@DankDorito hey this is pretty damn nice, Dorito, why can't you come back. :/ Sayyed and Azrael miss you alot.
Here copy and paste this Imgur link, it's a screenshot of Azrael saying he's the one who arrested Theo. https://i.imgur.com/XPsiEt9_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
As always, Amazing work, Pilot.
+1This is fantastic!
welcome back bro o7
@exosuit inshallah
@exosuit Good idea
@Gestour 😂😂😂
@Beefy yeah it was long afff
+1@Nirvash LMFAO
@FlipposMC RIP
+1@Inuyasha8215 Ask @Gestour
Looks good bro
ok staffel uwu
Hey can I edit this?
I'll credit you
@Verdnan my apologies, I did not know!
Ok based
Taki, wanna work on an SUV of mine? I want you to do some touch ups. That's all, shouldn't take 30 minutes.
God bless Paternia.
bin olur bin dirilez, sexy copter
+2@DankDorito yessssssssssssss
@DankDorito there's actually a 10th gen in r&d but it can't get past that, no motivation
@Matt2134312 I wish I knew.
Damn this is sexy
@DankDorito kommen discord
@DankDorito asking the real questions
This is a pretty good original idea.
+4@Noahater5245 that's cuz it is ahahha
Sexy Iranian seal
+1Coming to discord when
Fun to fly!
@DankDorito remember Paul Lefebvre? He owned IslamCord? He now owns Pax Islamica, he said he misses you.
Zero also says hi to you.
We'd really like you to come back
Welcome back S T.A R!
+1@DankDorito d i s c o r d w h e n
Dorito m'boi, you got Snapchat? Instagram?
Mashallaaaahhh!! Very nice :D
Dorito, you really need to join back Discord man.
We really miss you, just join either rafed or the successor server to IslamCord where I'm an Administrator
@Pilotmario Priceless explanation on fundamentalism.
nah it's been pretty slow tbb
this can power my lawnmower, thank you very much Mr.NirvashTec
This is decent.
@Supermini555 nice job bro
@DankDorito YES
@DankDorito hey this is pretty damn nice, Dorito, why can't you come back. :/ Sayyed and Azrael miss you alot.
Here copy and paste this Imgur link, it's a screenshot of Azrael saying he's the one who arrested Theo. https://i.imgur.com/XPsiEt9_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
@Squirrel hey, that's pretty good!
@BaconAircraft looool
@DankDorito I have and it's darn nice uwu
https://discord.gg/bu3tb9K @TimeTraveler
@DankDorito also thayudur is like a thing of the past kek