48.9k Baldovino Comments

  • Our games are now free for education 5.9 years ago

    jundroo's guys are always at the top notch. :) I'm proud to be a player.

  • New Beta - v1.10.103 4.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Can we have a version of "hollow fuselage" with only 3 side? Opened on the 4th, to create cockpits easily

  • Lunar Arc 6.8 years ago

    Thanks to all and thanks to @AndrewGarrison for the time he reserved for us in his sunday.

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    I'm using the usual collection of glitches... and sadly I must say that tournaments are dead, unless rotators, airbrakes and piston will be banned from the future ones. Otherwise no hope to see again some non glitched creation.

  • Eagle Pass 6.6 years ago

    @Chancey21 @Awsomur @BadPilot27 download "tournament validator" mod, is pretty usefull. With a single click and in one second it check the plane and says if is legit or not.

  • Engine Expansion Pack 6.8 years ago

    Just published my first plane using this mod. A Spitfire with merlin, and it's awesome. Thanks for relasing this.

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    This game is evolving better and better. Maybe is no longer so "simple" but you devs are doing a GREAT work.

    Please, plan a better wings profile somewhere in the future. The present wings does not mach with the new fuselage and cockpits.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 4.0 years ago

    One year without tournaments... :(

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.4 years ago


    It's a good start, but the wings are still "boxes". Or we can have wings with a bit more credible profile, or the real life changer will be to have this piece:


    With the height of the triangular faces separately resizable.

  • BMW 635CSi [E24] 4.5 years ago


  • SR-73 1st prototype (trainer conversion) 5.1 years ago

    Maybe you can drop a little upvote to the original you "raped" in this funny way? ;)

  • v>, v< input. 5.7 years ago

    OMG... I can do a variable swep wing built that change the angle based on speed... this is AWESOME!

  • Eagle Pass 6.6 years ago

    @PlanesofJundroo I hope to help to achieve a more fair and more challenging race. Happy to be helpfull. :)

  • Eagle Pass 6.6 years ago

    @Simpleplaner656 if you can't do a shaker, at least do not surrender to attempt a real glider.

    The key is the mass: More mass, more speed. Belive me, put a lot of thiny pieces with 1000 lbs of deadweight each just in the COM and enjoy a really fast glider. My real glider (but I entered a shaker) have a final speed of 555 mph.

  • Eagle Pass 6.6 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison please, tell me that shakers are not allowed this time! :D

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.1 years ago

    Please, made from this a P-82 (AKA F-82) replica... :D I did it with my P-51 but mine is much simpler than your. You can do a perfect F-82 :D (upvoted)

  • SNAW UAV FA-37 RATELE 4.5 years ago


    Thanks for the upvote. I Just published the version for the Blue0Bull's challenge, if you want. :)

  • Shark Tooth 5.1 years ago

    @Firepower1000 thanks, but I think tournaments are loosing their spirit. :( Maybe I will enter only mod ones, so everyone will have same chanche. I was sure that 95% of planes will be modded brakes based, but I'm seeing a lot of legit prop engines one. I will really repented to used them, but I must admit, no chanches if I'll dont.

  • 1945-1950 Naval Aviation Challenge (Closed) 5.3 years ago

    Congrats. The challenge is a great success. A large number of subscription, and a lot of them are very, very high level. :) I followed it a bit, and you spent kind words for every entry, that is the right way to encourage the players.

    I think this is one of the better contest I entered. :)

  • Riding Dirty 5.4 years ago

    Just a reminder for all, it's useless, I know, but in every car tournament there are couples of contender that do not follow this simple steps, and we need NINE minutes to step forward:

    1) AI use THRUST for go forward, not PITCH.
    2) AI use ROLL to steer, not YAW
    3) If you got engines, you need FUEL. In the tournament there is no "no fuel" mod.

