1,314 CaptHorizon Comments

  • Simple exhaust nozzle 1.7 years ago

    “Simple” means low parts. I’d say maximum 250 parts. This is the most non-simplistic nozzle that I’ve ever seen apart from real nozzles.

  • SimpleProto 1.1 years ago

    Why do I see Uzi Doorman there?

  • Feeling guilty, misbehave, and betray. A farewell message, perhaps 1.8 years ago

    Why… just why? Why would you make a CONCENTRATION CAMP of all things? I am very disappointed in you, but I look forward to your reforms and improvements. Just… don’t do that ever again, and stick to the AI helis and other good stuff. Lets keep (i forgot their name but the one that made AI ASAP)’s memory alive.

  • Ace Combat-ish Weapons And Equipment Pack 2.2 years ago

    I sub-assemblied all these weapons and added a few to the collection myself. I must say that this is quite a great pack. Nice work!

  • Any Drone Challenge [ENDED] 1.1 years ago


    sees that one very specific rule

    oh. Gee, thanks for that one. Really cool. Guess 1.5 years is the equivalent of NOOB now. Gatekeeping and potential elitism is really nice.

  • Sukhoi Su-30SM 2.2 years ago

    Mihaly Dumitru Margarita Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas A. Shilage

  • F-2A Viper Zero [VVS][Victory Day] 10 months ago

    @OkaNieba is this like a Soviet-ified C-16? Seems like an interesting concept

  • F-16C Block-50 And F-2A Differences 10 months ago

    @OkaNieba the F-2 is huge when compared to the F-16, and it carries indigenous Japanese weaponry, like AAM-3

  • F-16C Block-52 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    @OkaNieba pretty cool! These are some of the most advanced F-16s in common service (I say the common service part because there are also other F-16s that are ludicrously more advanced but were used as testbeds and not service planes).

  • QF-16C Block-50 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    @OkaNieba DO IT!

    Just make them X-62s, which in real life do have an AI flying them (or it, as it’s only one).

  • QF-16C Block-50 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    This is quite possibly one of the saddest F-16s in the world. Destined to be shot down for target practice…

  • F-16C Block-40 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    @OkaNieba ah ok! The F-16 aso uses LITENING sometimes, as it is a more modern option when compared to LANTIRN.

  • F-16C Block-40 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago


    Due to the addition of the AN/AAQ-13 and AN/AAQ-14 LANTIRN (or Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night) pods (as well as several other upgrades) the F-16 was turned into a Day AND Night Fighter.

  • F-16/79 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    @OkaNieba ah ok! I know all of that info because the F-16 is one of my favorite aircraft (probably apparent if you look at my profile lol)

  • F-16/79 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    (Cont.2) Going back to this plane (75-0752), not only did it serve as a testbed for putting the J79 on a 4th Generation Fighter, but it also took part in the F-16 CAS Initiative, and was equipped with a GAU-8 Avenger for testing.

  • F-16/79 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    (Cont.) The remaining 8 of those 10 were Full Scale Development (FSD) aircraft. These were used for various tests later in their lives, such as the F-16/101, the F-16XL Program and the AFTI Program.

  • F-16/79 Fighting Falcon [Updated] 10 months ago

    This plane, Serial Number 75-0752, was one of the original 10 F-16s built, with the first 2 being YF-16s (72-1567 and 72-1568). While taking part in the F-16/79 Program It actually sported a different color scheme with WAY more blue.

  • Any Drone Challenge [ENDED] 1.1 years ago

    @FOXHOUND26 I am now at silver because 001 mass-upvoted me for… reasons i guess… after my rant.

  • Label Image of Mari Setogaya 1.4 years ago


  • What happened to Tsuchiisan? 1.4 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf understood, sir. Just deleted it as per your request.

