1 slice of bread, preferably stale and moldy
1 tablespoon of expired mayonnaise
1 slice of cheese, preferably aged to the point of being inedible
1 leaf of lettuce, wilted and brown
1 tomato slice, rock hard and flavorless
Place the bread on a plate and stare at it for several minutes, contemplating the futility of existence.
Attempt to spread the mayonnaise onto the bread, but discover that it has turned into a solid, unspreadable mass.
Force the cheese onto the bread, despite the fact that it crumbles into tiny pieces and is almost impossible to handle.
Place the lettuce and tomato on top of the cheese, hoping that they will somehow improve the taste.
Take a bite and immediately regret your life choices.
Enjoy your extremely unhelpful sandwich!
me one i threaten russia that ill add one more airplane https://www.google.com/search?scaesv=0938baf10882972d&rlz=1C9BKJAenUS911US911&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIKnhr1PjdbqI8PYieop4MXS1NFy5Q:1722997427083&q=no+no+no+meme&tbm=isch&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0BcOTtrxLAuuQwMeob8rlZjik0dhB4xYziChdYxrcEh45sVhogJ6HcYeSTAn4ONIrHdizLkTXAE9TxnOr1M7VoQwPfBUnhTLizzS7VDvNZCnff8svj0PZ6YYuaKYwEkHeriWMhscgsCD5Y4UvPa1giaIxFxWvRNe8RygItH21XmR4XvoEiaGoc0nrBjnLnkUr9fAQ2tbPIBaLlf4GWwQ2tg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2ktzM6eGHAxVuNt4AHQtgAhoQ0pQJegQIGBAB&biw=1180&bih=693&dpr=2
so the controls lock at high altitude, you can fix this by making the engine instead of on the back of the craft, but on the side of the tail. but all and all, a awesome craft!!!
+3will you stop posting buttons i can't press?!?
+2just spent 3 hours scrolling through your page
+2So WNP78, ive been building a ejection seat with rockets, could you make me a detacher that fires when you fire rocket?
+1too many
+1he Anti-Sandwich Sandwich:
1 slice of bread, preferably stale and moldy
1 tablespoon of expired mayonnaise
1 slice of cheese, preferably aged to the point of being inedible
1 leaf of lettuce, wilted and brown
1 tomato slice, rock hard and flavorless
Place the bread on a plate and stare at it for several minutes, contemplating the futility of existence.
+1Attempt to spread the mayonnaise onto the bread, but discover that it has turned into a solid, unspreadable mass.
Force the cheese onto the bread, despite the fact that it crumbles into tiny pieces and is almost impossible to handle.
Place the lettuce and tomato on top of the cheese, hoping that they will somehow improve the taste.
Take a bite and immediately regret your life choices.
Enjoy your extremely unhelpful sandwich!
first craft?
+1someone made a pagani😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😁🤣😆😆😆🥲🥲😄😂😂😂😂😂😁😁😁🥲🥲🥲🥲😁😁🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😇😇😇😇😇😇
+1just took out and entire convoy in one pass🥱🥱🥱🏋️🏋️🏋️🏋️
+1ayyyyyyyyyy can we plz stop making crap
+1me when my ipad 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
+1no wonder you are platinum
+1i tried for 5nhours straight
+1what are you running this on sooo smooth
+1um can you send me the craft im a good ft guy
+1when my ipad yno
+1me one i threaten russia that ill add one more airplane https://www.google.com/search?scaesv=0938baf10882972d&rlz=1C9BKJAenUS911US911&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIKnhr1PjdbqI8PYieop4MXS1NFy5Q:1722997427083&q=no+no+no+meme&tbm=isch&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0BcOTtrxLAuuQwMeob8rlZjik0dhB4xYziChdYxrcEh45sVhogJ6HcYeSTAn4ONIrHdizLkTXAE9TxnOr1M7VoQwPfBUnhTLizzS7VDvNZCnff8svj0PZ6YYuaKYwEkHeriWMhscgsCD5Y4UvPa1giaIxFxWvRNe8RygItH21XmR4XvoEiaGoc0nrBjnLnkUr9fAQ2tbPIBaLlf4GWwQ2tg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2ktzM6eGHAxVuNt4AHQtgAhoQ0pQJegQIGBAB&biw=1180&bih=693&dpr=2
+1tu 95 photobomb
+1im in
+1so you're tellin me that if i make a crap plane then i get 85 FRICKIN UPVOTES?!?!?
+1🫡 to all those who watched this, including me
+1so the controls lock at high altitude, you can fix this by making the engine instead of on the back of the craft, but on the side of the tail. but all and all, a awesome craft!!!
+1funky front lg
+1I JUST GOT SILVER OMG just wanted to say that.....
+1my airplanes are better than this and he is 5K
+1wtf is a kilometerrrrrrrr
+1why are you posting a 12:30 at night
+1credit: @Scharnhost fot the 'works and @cmdt2013 for the color engines
+1omg forgot the rules 😱
+1k but if you need a ejection seat check out my new post ✌️
+1thx @Kerbango
+118,000 downloads, 117 upvotes. the world's dishonesty
+1@Renn650 true and tested
+1what the f
+1yo awesome
+1one day, one day. @Majakalona