@SlavicRussian I have an AVIC promo here which says that the JF17 is an improvement from the Super 7, and the Super 7 is an improvement from the J-7 Ⅲ, which is a magic modification of the MIG21.
@Noplane I think so. And here is an interesting fact, according to the information I have, this is a Mach 3, 30000-meter interceptor designed to attack the SR-71 that was developed by Shenyang in 1968. But as we all know, China did not have that capability at that time. Now, the only finished product is a small-size wind tunnel model.
@Numbers2 @Numbers2
1.USN drove nor only South China Sea, but also the territor sea near the ZheJiang Province.
2.The F16V of China TaiWan is upload from the F16A which is old enough.
3.I have been to China HongKong for a few month this year. I'm sure that China HongKong is still a capitalist system, but it is a capitalist with patriotic elements added.
4.Xi didn't break the aggeement, the 50 years are only the interim period. Then not only China HongKong, but also China Aomen will change into socialist society.
5.Now, the air combat is no longer a dog fight, even if it is, we have WS-10C Vector Engine which is on show on Zhuhai International Aviation&Aerospace Exhibition 2021.
All of them are true.
@Numbers2 How do you think of IDF, F16V and so on jets in Chinese Taiwan? In my opinion, They can be plased into any museum, especially M48,doesn't it?
@Numbers2 And what is occupied? Hong Kong is Chinese territory, otherwise why did the British withdraw in 1997? Is the Union Jack flying in Purple Flower Square?
Truth? I'm sure that you got a terrible mistake. As a Chinese, I've been to all the places you've said which looks badly without join into any touring party, but I couldn't find the "truth" what you said, bescause there aren't any probloms about them. When my classmate showed me the photoes which she photograghed in England this week, I could not see any beautiful things on it instead of the huge hill made of rubbish.
@unpocoloco The old capitalist countries (such as the United States, Britain, etc.) are the countries that violate human rights in the world. From native American Indians to Vietnamese, how many people had freedom during the colonial period? Korea war, Vietnam war, Kosovo war, Afghanistan war, China, Xinjiang, Hong Kong smear instigates... Which one is not for profit in the name of so-called "human rights"? Oil, minerals, geopolitics... Americans take drugs, cheat, take chaos as their own responsibility, under the guise of human rights, smoke free heroin and viruses, there is no more free and sweet air than this, build top secret biological laboratories around the world, not transparent and open, really respect human rights and freedom ah
@SlavicRussian You are right,I agree with you. but I've just tellyou the truth .The structure of the JF17 is more like MIG21 than that of the F16, but JF17 has more updated avionics and the aerodynamic layout changed.It is also important to note that the JF17 takes in air on both sides rather than belly.But it has to be said that the AVIC engineers probably took the F16Block52 as reference when designing it.
@CardinalPilot177 That's our territory, isn't it? One for my classmates who is come from China Xinjiang, I also have a friend who is from China Hongkong, we keep in touch with others now. They tell me that they're Chinese and they love China for ever. That the truth I want to say.
+4@林副统帅 我理解你为祖国安全所做出的努力,这是好的,但是反间谍并不等于反一切,咱们解放军官方网站中国军网不是也对外宣传嘛
+3@林副统帅 旁侧也放置了歼13的模型,且中国航空博物馆还藏有1001号歼10,以及一架歼11A(现代版),如果我做那两型,你说泄露国家机密,我认可,但这一型如您所说,一没生产,二没装备,且驾驶舱细节为我自己构想,无任何涉密行为
+3@RolandTelmsFrossag 我这个襟翼做得不好,再加上因为懒和忙,没怎么去调机身的xml
+3@RolandTelmsFrossag 您坦克造的太赞了,我现在都不知道怎么造履带……
+3@SlavicRussian I have an AVIC promo here which says that the JF17 is an improvement from the Super 7, and the Super 7 is an improvement from the J-7 Ⅲ, which is a magic modification of the MIG21.
@Twizi Thanks for your advice!
+2@338MAGNUM 好多都是太激进了,放在现在也没有太大必要了,时代变了,作战思想什么的也都不是原来那套了
+21 2345[滑稽]
+2@RolandTelmsFrossag 感谢大佬肯定
+2@RolandTelmsFrossag 啊这,不算大佬,不算大佬
+2A huge Creeper is coming!