  • Sandsift Drift 5.4 years ago

    @Sm10684 I hope for something new... like "mod prop class" where the only forbbidden thing is jet engines, or maybe "soap box cars" (no engine, only a hill to descend)

  • Sandsift Drift 5.4 years ago

    @Operationalsupremacy I can reply for him.. yes, I do it usually. The original must be yours, can't be a successor of a succerssor and the original is from another player. You must be the first and 100% orignal creator..

  • Dart 5.7 years ago

    well deserved victory.

  • Drakon - X 6.2 years ago

    @TheRoboEli just blocked and reported, are you happy? :)

  • New Meta 1.3.0 (1st in Eagle Pass tournament) 6.6 years ago

    @DOX Play for your fun, and do not care of attention, or ask yourself what is "wrong" in your planes and use the lack of attention as "test" to improve.

  • Leonardo F-11A Rondine 6.6 years ago

    Very well done! (o dovrei dire "molto ben fatto"?)

  • Spirit of St. Louis (Replica - NO mods version) 6.6 years ago

    @BogdanX They are one with mod, and one without.

  • Lunar Arc 6.8 years ago

    @Tully2001 For love of truth we are extremely close, but... I'm a little bit faster. We are speaking of really fraction of second, btw.

    But... as usual, probably someone in stealth mode (not declaring the time) is very very fast, and maybe faster than us - I can see very skilled builder in the list...

  • Lunar Arc 6.8 years ago

    @beastpilot124 Sure! You can see it on Sunday, in the tournament! :P

  • Collision off 8.1 years ago

    @Joco80 thanks... if zero collision are enabled, I think? isn't it? In every piece or only one time?

  • jet engine efficiency 9.2 years ago

    Just copied in my notes... usefull. How you obtain this data?

  • XAA-10 3 months ago

    @LowQualityRepublic "doublebrrrrrrrrrrt"


  • Modern Plane 2 9 months ago

    Do not upvote this copy

  • It's been a good ride. 3.0 years ago

    Nice april fool

  • Modern Plane 3.4 years ago

    @EasternPatrick The landing gear have a lot of issues, and the plane itself have a look that is really common and boring. I don't like it.

    My "Ratele" is really much more satisfying, IE. Or my Hawker Tempest.

  • Fiat CR.42 Falco (1.11) 3.4 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison They are more or less 1:1 with original ones, italian army was not so smart at the times :P (I'm italian!)

  • Wright Flyer 1903 Replica 3.4 years ago

    @JustWingIt Quite a bit, but not so long. Simmetry is a great help, you have to made only half plane.

  • Wright Flyer 1903 Replica 3.4 years ago

    I loved every single minute I spent on this replica, but I must say it, they was A LOT of minutes. I hope who enjoy look this or fly it will show a bit of love for it.

  • Fiat CR.42 Falco (1.11) 3.4 years ago

    @Foxboi5215 Panzer Gray for sure!

  • LLRV - Lunar Lander Research Vehicle (1.11) 3.4 years ago

    @pedro16797 thanks for the upvote. This creation is just in case someone want to train himself for SR2 :)

  • Fiat CR.42 Falco (1.11) 3.4 years ago

    @Foxboi5215 LOL! tag me in the result, i'm curious

  • Hawker Tempest JFE edition 1.11 3.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Thanks Jundroo for this patch, I love it. :)

    I hope the "label" funcion will become be more intuitive without using overload to adapt the text to the fuselage contour.

    And... what about roundels using the same idea?

  • Little bug with hitbox 3.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison It worked like a charm. Sorry for the false flag :)

  • Little bug with hitbox 3.5 years ago


  • Little bug with hitbox 3.5 years ago


  • Downloading Crafts in SPVR 3.6 years ago

    Do not-vr users will benefit of all those improvements?

  • VTOL 4.1 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 thanks mate for the spotlight. This is a very, VERY old project, at my beginning in simpleplanes. :)

    If you browse my account I think you can find better creation than this. :)

  • New Simple Plane 4.4 years ago

    @SonicManiaOVA @ThomasRoderick thanks mates

  • Messerschimtt Bf-109 K 4.4 years ago

    @mikoyanster interesting. Count me in
