1,257 An2k Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    On resizable wheels add wheel hub types option

    A plain visual addition. On resizable wheel menu...Add new options for wheel hub types and color trim to each.
    ∆."default type" .what we have now
    ∆. "Motor cycle spoked wheel type" for motorcycles
    ∆. "Beadlock type rim" for offroad tires with color bead trim option
    ∆. "Sport type rims" just a generic street hub rim
    ∆. "White side wall type" like on the classic cars
    Possibly even make wheelhub size editable

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    More CarEngine sounds

    Land vehicles dont get love-- were stuck on one car engine sound--be it a tank --motor cycle- offroad bouncer same engine sound,
    SOUND is a bigpart of the enjoyment.

    Make More Engine sounds be made on the car motor you provided that u can edit on engine option like choose type sound.

    ∆. high rev engine sound for motorcycles,hypercars or F1 cars
    ∆. Big Truck engine sound
    ∆. V6-big block V8 sound for off road vehicles

    On that add ability to shut engine sound completely ..like if you have multiple engines on craft.

  • FYI: A small update is being worked on 4.4 years ago

    Hoping some or all of these lol
    🔴without mods take screenshots and put them in a folder so you can edit it and retrieve when publish with the plane
    🔴make plane control YAW rudder work in air with no jerking back
    🔴glass or able to make any block transparent and choose its tint color
    🔴half circle fusalage with option to make it hollow
    🔴make brakes input on wheels edit-table like activate brakes wth ActionGroups
    🔴make camera zoom available
    🔴Part --->heim joints (ball rod ends) hinge that move up-down left-rght and roll side to side a bit
    🔴Make car engine turn any fusalage
    🔴make possible to edit engines sounds type
    🔴make fuel tanks have activation group to cut off fuel and engine idle sound completely

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Edit Gun sound intensity option

    Pls make gattlinggun/machinegun sound editable ...like the cannons have ..too loud if you have multiple on craft RIP headphone users ears.

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 3.4 years ago

    Ohhh PLS pls tell me that yoke and custom control preset is like a free spin balljoint.

  • Mobile friendly maps and mods??? 4.4 years ago

    maps these maps have low lag even on old devices and my favorites....also give support to the mobile mods makers and upvote... mobile mod makers were very few
    >>>link<< desert

    snow map snow circuit

    non trees version of newland with convoy

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    More Resizable WHEELS options

    ∆. Add wheel engine source input separate that has its own Activationgroup option..so we can make differential via Funky trees.
    ∆. Add ability to adjust torque on each wheel via resizable wheel option or separate input for funky trees on MAXAngular velocity on each wheel.
    ∆. Separate BRAKE input option on each wheel so you can adjust via Funky trees if you want a handbrake

  • FYI: A small update is being worked on 4.4 years ago

    Hoping more useful parts to get me interested again

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Multiple Cockpit

    Able user to switch toggle to any extra cockpit you have on craft.
    Since we dont have an avatar that can go out and in to another cockpit. Make it posible user to make any cockpit viewed as maincockpit.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Add new Square modern paraglidingchute part

    for para gliding with pitch and roll controls maybe fun on VR

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Add flex on floppy jointrotator /Heim joint - Rod ball-ends

    A Separate part

    or add options on floppy hingerotator for
    FLEXrange3 axis that overrides the default range.
    Separate Slider option 0-360° flexrange for X (side to side),Y (up-down),Z (parrarel axis rotation).

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    New Laser weapon or add properties to cannonProperties new Projectile style = Laser

    We lack "PewPew" weapon to fit spaceships/starcrafts. Can we have one? or modify an already existing part and make additional properties to cannnon.. on projectile style we already have sphere(cannonball) and slug(tankshell)..you can add projectile styleLaser..possibly with its unique starwar-ish sound. even better if we can choose laser sound type 1,2,3.. >>>similar-ish to these samples on this link<<<
    We can already make it explosive or normal via the cannon ammo type and edit explosion scalar. That Even make it possible to have that laser pointer by editing zero damage and no sound. Hmm lifetime of the laser projectile can also be based on how long the useweapons button is held and the laserbeam stream on a uninterupted line will follow the movement cannon turret like it should. On that the laser sound should also loop as long the button is held.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    controls/ActivationGroups and function details show up on selection on loading craft in game menu

    Some craft can have complex controls..it be handy to have a copy of the control setup from the craft maker included when you download craft and make it show when you select said craft before loading on a map.

