@BeryllCorp can you test my dummy ? The elbows is set to 45° and set to floppy like most of the limbs .. AG1 to launch ragdoll and let it fall heres the link >>>>link<<<<
@BeryllCorp strange...hinge on the elbows on my dummy thu worked does not fold backward but thanks ill test it further..that project was built 2 months ago and must forgot some details i think..must be something else then if thats what you say
I have set Min -1 Max 0 rangeofmotion 45° floppy ( hinge on the elbows ) thats the setting I have on this articulated rider ragdoll dummy with parachutes as an example here the >>>>link<<<<
Its Elbow wont move back but will go forward towards its chest. To see them in action clearly.. Set the cockpit(His CAP)defaultcolition to none so the cockpit wont fly off ....i have set it to default so his cap the cockpit flyoff if the ragdoll hits the ground hard
maps these maps have low lag even on old devices and my favorites....also give support to the mobile mods makers and upvote... mobile mod makers were very few
canyone >>>link<< desert
Hmm some builders complain about getting comments/input....
...meanwhile others get barely or nothing at all even they ask first thing on the build description. ....when your new kinda hard to get feedback to improve upon or even know your doing it right or somethings wrong....surely life gets you what you dont want in abundance.
Wished i have this track..im on android and no access to mywar....will someone try my >>hammers buggy<< and >>my quad<< on this track and tell me how they performed?
Hmmm Seems getting GOLD or plat is not worth it cuz of the drama.....ive been here 6 months and most likely there are others builders like me begging to get comments or input on ones creation and still gets none or barely and glossed-over. Tried to build creations with unique functions and features still nobody gives a fuck on my builds. Perhaps I should not feel bad about my points or the attention or not getting comments/input if getting those will result to DRAMA shite..seems its better to stay bronzebut still it would be a shame if I did not try
@Aviatorsunglasses you succesfully loaded the map? U can used that test blimp of mine that ive shared to explore and find interesting areas on map to test your vehicles on..and make a spawnpoint
@Aviatorsunglasses 1st thing go to your DOWNLOADS folder in your device find kakhis canyone and copy it ...then go to ANDROIDS folder then----->DATA---->find com.jundroo simpleplanes----->FILES--->find MODS folder open and paste the copied file there
when you open simple planes...tap--->mod---> activate finetuner and overload if you havent already those come with the game....the tap activate kahis canyone map...after that instead of selecting play --- access map by selecting mod sandbox maps on selection when you load up your game..and choose canyone
hehe you must have forgot to put a hail mary GYRO for fliped belly-up or sidesup situations
BTW if still on android load this MAP has very chanlenging terrain if you follow the coast also some flatparts on top of the mountains has good test for offroad vehicles check it out link Kakhis canyone map
@Aviatorsunglasses on link the 4x4 ..should be enclosed by brackets [ ] as you have already but should be before the link
Like this
Ommit the nospace ive written So = blueTEXTlink below >>>>4x4<<<
..imma check that 4x4 now be back later for input on it
Nice tried to lift 3000 lbs...it can
Tried 50000lbs it cant ..but this is fine..wished it has some beeping heavy machinery moving hazard sound..that beep..beep ..beep
Kinda have that but not perfected yet
@Aviatorsunglasses it helpfull like you need helpwith a build so post on forum the link to the build you wanted help or share a youtbue vid like this I like to build this but its hard
@Aviatorsunglasses do [this is for the text forklift]
When no space with this bracket ](link
Equal to Link to forklift
Wow nice fuseInput parameter to cannons to set shell fuse on FT = with targeting equals proximity fuse kaboom
Wished they add an option parameter for rotator's ZeroOndeactive to not remember last position when you deactive returns to neutral position and keeps it there then when reactivated rotatorstays in place and wont return to last rotator position before reactivated..will be a great help for those free rotating turrets
@Aviatorsunglasses hmm they say you can only tag 3 people in 1 post..more than that you need to make another post..but be wary most dont want to get tagged randomly
To tag ..copy players name and add @ before name
Example @An2k
Here another to set a link for to a build or videofrom Utube [ link text ] and ( copied link )
