162 Boxboy5 Comments

  • Can anyone help with some part modding? 7.4 years ago

    Did you manage to fix them in the end? @RailfanEthan

  • Can anyone help with some part modding? 7.4 years ago

    Thanks a bunch @RailfanEthan and if you catch this comment in time could you make a fuselage block with the same properties as I mentioned I wanted the wheel to be, it's for undercarriage and I can't seem to stop things clipping and exploding when I retract the gear. Thanks. Dylan.

  • Can anyone help with some part modding? 7.4 years ago

    @AirPlaneBrosTM Not as far as I know because I unfortunately play on iOS and don't really want to spend money on a game I won't play that much. I used to play a lot a couple years back but I got lots of other stuff to do. :)

  • Fictional World War II Warbird 8.4 years ago

    I'm kinda done with the gear on this plane it took ages to perfect so if you want to have a go then feel free! @BogdanX

  • Fictional World War II Warbird 8.4 years ago

    You can use them if they are pre- made on PC but you can't make them on iOS unfortunately. Maybe a setting for more precise measuring would benefit the game? @BogdanX

  • Please make this fly without changing it too much 8.5 years ago

    I only play on iOS unfortunately, but hopefully someone else has skill with the software ;) @Gnome360

  • Bac Lightning 8.5 years ago

    Nice work! I must say that the upload only had one wing moved back, but it was easily fixed ;) @Kiax

  • Bac Lightning 8.5 years ago

    Thanks, ill give it a shot! @Kiax

  • F4U Corsair improvement 8.5 years ago

    Give the credit to rc plane @FrankieB he designed it XD I merely improved it

  • need some serious help 8.5 years ago

    The problem is that the rotators nearest to the middle aren't ones that run forever. These rotators you have added only turn 90 degrees before they stop. I only have simpleplanes iOS so I cannot help, nice design btw, but anyone else reading, you know what to fix ;)

  • Suggestion: Controlling rotator by gear button 8.8 years ago

    Do you mean PC or iOS, because I was talking about iOS @Dipper

  • Help! 8.8 years ago

    Thanks @FrankieB for helping me!

  • Suggestion: Controlling rotator by gear button 8.8 years ago

    There are already hinge rotators that someone modded to be controlled like this, find the b17g on the front page of simpleplanes and ding into the engine, save the rotator as a subassembly and voila.

  • Strange Machines Competition 9.0 years ago


  • Fighter help 9.1 years ago

    Oh yeah and I forgot to do something, it would be a logical idea to change the rear gear to rear landing gear to make it easier to land😄😉 @Waulf

  • Fighter help 9.1 years ago

    No problem, anytime mate! @Waulf

  • Ac-130 Hercules Gunship 9.1 years ago

    I ripped the ac130 out of bomb the city. Credit to its rightful owner

  • Fighter help 9.1 years ago


  • Mobile Beta 9.1 years ago

    If I download off of TestFlight will it remove my airplanes?

  • MH-53 Pave Low Mk.III Edit 9.5 years ago

    Err yup... @Tjmc9876

  • Spine Back 9.9 years ago

    Now that... Is cool

  • Simple Logo 9.9 years ago

    If this logo means falling on the ground and exploding, then good work.