0 BigBoy772 Comments

  • MI-24 4.4 years ago

    Why does it constantly tilt to the right, it's so annoying.

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.4 years ago

    Finally I can Japanese bomb a ship and not explode

  • XT-F 08 Flügel Asteria 4.5 years ago

    @Sadboye12 if only they had multiplayer for mobile, only then shall we br able to see

  • XT-F05 Einhorn 4.5 years ago

    @Sadboye12 dang bruh that's some deep stuff, I'm on mobile. I need a stick to do stuff like that

  • XT-NS 05 Goliath 3.8 years ago

    Once again, youve outdone yourself and made something fabulous. Amazing work my friend, never stop being great. Unless you need a break.

  • cursed A-10 WARTHOG 4.0 years ago

    Why does this look badass?

  • XT-OM 04 Sleeper 4.3 years ago

    @Sadboye12 if youve seen the Transformers Bayverse Movies, you should make the Cybertronian Fighter Jet cuz im honestly looking for one

  • XT-OM 04 Sleeper 4.3 years ago

    Did you by any chance base this off of a moth?

  • GR-SC 01 Velóce 4.4 years ago

    Feels and looks like one of those cars from ANKI drive

  • NV-B 00 Shard 4.5 years ago

    Do you mind making like a mini Walker, basically a foot soldier?

  • NV-B 00 Shard 4.5 years ago

    What's weird is that when I commented about your flying on the Einhorn with me being on mobile, you kinda switched to more mobile friendly creations

  • XT-F 08 Flügel Asteria 4.5 years ago

    I've returned to say that once again your flying is impeccable to any other pilot. You would be able to defeat me in a dogfight

  • OR-04 4.6 years ago

    Looks like zubat from pokemon

  • F-24 Tomcat II 4.6 years ago

    I like it. But at the same time I dont, just because it looks like just a plain old f-22 with swepted back wings. But it's cool

  • V8 Interceptor 4.6 years ago

    That... is beautiful. If I could download this I would be having some fun with this and the war rig

  • X-02S Strike Wyvern ''Archange'' 3.0 years ago

    So, are you thinking about doing the CFA-44 Nosferatu? Cuz that would be really cool along side with all the other craft.

  • Arkham knight Batmobile 3.0 years ago

    Its very nice, just sucks on how delicate it is

  • [CASE CLOSED] UFOs in SimplePlanes? (Read Description) 3.6 years ago

    @Weirddude124 nah bruh, it aint cap. The 4th kind proved it, its exactly 3:33 AM. Shit goes crazy

  • SF-18E Strato Hornet -Ghost 1- 3.7 years ago

    Good sir, why must you leave us. you were perfect, perfect in EVERY WAY! I apologize for everybody who called you anything bad or said something hurtful about your builds, they are all perfect. So please sir, do come back. We need you.

  • IJN Tone class heavy cruiser 3.8 years ago

    You think your gonna remake the BF-109?

  • SF-18E Strato Hornet -Ghost 1- 3.9 years ago


  • F-6 Foxhound 3.9 years ago

    I don't know how to feel about this, russian and american aerospace companies coming together and making this... not saying it isnt sweet, but just wow.

  • FA-15F Strike Hornet 3.9 years ago

    @Shippy456 exactly, i cant see anything about him and cant see the stuff hes built

  • This kind of UFO keeps appearing in my dreams 4.3 years ago

    You hear a weird unknown language in there you screwed my guy

  • This kind of UFO keeps appearing in my dreams 4.3 years ago

    Yo so this is like the 4th kind, thise dreams mean u gettin booty raped by some aliens my guy, record urself 1 night at 3:33 am and listen to what happens

  • [CASE CLOSED] UFOs in SimplePlanes? (Read Description) 4.3 years ago

    Bro 3:33 am is alien hotspot, something creepy is goin on here

  • F-22A Raptor -Trigger- 4.4 years ago

    But when you get a chance after all that, could you?

  • F-22A Raptor -Trigger- 4.4 years ago

    Can you make it a thrust vectoring option by any chance?

  • A.A.I ADFX-014C Swimsuit Senko 4.5 years ago

    Omg she's so cute

  • A.A.I ADFX-014A Senko 4.5 years ago

    @Bernkastel yes indeed we do, but I'm not up to wee. Level yet, I'm more at the level of watching season after season of certain anime

  • XT-03 Self-Propelled Gun 4.5 years ago

    It appears that you know stuff about tanks, can you help me out with a project I'm working on?

  • A-9C CONTENDER 4.5 years ago

    @Suica a d how with the smoke?

  • A-9C CONTENDER 4.5 years ago

    How did you make it so that when the gun is fired it slows down the aircraft?

  • OR-04 4.6 years ago

    And that misspelling was intentional.

  • OR-04 4.6 years ago


  • UX-12Aq Pterois 4.6 years ago

    Anybody know why underwater camera doesn't work anymore

  • Fairchild Republic ECA-10 Lightingbolt 4.6 years ago

    Can you give me a sorta sciencey answer as to why you made the big gun on the back of the plane?

  • XT-F05 Einhorn 4.6 years ago

    @Sadboye12 teach me your knowledge.

  • XT-F05 Einhorn 4.6 years ago

    @Sadboye12 bruh in that stunt u almost died twice! You are most certainly worthy of those words!

  • XT-F05 Einhorn 4.6 years ago

    Plz tell me who flew that plane in the 1st gif. Cuz that was the greatest flying I've ever seen