[Example Link to my quad]
This result blue text link ..Together no spaces Example Link to my quad
Try to tag me on that build or reply and set up link to your build here
@Aviatorsunglasses i have still to build and submit a proper plane hehe ..that plane flies good so far but thats my newbie assestment on planes that i knew little about..thu the autopilot have a hard time controling it...reducing the control surfaces size length( longitude not width thus making it thin) would fix autopilot shaking
@Aviatorsunglasses im on android as well plus in an old device you should try setting it and to test your vehicle
open simpleplanes--->tap settings--->on [game quality] tap manual--->
(suggestion if your on an old device )
graphics to ---->low
airctraft reflections --->none
terrain ---->HIGH(effects terrain features like the mounds on wrightairport on low setting there gone)
predictor ---->off
physics ----> HIGH(effect if on low setting custom suspension acts differently so always set on high)
shadows ---->off
water ---->off
image effets ---->off
i will check out the other vehicle as well ..ohh do please also check my buggy and quad..comment if u find bugs/issue that i should take care of
test on buggy result
1 pass no turning(if turns or shakes either gyro or some rotator snags somewhere)
2 pass no rolling over
3 pass bottoming down sound heard
4 fail...veers to the right edge of runway after 9 seconds from start..tried 3 times same result..must be an uneven drag glitch very common issue...else mis alignment
5 fail (tricky to land) jumpzone skypark island ....with speed at 250 kph off the top ramp and let go of pitch when on air.. veers and corkscrews to the right and lands sideways rolling over
6 pass wright mountain climb having issue of front snagging at first ..can power tru to mountaintop.on going down not letting go of brakes ..suspension manage to held up till reaching ground
@Aviatorsunglasses ive also tried with the quad with rider
1 pass
2 barely pass (turn Roll) always on the verge of rolled over
3 30m straightdrop all wheel destroyed Fail
4 pass
5 barely pass landing needs to use airbrakes not it flipforward
6 fail...im surprized it can climb uphill ..hard to turn when elevated ..reached only halfway the mountain if only i can reach top i can parachute down
@Aviatorsunglasses thanks..still trying to improve that hammers buggy ...anyhow, did not like challenges..how about suspension TESTs? how about you test yours if
🔴1 load on flat ground..car should not turn by itself.
🔴2 have a speed at 150kph turn at the maximum..car should not roll-over.
🔴3 drop car 30m straight down..survive..better with no damage..no bindinglockup.
🔴4 default load on wright airport ...goal is from defaultstartlocation on wrightAirport reach the end of the runway with no veering-off the runwayside edges ...at full speed only MAXpitchup on start no other input like roll or yaw.
🔴5 at default JumpZone startup...clear the ramp and land on the opposite ramp with no damage.
🔴6 from wright airport default startup.. climb the top of the mountain near the airport and go back down to the starting point.
Nice.. rare to see an Ornithopter on SP..hmmm is this the first to use FunkyTrees for flapping? From ground Managed lift-off at 100plus kph im i doing something wrong?
@Aviatorsunglasses my body work skills is next to non-existant. Ive tend/try to concenrate on functions and a bit on innovations. You can check my builds for the noobish level of bodywork ive muster >>>>clicky link builds profile<<<<
@Aviatorsunglasses both independent suspensions front(double A arms) and rear(trailing arms) worked good and being low part count is a plus to me...thu when driving along with the convoy or its next to the houses in bandit airport ..car's a bit on the huge side..but thats a minor thing ..just my preference.. i re-scaled it on my save.
@BeryllCorp they dont move as intended when still attached to the quad..thu if you launch it it a floppy ragdoll
@BeryllCorp can you test my dummy ? The elbows is set to 45° and set to floppy like most of the limbs .. AG1 to launch ragdoll and let it fall heres the link >>>>link<<<<
@BeryllCorp strange...hinge on the elbows on my dummy thu worked does not fold backward but thanks ill test it further..that project was built 2 months ago and must forgot some details i think..must be something else then if thats what you say
I have set Min -1 Max 0 rangeofmotion 45° floppy (
hinge on the elbows
) thats the setting I have on this articulated rider ragdoll dummy with parachutes as an example here the >>>>link<<<<Its Elbow wont move back but will go forward towards its chest. To see them in action clearly..
