Mark my words: On the day of the release, there will be a bug that'll become a feature, and it will be loved by the community
Mobile friendly ship?! Satisfactory
Would not it be really funny (as a joke) to drive full speed into the leading car (as a joke) in the fully ai version of the presidential motorcade, and then blow up (as a joke)
Man, i sure do hope that there is no controversy in comment section of this modification!
Grills fortnite
And now, we wait until the comments get blocked
WAAAHHHH WAHHH I want a mobile version NOW waaahhh wahhh - some guy in this comment section
AI drifts better than me XD
Cool ships that can run on lower end devices
These fuel tanks look like cheese...
Man! I sure do hope its not a scam!
Yall, i think this is an MBT
Guys, i think we might be able to use it for free
Hm, indeed, it is a bomb
What is the purpose of this thingamajig?
Cerveza cristal
I recommend using a hinge rotator and the input set to "fireWeapons", its not the best solution, but it worked for me :p
Seen ya in reddit, nice work pal
The nuclear warheads has been launched on wright archipelago. There is no escape. We are all doomed.
@Majakalona because it is
Why not boom
Metal gear
A metal gear (not something out of metal gear solid, just a metal gear)
@Monarchii sweet dreams are made of cheese
F-104's cousin
20 KILOMETERS?! im not a mathematician, but i think thats a lot
@YarisSedan its my only good build :p
Despite having no idea wtf warhammer is, i think it looks like something from warhammer
Do you play simpleplanes?
@FomahaultCoredemshau nah, 69,420 ton cube, ultrafunny
What does the fox say tho?
That feeling when you are in a videogame about making simple (sometimes complex) planes (sometimes not even planes), but you're just a chill guy:
A sport in which you throw a ball¹ in a line, whoever throws it straightest and farthest wins
¹ - a bouncy sphere, usually has air in it
Say the line, peajak!
Thats cool ngl
@BoringUser every single one of them, including DLCs from gearbox
Uhm, sir, this is simpleplanes forum
Thats really cool, keep up the nice work
This is no longer gonna be simple planes, so they will probably rename it into something like "juno: world at war", or something like this
@Mk1Els thank you so much, pal
@DrPanda oh, but still, that's one of the best flight performances I've seen
This plane has best maneuverability that i ever seen
Very cool👍
real ghost of Kyiv
*rest in piss
Mark my words:
+11On the day of the release, there will be a bug that'll become a feature, and it will be loved by the community
Mobile friendly ship?!
Would not it be really funny (as a joke) to drive full speed into the leading car (as a joke) in the fully ai version of the presidential motorcade, and then blow up (as a joke)
+3Man, i sure do hope that there is no controversy in comment section of this modification!
+3Grills fortnite
+3And now, we wait until the comments get blocked
+2WAAAHHHH WAHHH I want a mobile version NOW waaahhh wahhh - some guy in this comment section
+2AI drifts better than me XD
+2Cool ships that can run on lower end devices
+1These fuel tanks look like cheese...
+1Man! I sure do hope its not a scam!
+1Yall, i think this is an MBT
+1Guys, i think we might be able to use it for free
+1Hm, indeed, it is a bomb
+1What is the purpose of this thingamajig?
+1Cerveza cristal
+1I recommend using a hinge rotator and the input set to "fireWeapons", its not the best solution, but it worked for me :p
+1Seen ya in reddit, nice work pal
+1The nuclear warheads has been launched on wright archipelago. There is no escape. We are all doomed.
+1@Majakalona because it is
+1Why not boom
+1Metal gear
A metal gear (not something out of metal gear solid, just a metal gear)
@Monarchii sweet dreams are made of cheese
F-104's cousin
im not a mathematician, but i think thats a lot
@YarisSedan its my only good build :p
Despite having no idea wtf warhammer is, i think it looks like something from warhammer
Do you play simpleplanes?
@FomahaultCoredemshau nah, 69,420 ton cube, ultrafunny
What does the fox say tho?
That feeling when you are in a videogame about making simple (sometimes complex) planes (sometimes not even planes), but you're just a chill guy:
A sport in which you throw a ball¹ in a line, whoever throws it straightest and farthest wins
¹ - a bouncy sphere, usually has air in it
Say the line, peajak!
Thats cool ngl
@BoringUser every single one of them, including DLCs from gearbox
Uhm, sir, this is simpleplanes forum
Thats really cool, keep up the nice work
This is no longer gonna be simple planes, so they will probably rename it into something like "juno: world at war", or something like this
@Mk1Els thank you so much, pal
@DrPanda oh, but still, that's one of the best flight performances I've seen
This plane has best maneuverability that i ever seen
Very cool👍
real ghost of Kyiv
*rest in piss