees) 3.6 years ago

    I love this man ..thumbs up

  • 5 inch rifle “Kroger Katcher” 3.6 years ago

    Oh this is nice..thumbs up

  • Energy shield vs missiles 3.6 years ago

    Nice VTOL.. fuction looks very smooth on vertical and horizontal transition manuever..if you have not published it yet do tag me in case you did. If its out already can you link it here on this post.

  • How to store and utilize memory in Funky Trees 3.6 years ago

    Can you link that craft from the picture as unlisted in here?..would like to study codes with my puny mind.

  • Simple buggy type-1 3.6 years ago

    Nice a single shock on frontsuspension..seen an RC car like that then.. forgot the name.

  • Radar Jammer mod here? 3.6 years ago

    Try this craft to avoid missiles by using pitch when missile is near and get closer to entrancce>>>tic tac ufo<<<

  • Radar Jammer mod here? 3.6 years ago

    Is this for ICEbase on snowstone?
    Seen nothing like that thu on radar jammer..some method ive seen to kill the base and land inside
    ∆. Very Small Manueverable aircraft and enough countermeasures and ur piloting skill to avoid and land inside intact.
    ∆. Or use lotta guns ..i mean a LOTTA guns on aircraft to destroy any missiles that comes near and land.
    ∆. Use a super accurate long range cannon. seen some crafts here that can destroy icebase defense with one shot from wright default runway spawn...problem is u still need to get there and land on icebase to unlock it. Maybe u can add a plane oncraft to go there.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Update the full list XMLproperties cheatlist its still 2017 i believe And also some example value for the properties to test.


  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    A small tweak for input controller regarding zeroOnDeactivate

    This is an old gripe of mine for use on turrets,returning to last input automatically when you reactivate the Activationgroup.
    When you have AG1 as activationgroup on rotator and u use zeroOnDeactivate to true and set AG1 on and move turret 45 °(great)..then deactivate AG1 then turret returns to zero neutral position (perfect good for locking turret).but when you reactivate AG1 it turret returns automaticcally to 45° with no user input. (No bueno Grrr)
    PLS make hoping it can deactivated/enable(as default)if one uses thisfunction. hated that behavior..that "last position memory" ..should stay neutral zero position when reactivated until user input.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    @scratch yep something like that and like the access "movelist" from a fighting game. In some degree game already have description like when you select a sub assembly. a tab pops with description. That info can be added with the aircraft when submitted made by the builder.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    controls/ActivationGroups and function details show up on selection on loading craft in game menu

    Some craft can have complex controls..it be handy to have a copy of the control setup from the craft maker included when you download craft and make it show when you select said craft before loading on a map.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Add a better dummy for craft scaling and size reference

    Averange Human sizeDummy we can adjust seating position like driving/pilot-motorcycle position and plain standing position so we can see the scale of our crafts when you put one beside it.to have a standard overall referrence size of crafts if one so choose

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Add new Square modern paraglidingchute part

    for para gliding with pitch and roll controls maybe fun on VR

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Toggle Spring and shockabsorber stiffness

    Maybe be handy on crafts especially on vehicles suspension.
    Add ActivationGroups on Shock and springs so we can just do funkytree bolean true= soften/ False= stiff on its values or something like that

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Option Toggle to Stiffen floppy Rotator complely remove movement range

    Toggle Via ActivationGroup// example toggle floppy ragdoll to a controllable dummy and vice versa

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Add flex on floppy jointrotator /Heim joint - Rod ball-ends

    A Separate part

    or add options on floppy hingerotator for
    FLEXrange3 axis that overrides the default range.
    Separate Slider option 0-360° flexrange for X (side to side),Y (up-down),Z (parrarel axis rotation).

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Play customized background music in-game

    Have a dedicated folder on SP for own background music tracks to listen to in game instead of SPs BG music on editmode and map

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Multiple Cockpit

    Able user to switch toggle to any extra cockpit you have on craft.
    Since we dont have an avatar that can go out and in to another cockpit. Make it posible user to make any cockpit viewed as maincockpit.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    Edit Gun sound intensity option

    Pls make gattlinggun/machinegun sound editable ...like the cannons have ..too loud if you have multiple on craft RIP headphone users ears.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    More Resizable WHEELS options

    ∆. Add wheel engine source input separate that has its own Activationgroup option..so we can make differential via Funky trees.
    ∆. Add ability to adjust torque on each wheel via resizable wheel option or separate input for funky trees on MAXAngular velocity on each wheel.
    ∆. Separate BRAKE input option on each wheel so you can adjust via Funky trees if you want a handbrake

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    More CarEngine sounds

    Land vehicles dont get love-- were stuck on one car engine sound--be it a tank --motor cycle- offroad bouncer same engine sound,
    SOUND is a bigpart of the enjoyment.

    Make More Engine sounds be made on the car motor you provided that u can edit on engine option like choose type sound.

    ∆. high rev engine sound for motorcycles,hypercars or F1 cars
    ∆. Big Truck engine sound
    ∆. V6-big block V8 sound for off road vehicles

    On that add ability to shut engine sound completely ..like if you have multiple engines on craft.

  • Pack of Naval CIWS(Auto targeting) 3.6 years ago

    This is nice ..Can i use this ft codes on my build?