Set the cockpit(His CAP)defaultcolition
so the cockpit wont fly off ....i have set it to default so his cap the cockpit flyoff if the ragdoll hits the ground hardmaps
these maps have low lag even on old devices and my favorites....also give support to the mobile mods makers and upvote...mobile mod makers were very few
>>>link<< desert
snow map snow circuit
non trees version of newland with convoy
I dont understand why would someone make a successor to a build and not upvote the original..have to go to 3 builds and none of them upoted this
Ohh no dang loss ...not another car/motorcycle builder..leaving ...that is far in between in the vast oceans of planes builds here
+2Hmm some builders complain about getting comments/input....
othersget barely or nothing at all
even they ask first thing on the build description. ....when your new kinda hard to get feedback to improve upon or even know your doing it right or somethings wrong....surely life gets you what you dont want in abundance.
Wished i have this track..im on android and no access to mywar....will someone try my >>hammers buggy<< and >>my quad<< on this track and tell me how they performed?
@XP thanks...but i have no idea how to get that thu
+1Seems getting GOLD or plat is not worth it
cuz of thedrama
.....ive been here 6 months and most likely there are others builders like me begging to get comments or input on ones creation and still gets none or barely and glossed-over. Tried to build creations with unique functions and features still nobody gives a fuck on my builds. Perhaps I should not feel bad about my points or the attention or not getting comments/input if getting those will result to DRAMA shite..seems its better to stay bronze
but still it would be a shame if I did not try@Aviatorsunglasses you succesfully loaded the map? U can used that test blimp of mine that ive shared to explore and find interesting areas on map to test your vehicles on..and make a spawnpoint
@Aviatorsunglasses 1st thing go to your DOWNLOADS folder in your device find kakhis canyone and copy it ...then go to ANDROIDS folder then----->DATA---->find com.jundroo simpleplanes----->FILES--->find
folder open and paste the copied file therewhen you open simple planes...tap--->mod---> activate
if you havent already those come with the game....the tap activate kahis canyone map...after that instead of selecting play --- access map by selectingmod sandbox maps
on selection when you load up your game..and choose canyonehehe you must have forgot to put a hail mary GYRO for fliped belly-up or sidesup situations
BTW if still on android load this MAP has very chanlenging terrain if you follow the coast also some flatparts on top of the mountains has good test for offroad vehicles check it out link
Kakhis canyone map
@Aviatorsunglasses the 4x4 should be before the ( link ) with no space
@Aviatorsunglasses on link the 4x4 ..should be enclosed by brackets [ ] as you have already but should be before the link
Like this
Ommit the nospace ive written So = blueTEXTlink below
..imma check that 4x4 now be back later for input on it
@Aviatorsunglasses my quad and hammers buggy have horn kinda both on AG3..using winches...not a true horn but kinda
Nice.. wished the cockpit view not shakes as much ..but thats expected
Nice tried to lift 3000 lbs...it can
Tried 50000lbs it cant ..but this is fine..wished it has some beeping heavy machinery moving hazard sound..that beep..beep ..beep
Kinda have that but not perfected yet
@Aviatorsunglasses im eating now..ill give input on forklift and that 4x4 later
Gratz your bronze now and can upvote builds you like
That trike build is hard....hard to get balance more harder than making normal planes
@Aviatorsunglasses i do not do u tube sorry
Heheh this is correct thu you linked it back here...i think you get it already imma visit ur page then
@Aviatorsunglasses it helpfull like you need helpwith a build so post on forum the link to the build you wanted help or share a youtbue vid like this I like to build this but its hard
@Aviatorsunglasses nah this link stuff will help!you later on
@Aviatorsunglasses do [this is for the text forklift]
no space
with this bracket ](linkEqual to
Link to forklift
@Aviatorsunglasses hehehe try again.... Theres a difference with [ ] and ( ).....use [ ] for the text and ( ) for the actual link to your build
@Aviatorsunglasses tagging is success ....text link enclose with [ ] the link should be enclosed with ( )
I am missing something? Its featured... must have some neat function that i missed or this is like that german corsair thingy????
+4@Aviatorsunglasses do the [ text ] and enclose link with ( )
@Aviatorsunglasses hehe link fail no blue text
Wow nice
fuseInput parameter to cannons
to set shell fuse on FT = with targeting equalsproximity fuse kaboom
Wished they add an option parameter for rotator's
+1ZeroOndeactive to not remember last position
when you deactive returns to neutral position and keeps it there then when reactivated rotatorstays in place
and wont return to last rotator position before reactivated..will be a great help for those free rotating turrets@Aviatorsunglasses hmm they say you can only tag 3 people in 1 post..more than that you need to make another post..but
be wary most dont want to get tagged randomly
To tag ..copy players name and add @ before name
Example @An2k
Here another to set a link for to a build or videofrom Utube [ link text ] and ( copied link )
[Example Link to my quad]
This result blue text link ..Together no spaces
Example Link to my quad
Try to tag me on that build or reply and set up link to your build here
Night witches
+1@Aviatorsunglasses Tag me if you publish...i knew nothing bout forklifts thu
Ohh noo seems King of the hammers johnson valley was taken out of under review must have been rejected?