  • Weapons Pack Part 2 World Ending Edition 3.3 years ago

    I assume all these are FREE to USE?

  • Custom screenshots on your SP post. 3.4 years ago

    Regrading craft description..Hoping you can also make a video on how to make that moving .gif to demo functions on decription of craft when submitting. Like the procedure ..what apps that can be used...and how to place it on description.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    New spaceship/starship ENGINE or new spaceship sounds to existing engine

    still on sounds ..since sound is a huge part of the experience. can we have space engine.
    you can add a new part or possibly modify sound on already existing engine to sound like a unique spaceship.
    >>>similar-ish to sounds on this link<<<

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Add a better dummy for craft scaling and size reference

    Averange Human sizeDummy we can adjust seating position like driving/pilot-motorcycle position and plain standing position so we can see the scale of our crafts when you put one beside it.to have a standard overall referrence size of crafts if one so choose

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Play customized background music in-game

    Have a dedicated folder on SP for own background music tracks to listen to in game instead of SPs BG music on editmode and map

  • Ad: Suspension 3.5 years ago

    Is it possible you can publish that suspension test course of yours for others to test their vehicles on? Btw adding a 40°/50°/60° 70°slope incline test will be great as well

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Update the full list XMLproperties cheatlist its still 2017 i believe And also some example value for the properties to test.


  • get vectored (vector) 4.4 years ago

    I am missing something? Its featured... must have some neat function that i missed or this is like that german corsair thingy????

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #1 4.6 years ago

    Love this! Hope they continue this but make it longer and would love it if also featured interesting new/latest/unique innovations on the crafts as well to inspire builders of new techniques and ideas ...and by these vids...builders would discover great crafts that were glossed-over in the oceans of new planes per week
    But in the otherhand Somehow Sadly left me (& others most likely) of a feeling you wont get a chance here.. if you dont have gazillions part counts..for the details you got no chance in hell to be featured

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 3.4 years ago

    If that custom setting can be made to be free-spin/floppy and individual rotation of each 3 axis can be limited it be perfect for complex suspensions with heim/ball joints like multilink and triangulated 4-link. Or Even make smooth working driveshaft.( thu its a shame we cant make a car engine rotate a fusalage).

    Im kinda glad I delayed working on update for my articulated dummy so i can use this for its floppy shoulder,neck & spine, hips and femur. And I can also see This part will make mecha builds easier with less parts.

    Ohhh if this part be also made to be both floppy and via funky tree ..activate to go back to default position and stiffen to lock position. .... it be even more awesome.

  • Energy shield vs missiles 3.5 years ago

    Nice VTOL.. fuction looks very smooth on vertical and horizontal transition manuever..if you have not published it yet do tag me in case you did. If its out already can you link it here on this post.

  • Radar Jammer mod here? 3.5 years ago

    Is this for ICEbase on snowstone?
    Seen nothing like that thu on radar jammer..some method ive seen to kill the base and land inside
    ∆. Very Small Manueverable aircraft and enough countermeasures and ur piloting skill to avoid and land inside intact.
    ∆. Or use lotta guns ..i mean a LOTTA guns on aircraft to destroy any missiles that comes near and land.
    ∆. Use a super accurate long range cannon. seen some crafts here that can destroy icebase defense with one shot from wright default runway spawn...problem is u still need to get there and land on icebase to unlock it. Maybe u can add a plane oncraft to go there.

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    @scratch yep something like that and like the access "movelist" from a fighting game. In some degree game already have description like when you select a sub assembly. a tab pops with description. That info can be added with the aircraft when submitted made by the builder.

