9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • RACER 3 twin engine prototype 8.0 years ago

    Btw the thing does float however it is very tricky to get of the water @Windwaker5000

  • RACER 3 twin engine prototype 8.0 years ago

    Thx how was the engines ?@Windwaker5000

  • Saab Jas 39 A/C Gripen 8.0 years ago

    Then you could fix it nice build anyway @CALVIN232 @MrDeguello

  • Saab Jas 39 A/C Gripen 8.0 years ago

    It's how I fixed the role I would post the fixed version but it's too similar to the original so I thought I just tell you what I did @MrDeguello @CALVIN232

  • Saab Jas 39 A/C Gripen 8.0 years ago

    Put a tiny fuse block on the opposite Side to direction it rolls then give it weight bit by bit testing it each time till it stops rolling you can hide the tiny block in anywhere as long as it is small enough @MrDeguello

  • ASF-X -Nagase- 8.0 years ago

    Could you Make more of these

  • Lil Boomer 8.0 years ago

    I might have a idea on a escape pod @Sh0ckw4v

  • EGN-1 Katusha II 8.0 years ago

    Hmm well it ran okay on my phone a little laggy if you want to I would love you to enter a mobile friendly version into my challenge it would show everyone the type of thing I'm looking for @ElGatoVolador

  • EGN-1 Katusha II 8.0 years ago

    You could enter this to the mobile battle ship challenge it would be a great entry and it might get more cool mobile ships on here

  • Lil Boomer 8.0 years ago

    It's going somewhere

  • Important Announcment everybody who sees this better read this 8.0 years ago

    Like I said I do look for the new stuff but those is something that is pointless as when you get better is when people notice your planes @Daviwavy

  • 1 Plane? 2 Challenges? 8.0 years ago

    It's better keep it up

  • Important Announcment everybody who sees this better read this 8.0 years ago

    Some players don't know what they are doing at first even myself didn't exactly turn into a experienced builder over night just look at my first plane back then I didn't know a thing I still built a ok plane but I must say the community was more surportive to new players the problem isn't that people don't look for new players it's that there is so many there is a lot of copy cats so it's hard to keep track when you're trying not to let the copy cats get points for the builds they steal @MechWARRIOR57 @Daviwavy @FlyingHonda27 @saturn28 @MrMecha

  • Important Announcment everybody who sees this better read this 8.0 years ago

    I tend to look around for planes in all sectors new old I generally don't care about the points the person has or how many I got if I spot something interesting and mostly is the newer players that make the interesting stuff (mostly) if it's good I upvote it if it's really good and it hasn't any attention then I spotlight it and even comment on what I like

  • Donar Mechanica 8.0 years ago

    The rear bars go into the engine could you fix that?

  • Mbo Exp.1.0 - Test fighter 8.0 years ago

    It's a nice jet

  • IAT F35514D150M Ixion 8.0 years ago

    Yeah what does the wing symmetry thingy do? @Insertname

  • IAT F35514D150M Ixion 8.0 years ago

    Another good use of those exhausts I gave you?

  • Working Stopwatch (1 hour) 8.0 years ago

    If you could make it to time the filght and scale it down as small as the cockpit I have a friend who can put it in a cockpit view @kikasshes

  • Working Stopwatch (1 hour) 8.0 years ago

    What you need now is to get this to do more then a hour and scale it down so it could be a filght timer

  • SimpleChallenge(closed) 8.0 years ago


  • Parts for everyone on mobile. 8.0 years ago

    @Ginco10 essentially glitching parts to where you want them rather than where it snaps to

  • Parts for everyone on mobile. 8.0 years ago

    Hmm it does but I did intend to feature planes too so maybe mad monkey ?@Ginco10

  • Parts for everyone on mobile. 8.0 years ago

    Just need to think of a decent name@Ginco10

  • Parts for everyone on mobile. 8.0 years ago

    I am also looking to start a YouTube which will feature how to nudge this things on iOS as well as testing creations @Ginco10

  • Parts for everyone on mobile. 8.0 years ago

    I have made some nudged engines I could post them with how I made them in the description @Ginco10

  • Parts for everyone on mobile. 8.0 years ago

    There are many versions of it@SirBalistic321

  • Parts for everyone on mobile. 8.0 years ago

    Oh yeah I forgot with every thing going on yeah well I will do one problem is every item you want to nudge has a different method to do it I.e the blastos are easier then the big turbines @Ginco10

  • My current project 8.0 years ago

    I thought about that but decided I didn't want my real name in the name of my channel I had thought of mad monkey planes but I'm not sure if that's taken?@Skyfalcon

  • Tupolev Tu-104 Cancelled 8.0 years ago

    This is nice could you help me with a project I'm doing? @MasterManufacturing

  • B-14 Crawler 8.0 years ago

    Over 1000 parts holy&(£

  • I need this modded plz 8.0 years ago

    It's not the nosel it's the engine you have to change

  • !!!Project Gyrfalcon MK IIII FIGHTER (sky demon) please read the instructions at the bottom of the description 8.0 years ago

    I have finally perfected a engine that is just a stealthy and includes the bonuses of the stuff I this its hard to explain I'll post it later not attached to a plane tho@Ephwurd

  • Simpleplanes 2.0.0 is coming soon. (Just Kidding) 8.0 years ago

    Hey hyperloop I was trying to make a 3D Thurst vectoring engine part with a custom closing exhaust but I'm having trouble getting it to stay moving when adding the fuselage could you please help

  • exhaust colors changed jet engine 8.0 years ago

    Could you make the VTOLS with more flame to them?

  • Boat Entry 8.0 years ago

    As the only contestet your winning

  • Dwarven Backpack Helicopter 8.0 years ago

    I love the don't tell the evls

  • Simple nuclear bomb 8.0 years ago

    The pitch wings knock against the big rockets causing plane to explode if you have to do manuvers before launching them

  • Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 8.0 years ago

    Better than spiritsraptor's f22 but not a good as Rony's

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    No I think that the mods are people from around the world just like you and me who may or may not get paid however the fact that it took so long for the posts to be removed and I still don't think anything else was done I mean what stops him from doing it again did he at least get a ban? @MasterManufacturing

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    So how do I find out when my friend is allowed back if he is also I did report hex both times and it took ages before anything was done @MasterManufacturing

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    If he did it to you you would be pissed @MasterManufacturing

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    Yeah let's waste a mods time to find out what has been done to stop my planes being copyed it's not really worth it@MasterManufacturing

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    Plus I don't think that was really a threat tbh i don't even know how long my friend is going to be banned for @MasterManufacturing

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    Not obesessed just pissed that he gets away with it and it seems like nothing was done about it I'm mean yeah the planes were removed but what does that do he will just do it again @MasterManufacturing

  • Help! 8.0 years ago

    Lol I can't even stop my game crashing every time I try to move them I wanted to help but I can't sorry I did try still am @PaderiegeZ

  • IAT DS III completed ver 8.0 years ago

    Everyone went at me on my post under successor to this all comments have been removed and the mods have resolved the situation so no need to panic @Cadillace @cmj3008

  • IAT DS III completed FIXED 8.0 years ago
