6,915 Axhliay Comments

  • The most relatable SP .gif you've ever seen 3.2 years ago

    Accidentally rotate:

    17 connections made

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    Half and quarter hollow fuselage.

  • Riveting! 6 months ago

    @126 They're identification marks for the aluminium.

  • L-1011 TriStar (Need some help!) 5.0 years ago

    Your wing attach points are too far back on the wings

  • RNZAF Boeing 727-100 QC 5.2 years ago

    @ChisP There are 4 shocks in the struts, if you land to hard the shocks explode causing the rest of the plane to exlplode too. I have tried to fix it, but I gave up. Changing settings hasnt amounted to much

  • Flaps??? 9.5 years ago

    I just use rotators hidden inside the fuselage. Only thing that you have to take into account is that the surface that you want and the rotator have to be connected before you position them otherwise I've found that they rotate really weirdly. A couple of my planes have this if you want to take them apart to see how I've done it.

  • RNZAF-Boeing-727-100-QC 4.8 years ago

    @Alimedani Rudder is locked out below 100ish knots
    Spoilers are locked out below 30 ish knots, and are blocked from roll with flaps down
    Engines should always be on? But the input is throttle squared, so high % input= high % output.

  • RNZAF-Boeing-727-100-QC 4.8 years ago

    @Alimedani What do you mean by that? What are you trying to do ?

  • RNZAF-Boeing-727-100-QC 4.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 Irl it's to stop excessive wing twist at high speeds. I did my best to repeat systems that the real plane would have. Except airstairs....

  • RNZAF-Boeing-727-100-QC 4.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 In a 727 they are locked with flaps up, when you apply flaps it locks flight spoilers and allows outboard ailerons

  • RNZAF Boeing 727-100 QC 5.2 years ago

    @Mustang51 The only reason that the flaps are trim was because VTOL was originally something else. After the recent update and funky trees I was able to encorporate that system into others, but just didnt change over the input. Its not hard to do, Ive just gotten used to using it as trim.

  • How do I mirror non default landing gear (landing gear someone else made) without only one working 8.5 years ago

    If you still can't get it to work, upload it and I'll fix it for you

  • How do I mirror non default landing gear (landing gear someone else made) without only one working 8.5 years ago

    When you mirror something that has rotators in it, the mirrored one creates new connections that arent there in the original.Find and delete them and you're good to go.

  • XML 8.5 years ago

    Any type of Notepad can be an editor, the designs are made up of execeutable written code, and all we do by XML editing is change what is written.

  • Update v1.5.3 8.5 years ago

    None of the mods here are working for me. The game itself won't pick up that they're there even though theyre in the right folder so the "Mods" menu option doesn't appear.

  • Steam Beta 9.0 years ago

    Just as a side thought, can we have a round option for fuselages that make it stay circular above 2.5x2.5?

  • Can someone please make the UNSC FORWARD UNTO DAWN. 9.0 years ago


  • Spirit of Australia 9.5 years ago

    First positioned the surface where I wanted it, and copied the coodinates, I then rotated the rotator to the angle that I wanted it, then attached the surface, then rotated that to the same angle. Since theyre attached, you can move the surface to the location you copied before, and hide the rotator in the fuselage and get it to function like that @Cjredwards

  • Spirit of Australia 9.5 years ago

    Everythings gotta have a catchy title doesn't it? Also, this should explain it
