3,248 Arsenia
Player Biography
Arsenia, officially the Empire of Arsenia is a country in southern Europa. Located off the coast of the continent seperated by the Ruena Channel. The nation still has a large amount of colonies and overseas territories all across the globe in every continent. The nation has a combined total area of 765 square km. The nation is primarily centered around the island of Arsterusea located south frankia and east of estaniol. As of 2024 it has a total population of 182 million people. It's capital city is Horsteinne a large metropolitan city of 21 million inhabitants and is one of the largest in Europa. The nation's armed forces is one of the most powerful in the world. It has the largest navy in the world and a very large and capable industrial sector. Arsenia is ruled like a dictatorship with the monarch having unchecked power. The people live under the watchful eye of the secret police, monitoring their movement and speech for possible anti monarchy groups. The people of of the nation originated from every race but is primarily dominated by humans. Their culture is built around cooperation and loyalty. The nation has one of the largest reserve of Kyrium, a very power gem stone capable of storing large amount of mana to be used later.