@ChiChiWerx It is called Imgur. if you wanna post it here. then right click on the photo which you uploaded or alternatively hold on it. copy its link or alternatively open it a new-tab and then copy its link. after that enter this format !-[]-() remove dashes. put space between [ and ] and put the link between ( and ) :D you sir. are a legend!
@Gestour dude where is the Bofors 57mm Mod? I'm unable to re-download my tank (500 parts+) because i don't have it :( please gestour if you can provide a download link that would make me very happy
Yeah. I'm NOT going to try that out. I already have so many bothering issues on my end. Having my account blocked by myself would be such a face palm. But.. To be honest. This block a person thing makes me feel like the community is suddenly hostile. More aggressive... And that I'll be blocked because someone literally wouldnt want me to say "k" the world we live in...
I suggest using fuselages. no small propellers. and always jets! something unique. and never the default paint design. it wont appeal to people who see your jet at first. and zoom into the screenshots so people get a better look at your jet. all this and you will probably propel really high into the score boards! :D
This is a pretty good original idea.
+4Dude... Don't tell me you're lost in the woods ;-;
+3bin olur bin dirilez, sexy copter
+2My god that doesn't look like SP at all
+2@oDDDynamics it's fine. I just took a few with the HUD. I mean. I guess they look good. But thanks for telling I'll definitely do it next time :)
+2@ChiChiWerx It is called Imgur. if you wanna post it here. then right click on the photo which you uploaded or alternatively hold on it. copy its link or alternatively open it a new-tab and then copy its link. after that enter this format !-[]-() remove dashes. put space between [ and ] and put the link between ( and ) :D you sir. are a legend!
+2As always, Amazing work, Pilot.
+1@Beefy yeah it was long afff
+1@FlipposMC RIP
+1Sexy Iranian seal
+1Welcome back S T.A R!
+1Well written piece!
+1@Gestour thank you!
+1@Gestour dude where is the Bofors 57mm Mod? I'm unable to re-download my tank (500 parts+) because i don't have it :( please gestour if you can provide a download link that would make me very happy
+1Can I make a variant of this?? I'll credit you 100%!
+1@destroyerP one of our posts reached 2000+ comments;
+1Amazing work!
+1The crew would starve to death in the first week and it's engine would eventually die out and the oil would crust, this, is the sad reality.
+1Points stay if you delete posts.
+1Also that Steel Blue colour is always there, it's so weird because it is impossible to make it on the colour slider.
+1@Destroyerz117 And then use my easily penetrable superstructure to power this incredible weapon of mass destruction!
+1Yeah, but only if the sound is high quality and not recorded with a potato.
+1Use overload and then change the value from -1 to 0, or from 1 to 0, it depends on which side anyways.
+1@SmolTanker anytime :P
+1Much BOOTIFUL! 😃
+1I'm voting for trump! Let's make America great again!
+1┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Yuri From MW3. He is pretty damn cool to be honest. Yuri, Price, Soap, Master Chief, Scorpion, hmmm idk about others
+1Thank god I never copied creations! I just evade the successor system. everything went better than expected
+1Yeah. I'm NOT going to try that out. I already have so many bothering issues on my end. Having my account blocked by myself would be such a face palm. But.. To be honest. This block a person thing makes me feel like the community is suddenly hostile. More aggressive... And that I'll be blocked because someone literally wouldnt want me to say "k" the world we live in...
+1Nice Creation!!
+1so you landed on USS Beast and then got it?@arcues
+1I suggest using fuselages. no small propellers. and always jets! something unique. and never the default paint design. it wont appeal to people who see your jet at first. and zoom into the screenshots so people get a better look at your jet. all this and you will probably propel really high into the score boards! :D
+1This is fantastic!
welcome back bro o7
@exosuit inshallah
@exosuit Good idea
@Gestour 😂😂😂
@Nirvash LMFAO
@Inuyasha8215 Ask @Gestour
Looks good bro
ok staffel uwu
Hey can I edit this?
I'll credit you
@Verdnan my apologies, I did not know!
Ok based