@ViridiCinis @Bearclaw189 I think im mainly going to stick to a FA-40 style for now, but Im going to incorporate some features from the lastest test into the new ones, I just wanted to say thanks for all of your help, you two have done a great deal to help me with different problems ive faced in my aircraft design
@ViridiCinis well, if I side with cptjacobson, then im going to be crushed by simplelandia (im surrounded by them) and if I dont, then things are going to get bad involving the 400 tanks I own that were a gift from cptjacobson
@Strikefighter04 np I thought it was a range finder and then I saw your comment and I changed my mind but then I did the reasearcha and I found out it was a rangefinder
@ViridiCinis ok
+1@ViridiCinis lol Im not even half way through the day, btw, I need to show you some concept designs when I get home, I might need your help
+1@Spacedoge12345plane yeah, theres more out there I'm sure, but sense ive seen quite a few I thought I would share my opinion on the matter
+1@Zott np
+1@Spacedoge12345plane Of course of course of course
+1I tried building a 1/48 scale model of on of these... it didn't go so well
+1I helped
+1@JohnnyBoythePilot I know! Love his vid on the De Havillin Comet
+1@ShrimpRex @Falkenwut @JohnnyBoythePilot The Mustard Phenomenon
+1I call these posts The Mustard Phenomenon @bananabob
+1Are you talking about the beta?
+1@ViridiCinis lol
+1@Spacedoge12345plane will do
+1@Chancey21 same here, I made this as a joke
+1@ViridiCinis @Strikefighter04 @Spacedoge12345plane
+1@Spacedoge12345plane ill try
+1@Jurassicty060 i know, i love his vid on the Comet
+1@Jurassicty060 I need to check it out
+1@ViridiCinis cAN dO
+1@ViridiCinis what can I do for you?
+1@ViridiCinis @Bearclaw189 I think im mainly going to stick to a FA-40 style for now, but Im going to incorporate some features from the lastest test into the new ones, I just wanted to say thanks for all of your help, you two have done a great deal to help me with different problems ive faced in my aircraft design
+1@ViridiCinis ok
+1@Zanedavid They won't, the devs have always showed much interest and support for SP
+1Cool! I might use this on something some day
+1My uncle told me this one last year
+1@Strikefighter04 ok and thank you! @ViridiCinis made it for me I only told him what I wanted on it
+1@Strikefighter04 np! You earned this
+1@Strikefighter04 are you going to make a post for people to join it or is it going to be on the RP forum
+1Nice! @Strikefighter04
+1@ViridiCinis ah
+1@ViridiCinis what happened? Whats the status of everything?
+1@ViridiCinis well, if I side with cptjacobson, then im going to be crushed by simplelandia (im surrounded by them) and if I dont, then things are going to get bad involving the 400 tanks I own that were a gift from cptjacobson
+1@Strikefighter04 what should I do...
+1@ViridiCinis I wasnt trying to be critical
+1@ViridiCinis ok...
+1@ViridiCinis likewise
+1@Strikefighter04 allence with LAR?
+1@Spacedoge12345plane lol
+1That seems fair
+1@Spacedoge12345plane I know
+1@ViridiCinis are you ready?
+1@ViridiCinis i think so
+1@ViridiCinis thanks for the advice
+1@Strikefighter04 np I thought it was a range finder and then I saw your comment and I changed my mind but then I did the reasearcha and I found out it was a rangefinder
+1Its a rangefinder, just did the reasearch
+1@ViridiCinis ok
+1@ViridiCinis cool!
+1@ViridiCinis Not nessisary, do you want VP or some other position?
+1@EternalDarkness oh... I feel stupid now