• the location johnson valley and event video
@Aviatorsunglasses i have still to build and submit a proper plane hehe ..that plane flies good so far but thats my newbie assestment on planes that i knew little about..thu the autopilot have a hard time controling it...reducing the control surfaces size length( longitude not width thus making it thin) would fix autopilot shaking
@Aviatorsunglasses you tried the build that ive shared?
@Aviatorsunglasses want to share a very early build need input and suggestion on this
@Aviatorsunglasses thatbtest was your buggy as requested..havent tried your truck yet..your plane was fast
@Aviatorsunglasses im on android as well plus in an old device you should try setting it and to test your vehicle
open simpleplanes--->tap settings--->on [game quality] tap manual--->
(suggestion if your on an old device )
graphics to ---->low
airctraft reflections --->none
terrain ---->HIGH(effects terrain features like the mounds on wrightairport on low setting there gone)
predictor ---->off
physics ----> HIGH(effect if on low setting custom suspension acts differently so always set on high)
shadows ---->off
water ---->off
image effets ---->off
i will check out the other vehicle as well ..ohh
do please also check my buggy and quad
..comment if ufind bugs/issue
that i should take care oftest on buggy result
1 pass no turning(if turns or shakes either gyro or some rotator snags somewhere)
2 pass no rolling over
3 pass bottoming down sound heard
4 fail...veers to the right edge of runway after 9 seconds from start..tried 3 times same result..must be an uneven drag glitch very common issue...else mis alignment
5 fail (tricky to land) jumpzone skypark island ....with speed at 250 kph off the top ramp and let go of pitch when on air.. veers and corkscrews to the right and lands sideways rolling over
6 pass wright mountain climb having issue of front snagging at first ..can power tru to mountaintop.on going down not letting go of brakes ..suspension manage to held up till reaching ground
@Aviatorsunglasses ive also tried with the quad with rider
1 pass
2 barely pass (turn Roll) always on the verge of rolled over
3 30m straightdrop all wheel destroyed Fail
4 pass
5 barely pass landing needs to use airbrakes not it flipforward
6 fail...im surprized it can climb uphill ..hard to turn when elevated ..reached only halfway the mountain if only i can reach top i can parachute down
@Aviatorsunglasses yep test at setting on HIGh physics ..use GYRO only when fliped..done 1-5 ..6 is hard..2 attempt roll down the mountainside = ded
@Aviatorsunglasses thanks..still trying to improve that hammers buggy ...anyhow, did not like challenges..how about suspension TESTs? how about you test yours if
🔴1 load on flat ground..car should not turn by itself.
🔴2 have a speed at 150kph turn at the maximum..car should not roll-over.
🔴3 drop car 30m straight down..survive..better with no damage..no bindinglockup.
🔴4 default load on wright airport ...goal is from defaultstartlocation on wrightAirport reach the end of the runway with no veering-off the runwayside edges ...at full speed only MAXpitchup on start no other input like roll or yaw.
🔴5 at default JumpZone startup...clear the ramp and land on the opposite ramp with no damage.
🔴6 from wright airport default startup.. climb the top of the mountain near the airport and go back down to the starting point.
Nice.. rare to see an Ornithopter on SP..hmmm is this the first to use FunkyTrees for flapping? From ground Managed lift-off at 100plus kph im i doing something wrong?
+2@Aviatorsunglasses my body work skills is next to non-existant. Ive tend/try to concenrate on functions and a bit on innovations. You can check my builds for the noobish level of bodywork ive muster >>>>clicky link builds profile<<<<
@Aviatorsunglasses both independent suspensions front(double A arms) and rear(trailing arms) worked good and being low part count is a plus to me...thu when driving along with the convoy or its next to the houses in bandit airport ..car's a bit on the huge side..but thats a minor thing ..just my preference.. i re-scaled it on my save.
This is nice ..thu ive de-scaled it a bit to be smaller than the convoy truck
For those who have not seen the anime
+2Area 88 >>>>full episode link canyon run<<<<