+2da~da~da~da~dadadada~da~Villager News~
@LJh1 大家做得都各有千秋嘛,感谢支持
+1It's a guided bomb, but instead of locking the target, you just need to pick your target, drop the bomb, and fly away
+1Wonderful plane!
+1@Noplane I think so. And here is an interesting fact, according to the information I have, this is a Mach 3, 30000-meter interceptor designed to attack the SR-71 that was developed by Shenyang in 1968. But as we all know, China did not have that capability at that time. Now, the only finished product is a small-size wind tunnel model.
+1@Parehare What a gift! Please accept my sincere appreciation!
+1@MrCOPTY Thank you for your affirmation!
@bilbil20070908 拍完视频就没保存了,可以翻翻我原来的作品,里面那架轰六I,把A2923和40枚航弹拆了,再在机翼上挂这个就行
+1@RolandTelmsFrossag BV1rq4y1c71x [吃瓜]
+1@Titaninfernal1 Your are right
+1@Vladimir1944 Thanks for your suggestions! I will try to learn how to do it when I'm free (◍•ᴗ•◍)
+1@LonelyAustrianUhlan Thanks you a lot!
+1@Th3rmoplylae Thanks for your suggestion! I am not proficient in FT, I will later rebuild a missile with a jet engine and FT. :)
+1@Th3rmoplylae Thanks! Please make sure that you lock on some ground target and firing. By the way, Merry Christmas!
+1@Numbers2 @Numbers2
+11.USN drove nor only South China Sea, but also the territor sea near the ZheJiang Province.
2.The F16V of China TaiWan is upload from the F16A which is old enough.
3.I have been to China HongKong for a few month this year. I'm sure that China HongKong is still a capitalist system, but it is a capitalist with patriotic elements added.
4.Xi didn't break the aggeement, the 50 years are only the interim period. Then not only China HongKong, but also China Aomen will change into socialist society.
5.Now, the air combat is no longer a dog fight, even if it is, we have WS-10C Vector Engine which is on show on Zhuhai International Aviation&Aerospace Exhibition 2021.
All of them are true.
@Numbers2 How do you think of IDF, F16V and so on jets in Chinese Taiwan? In my opinion, They can be plased into any museum, especially M48,doesn't it?
+1@Numbers2 And what is occupied? Hong Kong is Chinese territory, otherwise why did the British withdraw in 1997? Is the Union Jack flying in Purple Flower Square?
+1Truth? I'm sure that you got a terrible mistake. As a Chinese, I've been to all the places you've said which looks badly without join into any touring party, but I couldn't find the "truth" what you said, bescause there aren't any probloms about them. When my classmate showed me the photoes which she photograghed in England this week, I could not see any beautiful things on it instead of the huge hill made of rubbish.
+1@unpocoloco The old capitalist countries (such as the United States, Britain, etc.) are the countries that violate human rights in the world. From native American Indians to Vietnamese, how many people had freedom during the colonial period? Korea war, Vietnam war, Kosovo war, Afghanistan war, China, Xinjiang, Hong Kong smear instigates... Which one is not for profit in the name of so-called "human rights"? Oil, minerals, geopolitics... Americans take drugs, cheat, take chaos as their own responsibility, under the guise of human rights, smoke free heroin and viruses, there is no more free and sweet air than this, build top secret biological laboratories around the world, not transparent and open, really respect human rights and freedom ah
+1@Strikercritsilver Thank you (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)
@SlavicRussian You are right,I agree with you. but I've just tellyou the truth .The structure of the JF17 is more like MIG21 than that of the F16, but JF17 has more updated avionics and the aerodynamic layout changed.It is also important to note that the JF17 takes in air on both sides rather than belly.But it has to be said that the AVIC engineers probably took the F16Block52 as reference when designing it.
+1This plane is amazing!
+1@CardinalPilot177 That's our territory, isn't it? One for my classmates who is come from China Xinjiang, I also have a friend who is from China Hongkong, we keep in touch with others now. They tell me that they're Chinese and they love China for ever. That the truth I want to say.
+1@RandomUser09 It's my pleasure to download your excellent plane :)
+1@TheBruh007 yeah, about 30,000 tons of TNT equivalent in real life