  • New tag for custom-built, highly detailed cockpits 3.6 years ago

    How about a new tag as well
    ∆. "innovation" for newly player made techniques in building or
    unique new innovative features made by builders

    ∆. "Discoveries" found usefull unknown game features or
    ∆."WellTuned" something to do with craft handling and overall

  • ##(SOLVED!!!) NEED FT CODE for detecting if craft is moving Backwards even without an input## 4.7 years ago

    on debugger
    AngleOfSlip code moving backwards @ 1 kph = -179.99
    added ceil
    ceil(AngleOfSlip) and forward @ 1 kph= jumping from value of 0-1
    ceil(AngleOfSlip) and back @ 1 kph= jumping from -179 to 180
    ceil(AngleOfSlip) dead stop is all negative numbers

    watta Heck is AngleOfSlip a hidden variable hmm maybe ive have missed it somehow? BTW
    works for my needs THANK YOU ALL!!! you guys be credited when i publish my 1st submission

    you see im trying to use diagonal 4wheelsteering(on Yaw) hence the going backwards issue.. since forward is not a problem
    but going backwards lights will be incorrect therefore i should reverse it and needed a trigger code (going backwards) still having issue due to my lack of FT knowhow but the front andrear signal lights works

    (Front signal light wont lightupmwhen goin backwards.. only forward issue result not consistent but here it is)

    ceil(AngleOfSlip) > 0 ? clamp(Roll, 0, 1) : 0

    ceil(AngleOfSlip) > 0 ? clamp(Roll, -1, 0) : 0

    (On going backwards even the pitch input is released Rearlight will still lightup until stop (min(sign not needed but left it)
    rearRight normal
    AngleOfSlip <-179 | min(sign(Pitch),0) | clamp(Roll, 0, 1)

    rearLeft normal
    AngleOfSlip <-179 | min(sign(Pitch),0) | clamp(Roll, -1, 0)

    Still having issues getting that diagonal 4 wheel steering signal lights on backwards ..since all i can do for code is If else lol ..but still i have a trigger now for backwards TY

  • funky trees request - for turrets 4.8 years ago

    seen some still uses basic inputs on turrets maybe they can see this thread and slap this on

    for 360° turret traverse turning

    require for you to bring slider back to neutral to stop turning..not sure 0.5 is for but works.. [modification to the sum() code u guys provided below]
    sum(VTOL*0.5) or sum(Trim*0.5)
    below just release input to stop

    for turret elevation/depression up-down

    credit @Leehopardcode structure just change value of -1 how low and 1.5 how high


    for turret stabilization via rotator, most ive seen have long codes ..mindblown..myself can barely understand codes above..seems smooth & clamp are useful.wished I understand more.
    @BeryllCorp yeah but i think some may find a way to counter zeroOnDeactivate rotator memory via FT maybe on its ActivateGroup and hoping the DEVs fix selectedweapon on android and this. will save us effort putting up winches and magnets on turrets.

    Edit: how do yoummake text BLUE lol???nvnmd foundout.. u just put ##text## it must have its own line so after the last# press enter like this


  • Alt Technique for Glowing Glass OBSOLETE 3.4 years ago

    Ohh this is nice..probably some chould utilize this technique for making turnsignals.

  • What dinosaur walker should i build next? 3.5 years ago

    Hmm probably this...
    Type Aquatic
    Sarcosuchus is an extinct genus of crocodyliform. The dino eating crocodile
    With special move
    ∆. Wide gape ..mouth open wide like wildcrocs do
    ∆. BITE ..clamphard.. possible addition of hmm some teeth..line of cannons with normal ammo & no sound no flash& short projectilelifespan so it can damage stuff it bites at will.
    ∆. DEATHROLL after a bite you can activate a highspeedRotator to roll the whole body and with it what it bites.

