Good sir, why must you leave us. you were perfect, perfect in EVERY WAY! I apologize for everybody who called you anything bad or said something hurtful about your builds, they are all perfect. So please sir, do come back. We need you.
I don't know how to feel about this, russian and american aerospace companies coming together and making this... not saying it isnt sweet, but just wow.
Yo so this is like the 4th kind, thise dreams mean u gettin booty raped by some aliens my guy, record urself 1 night at 3:33 am and listen to what happens
Why does it constantly tilt to the right, it's so annoying.
+5Finally I can Japanese bomb a ship and not explode
+3@Sadboye12 if only they had multiplayer for mobile, only then shall we br able to see
+3@Sadboye12 dang bruh that's some deep stuff, I'm on mobile. I need a stick to do stuff like that
+2Once again, youve outdone yourself and made something fabulous. Amazing work my friend, never stop being great. Unless you need a break.
+1Why does this look badass?
+1@Sadboye12 if youve seen the Transformers Bayverse Movies, you should make the Cybertronian Fighter Jet cuz im honestly looking for one
+1Did you by any chance base this off of a moth?
+1Feels and looks like one of those cars from ANKI drive
+1Do you mind making like a mini Walker, basically a foot soldier?
+1What's weird is that when I commented about your flying on the Einhorn with me being on mobile, you kinda switched to more mobile friendly creations
+1I've returned to say that once again your flying is impeccable to any other pilot. You would be able to defeat me in a dogfight
+1Looks like zubat from pokemon
+1I like it. But at the same time I dont, just because it looks like just a plain old f-22 with swepted back wings. But it's cool
+1That... is beautiful. If I could download this I would be having some fun with this and the war rig
+1So, are you thinking about doing the CFA-44 Nosferatu? Cuz that would be really cool along side with all the other craft.
Its very nice, just sucks on how delicate it is
@Weirddude124 nah bruh, it aint cap. The 4th kind proved it, its exactly 3:33 AM. Shit goes crazy
Good sir, why must you leave us. you were perfect, perfect in EVERY WAY! I apologize for everybody who called you anything bad or said something hurtful about your builds, they are all perfect. So please sir, do come back. We need you.
You think your gonna remake the BF-109?
I don't know how to feel about this, russian and american aerospace companies coming together and making this... not saying it isnt sweet, but just wow.
@Shippy456 exactly, i cant see anything about him and cant see the stuff hes built
You hear a weird unknown language in there you screwed my guy
Yo so this is like the 4th kind, thise dreams mean u gettin booty raped by some aliens my guy, record urself 1 night at 3:33 am and listen to what happens
Bro 3:33 am is alien hotspot, something creepy is goin on here
But when you get a chance after all that, could you?
Can you make it a thrust vectoring option by any chance?
Omg she's so cute
@Bernkastel yes indeed we do, but I'm not up to wee. Level yet, I'm more at the level of watching season after season of certain anime
It appears that you know stuff about tanks, can you help me out with a project I'm working on?
@Suica a d how with the smoke?
How did you make it so that when the gun is fired it slows down the aircraft?
And that misspelling was intentional.
Anybody know why underwater camera doesn't work anymore
Can you give me a sorta sciencey answer as to why you made the big gun on the back of the plane?
@Sadboye12 teach me your knowledge.
@Sadboye12 bruh in that stunt u almost died twice! You are most certainly worthy of those words!
Plz tell me who flew that plane in the 1st gif. Cuz that was the greatest flying I've ever seen