  • KW-100B (free to use) 3.6 years ago

    @MrGreen oh i see ..im used to 360 traverse rotation..anyways hope u add a gun sight if you update this

  • KW-100B (free to use) 3.6 years ago

    You have a gun site for this? Anyways I Have to change the traverse input to sum(Yaw*0.5) the traverse movement angle too short for my liking

  • torque test 3.6 years ago

    "Test mo sana sa hill na may slope na 60° kung makaka akyat"
    Needs 1000 hpengine and vtol to high to climb that slope angle thu results to unrealistic acceleration on flat terrain

    Wished SP has torque settings
    Current SP gives no love to land vehicles wished they added more functions/parts
    When you go for smooth acceleration one cant climb slopes 40-60 degrees ..most vehicles here have this issue ive noticed
    When raise wheel forward grip you can have issue with frontflipping when braking
    ..2 ways to psedu-torque
    Low max angular velocity on wheels and high engine power
    --------issue: your stuck at that specified speed
    Or high engine power and speed limit engine power via Funkytrees
    Issue:------- can be complicated
    Ive been stuck with these issue on my land crafts especially the unrealistic acceleration but they can climb 60° slopes with standard wheel forwardgrip settings

  • hoverCraft v2 3.6 years ago

    Wondering What causes it to jitter/ shake a bit ?..if thats eliminated this would be perfect for a hovering gunship/artilery platform.

  • How to make a sequential transmission 3.6 years ago

    Can you put a link here to a unlisted simple low part car that utilize this FT code to study?

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #4 3.6 years ago

    Hope you guys continue this series

  • New tag for custom-built, highly detailed cockpits 3.7 years ago

    How about a new tag as well
    ∆. "innovation" for newly player made techniques in building or
    unique new innovative features made by builders

    ∆. "Discoveries" found usefull unknown game features or
    ∆."WellTuned" something to do with craft handling and overall

  • New tag for custom-built, highly detailed cockpits 3.7 years ago

    Nice...hoping, even better if the update finally comes..includes cockpit part that has essentials intrumentation with it in one part

  • Rattlesnake Buggy Challenge 3.7 years ago

    @Kimfri will you guys make video on the MP event? Also a request can you guys give input on these 2 vehicles made last year..been workin on the update for both..like to know how these vehicles perform on rattlesnake and if the functions worked for that part of map

  • 2 billion points in gun training (not clickbait) 3.7 years ago

    Whoah did not know u can do that on debugger..can u put /share the debugger commands used here

  • T9A2 Red Hawk 3.7 years ago

    Ah this is the one u talked about..strange missle effect even on ground it just go to a target ..fire and forget missile.. nice

    Btw you should have set up a link to this on that forum post..awesome discovery

  • PidSattisfaction 3.7 years ago

    Nice ..ive been experimenting on PID ..i always fail to stop it while moving cuz im using simple airbrakes ..this may be the solution..ow plz do tag me when you release those usefull formula u mentioned..will like to learn more

  • Missiles set v1. 3.7 years ago

    This should be usefull when i finally create a decent flying plane..is it okay if i use this on my project? Ive no idea of missile xml properties

  • AUTO TURRET funky trees 3.7 years ago

    @Aweyer26 ow ..on your description you mentioned something about a lead predictor and this was 9 months ago..btw still a good turret

  • Mad sausage [Ver. 1.0] 3.7 years ago

    This is amazing work

  • AUTO TURRET funky trees 3.7 years ago

    Ow!! this great!! auto aim and firing turret..is there an update on this turret?

  • Aquila CR-1 Supercar (read description) 3.7 years ago

    Hehe maybe some will find a way to make a high pitch sound on max throttle with this ..we can only dream engine sounds like this one on >>>>link<<<<

  • (TUTORIAL) how to get professional in game screenshots for mobile 3.7 years ago

    Can you also make a toturial of making .gif from videos

  • A gif and 2 pics 3.7 years ago

    Dang 3000? ..Hope u can make a low part version as well just the engine and chassis suspension for testing..for the longest time im stuck on engine FT's variable speed especialy crawl mode on my project update it got some kind of torque but it intruduces some bugs...interested on how you achieved this automatic transmission with torque curve.
    ..hope the developers add someday
    •a better sounding car engine( idle, accelerate, decelerate)
    •Rodball ends part (heim joints) for multilink/ 4 link
    •differential part and ability to lock (front,rear center)
    ---if not above ability to change engine input on each wheel
    •handbrake (lock front only or lock a specific wheel) or park for slopes
    •fix strange wheel collision like on those runway edges
    •a simple map for crawling , topspeed test, dirt track, monster jam ramps, stadium truck circuit

  • Experimental Paratrooper 3.7 years ago

    @N7xRevival oh so nice to hear that you like it..upvote it then! ..hehe joking..comment/input for improvement i value more..ive been planning then to update this dummy and make it do a escape manuever inside on a ww2 plane..bailing out manuever what ever its called.. Cancelled for till motivation returns..currently experimenting on car and lost focus.

  • Experimental Paratrooper 3.7 years ago

    @N7xRevival on that..if u want to move it on air..resize and reattach the cockpit on its head to enable use of stamina cannon..also make it not disconnect on impact..on cannon disconnect the 2 cannons and reatttach it to the head hinge rotator so u can pitch up and down..and add a little bit of cannon recoil ..the gyro for turning in air needs work..the update on the dummy is delayed since pandemic..maybe idk be motivated again

  • Experimental Paratrooper 3.7 years ago

    @Thunderhawk btw the cannon on its neck is suppose to propel the dummy in air..in this u can re-add lotta ammo on it also u can recconect the cannon to the hinge the moves on pitch the neck if my memory serves me right..so u can go up/down on pitch+Hold staminacannon ..was not able to add that modification when submitted

  • Experimental Paratrooper 3.7 years ago

    !!!???? You mean this below
    Articulated quad rider link

    Ive put that (An2k) on end on crafts name so i can easily find my crafts on search on my collection

    IDK why u removed the launcher..seems only option is mid-air drop