In China, the weight and the oil volume is generally expressed using metric units, but the flight is using imperial units (miles per hour, etc.) and this one unit option is expected to be reflected in the 1.13 update.I also want to be able to add Chinese settings to my use.What a beautiful game,thank you.
I would be grateful if I had the privilege of participating in the Chinese translation of a simpleplanes.
I'm using Bing translator.Therefore, there may be inaccuracies in the formulation.
@Cestbon Thank you for support !the aircraft isn't truly finished , I paused it from this feb. to July because of schoolwork(partly for I had trouble making its main landingears' structure).After stopping for several months,I'll continue to finish it during my summer vacation.我写完之后才发现你也是中国人💦↓
+9In China, the weight and the oil volume is generally expressed using metric units, but the flight is using imperial units (miles per hour, etc.) and this one unit option is expected to be reflected in the 1.13 update.I also want to be able to add Chinese settings to my use.What a beautiful game,thank you.
+4I would be grateful if I had the privilege of participating in the Chinese translation of a simpleplanes.
I'm using Bing translator.Therefore, there may be inaccuracies in the formulation.
@Taklingplanes delicious roast potato!
@BigAeroplane 英语不好用一段时间就熟悉了,而且b站上也有很多教程,还有我想提醒你sp不用实名(手动狗头
flying egg!
+2@CR929thenewSPplayer 但是可能要好几个月,应该很考验你的耐心哈哈哈哈哈
+2@Canadaball 哈哈这个肯定用了一张看不清图片
+2@FoxtrotCharlieCharlieX 但是这不河狸(合理,中文谐音(梗)),那jurdoo的人吃啥(活不了啦)
+2@Pakkoyan What are you saying (request an English translation
+1Light speed!
+1@Suubk27 我也快要备战中考了💦
+1so many parts , will it go well after I put it on the fuselage on my old computer !?
+1292parts,why not 262parts
+1@XiaoNaiTang 检查版本,比如说切割是在1.11中加入的,1.10及以前版本就没有,如果你在网上找不到破解版可以到倾城勿泪的qq群里下载562377132
+1Is this the best content on the homepage now, not as good as before
+1@schinaplayer 你去看那个帖子下的评论(乐
+1@YUKIKAZESAMANANODA 只有机头是我造的,大部分都是1714制作的
+1Only the nose was made by me, most of it was made in 1714
@realSavageMan 就是发教程视频得拆这飞机
+1How about making an airport as a map with Minecraft
+1@molakesi 啥文采背诗呢
+1@Suubk27 哇事suubk欸!
+1@Sakorsky 它哪里奇怪了呀
+1@ningjuBiliBili 但是作为国航他早晚要买
+1I love Minecraft
@Cestbon 刚改的
@A380istheGOAT what stuff you are
expect the next update!
@SARACONIKaviationIndustry 3克油
I want to make its driving feel real , reference BeamNG , it's hard to control , right ?
I resized it , for it was too large...
@SARACONIKaviationIndustry 佬能不能帮我解决一些label的技术问题啊🛐
@Cestbon @Cestbon 我发的哪个回复有错别字💦
@Cestbon Thank you for support !the aircraft isn't truly finished , I paused it from this feb. to July because of schoolwork(partly for I had trouble making its main landingears' structure).After stopping for several months,I'll continue to finish it during my summer vacation.我写完之后才发现你也是中国人💦↓