Ik im late, But i found out about the drama yesterday. Turns out he is advertising his own posts on other posts, Thinking his builds is better while his airplane noses doesnt even look like the real one, It all started from the SUD Caravelle post (I forgot the user that posted it)
Merry christmas to you too!
+1@GalacticaAsia Tag me if its finished
+1737 max 1
+1wow this works
+1Varig Varig Varig
+1Can you make the mobile version too aswell?
+1@GalacticaAsia since you have a MD-11 on your list, Why dont you use the DC-10? You just need to make it a lil longer and yk
+1Mobile version pls
+1Are you going to remake this plane just like the UPS one?
+1How's the DC-10 Going?
+1What plane are you making next?
+1Nice livery
+1@JeusVincent2021 i will try
+1@GalacticaAsia Yo thx anyways, What r u going to remake next?
+1@GalacticaAsia Alright👍
+1Can you make a Triple Seven 200 Next? (777-200)
+1@FLANEFANCY1235 sigh, i miss making liveries on simpleplanes, but i kinda lost interest and well yeah.. Became unactive for months
trying to get attention by saying those words are not the way to get attention, now you got a different type of attention.
@xzcvjhy Sure! Im fine with it
How is it still publishing
The gears are supposed to be tilted like the B767 Btw👍
@Sense2 Because its not supposed to be tilted??
@Transair56 Do you know how many people have been busy lately?
@CoachPickles86 You can go make it, i am very busy
I think it would be fedex or maybe SG Cargo?
When is the D-02 Challenge results?
@Pilothasya137 im not talking about the a340 you dumbass
Ik im late, But i found out about the drama yesterday. Turns out he is advertising his own posts on other posts, Thinking his builds is better while his airplane noses doesnt even look like the real one, It all started from the SUD Caravelle post (I forgot the user that posted it)
Next time, Put in the description that you added a little more detail.
Im your 100th followrr
Very amazing