    Oh and can swim swim even perhaps possiblysubmerge itself a partially like crocs do

    Heck you can do crazy big a make it even bigger to bite the USS tiny and do a DEATHROLL

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Toggle Spring and shockabsorber stiffness

    Maybe be handy on crafts especially on vehicles suspension.
    Add ActivationGroups on Shock and springs so we can just do funkytree bolean true= soften/ False= stiff on its values or something like that

  • Pack of Naval CIWS(Auto targeting) 3.5 years ago

    This is nice ..Can i use this ft codes on my build?

  • New tag for custom-built, highly detailed cockpits 3.6 years ago

    Nice...hoping, even better if the update finally comes..includes cockpit part that has essentials intrumentation with it in one part

  • Off-road motorcycle Test 4.0 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick ohh the sound? Was thinking more like these on >>>this link<<<

  • Off-road motorcycle Test 4.0 years ago

    This is great ..Got similar idea on that slope gyro but i got trouble on making the front forks suspension ..this is an awesome example...hoping SP devs will add a high rev bike sound on game

  • Simple UTV 4.0 years ago

    Great suspension as always ..this must be the inspiration for this
    Pic link

  • I just can’t seem to build anything anymore. 4.4 years ago

    Ohh no dang loss ...not another car/motorcycle builder..leaving ...that is far in between in the vast oceans of planes builds here

  • OR-04 4.4 years ago

    Nice.. rare to see an Ornithopter on SP..hmmm is this the first to use FunkyTrees for flapping? From ground Managed lift-off at 100plus kph im i doing something wrong?

  • Area88 4.4 years ago

    For those who have not seen the anime
    Area 88 >>>>full episode link canyon run<<<<

  • articulated Ragdoll ..parachute test AG1launch AG2chuteanddelaydeploy (An2k) 4.5 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover oh that...its unrelated I was hoping some will make those vehicles..with my current building skill still cant make those

  • FA-50 Eagle Philippines 4.5 years ago

    Ay!!! may noy-pi

  • Your planes suck. Here’s why... 4.6 years ago

    Meanwhile some wanted feedback or input for a build and they wont get any..most dont give a f

    For me Only constructive criticism I think matters

  • Turtleback (DD01) 4.6 years ago

    Dang 10k parts would love to try but cant

  • Wuhu Island 4.6 years ago

    Seems i cant run this map, all water...its fine on wake island everest area51and the other mounstains
    anyways looks like perfect for kart-cross map like these below
    Kart-Cross Rally

  • (Answered) Parachute delay 4.6 years ago

    Whats it for? If its for delay deployment check out link ..or maybe you want to auto release the already activated chute? idk still figuring out the latter
    Link on my ragdoll on a chute details on description

  • I'd like you guys to make me a big plane that has 1000 bombs tiny bombs please I have 3 bulids today 4.7 years ago

    For that...for a lazy builder like me I would just
    stick a cannon on any plane i have

    on cannons xml change

    projectileVelocity =1
    ammoCount = 1000
    firingDelay = -0
    flashScale = -0
    launchVolume = 0

    = 1000 Tiny bombs on a plane

  • Special Fonts/Text Features/Clickable Links 4.7 years ago

    Bold _
    Bold _
    _*1 bullet.

    *1 bullet.__

    Heading 1

    #Heading 1

    Heading 2

    ##Heading 2

    Heading 2

    ##Heading 2\

    Heading 3

    ###Heading 3

    Heading 4

    ####Heading 4

    Heading 5

    #####Heading 5

    test clickable link click here
    Nice link worked

    ![Test Image](https://www.simpleplanes.com/Content/img/logo.png "SimplePlanes")
    Ohhfff seems pictures dont work in comments testing

  • articulated Ragdoll ..parachute test AG1launch AG2chuteanddelaydeploy (An2k) 2.1 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming yeah pls do improve it..was planning to but not having the time nor the passion

  • funky trees request - for turrets 2.5 years ago

    @CaptFoxworth19 wow sorry for the late reply been on a hiatus
    On both questions yep saw some but sorry im rusty to FT codes surely theres more better samples espescially on new updates

    Btw I have here forgotten project u can play around with its shit but kinda okey tell me ur input on it >>>LinkOldTurretTest<<<