  • What happened to Tsuchiisan? 1.4 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf with all due respect, sir, I only mentioned that rumor because it is the only one that I have heard. To be honest, I wasn’t the one who mentioned it first, and you can check my F-16A Block-20MLU’s comment section if you need proof. Gabriel747 asked me if they had died, and since I couldn’t identify if the question was an actual question or a rhetorical one, I told him that if this was him telling me, then RIP, and if it was him asking me, then I didn’t know. As I said in this post and that F-16 upload, I know nothing of their whereabouts. I never intended to propagate any death rumor. It was simply the only thing that I had heard, and I decided to quote it here. Truth is that you are correct in saying that there is no proof of anything, where I can understand that the propagation of rumors can be damaging. If you desire it, I can remove that section of the forum post. Just tell me if to do or not to do so, and I shall follow your instructions.

  • What happened to Tsuchiisan? 1.4 years ago

    @32 I didn't know it was so common. I think we can leave it at “some bad things happened” for now (one again, I don’t wanna get in trouble with the mods). Thanks for the summary.

  • What happened to Tsuchiisan? 1.4 years ago

    @WaterFlavouredSpitfires I do not (repeat, do NOT) want to get in trouble with the mods (I even said it in the PS). I have no intent to disrespect anyone. Not the mods. Not the other users. Not Tsuchiisan.

  • What happened to Tsuchiisan? 1.4 years ago

    @DatMaluchGuy19 understood. Thank you for at least providing what is allowed to be mentioned.

  • F-16AM Block-20MLU 1.4 years ago

    @Gabriel747 They are all actually based on Tsuchiisan’s F-16C, with some modifications such as landing gear and ventral fins. Sadly though, since Tsuchiisan left (DISCLAIMER: I do not know about their whereabouts of why they left), all their planes were taken down. I had saved their planes before their departure, though. A few months ago, I decided to make all these F-16s for myself, primarily with some other modifications such as the RWR length and the intake size, as well as ones made for prototypes such as the F-16XL or F-16 CCV. After my Project Wingman ACG-01 Chimera was released, I decided I’d give it a shot with the F-16s, and so, here we are today. In the first F-16 post, I also explain the Tsuchiisan Plane story there as well.

  • AI Rotorcraft ASAP - MUH-1 1.5 years ago

    Thank you for coming back and not giving up on the helicopters! Long live Tsuchiisan!
    Oh and just in case, i know nothing of their whereabouts. I just like plane.

  • X 1.5 years ago

    Twitter was a wretched hive of scum and villainy before Elon. Now, it’s an EVEN MORE wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    I liked the guy up to last year. Why? Rockets and cars. However, his insane actions are bringing down said rockets and cars. I still like SpaceX and Tesla, but they’d be wayyyyy better without that monster of a man.

    Even worse now for me and countless other space fans, that brainless guy decided to stream SpaceX launches eXclusively on X. I’m expecting 128x72p at best, contrary to the high quality YT streams.

  • ViperJet MKII Simple 1.5 years ago

    It must also be acknowledged that it exists as an RC plane, which handles very well and is personally one of my favorite RC planes from my personal experience with it.

  • [Especial 25K] Gabriel 747 1.5 years ago

    ¡Felicidades! :)

  • Map of Europe 1.5 years ago

    “Most peaceful and civilized continent in the world!”
    Umm… what about all of the conflicts ranging back from 5000 years bce, including but not limited to WW1, WW2, Yugoslavia, Georgia, and Ukraine?

  • Fly high little jersey i miss you 1.6 years ago

    Very sad what has happened to your cat. Im sorry for your loss.

  • Cessna 525C Citation CJ4 1.6 years ago

    2 things:

    1. First Comment
    2. Yeah! Now we have the whole 525 family (as far as i know of). MAPA, thank you so much for your service!

  • Bombardier Learjet 70/75 Liberty 1.7 years ago

    Es gracioso e interesante cómo es que más o menos puedo entenderlos a ustedes hablando portugués debido a las similitudes que hay con el español (mi primer idioma).

    Also, great build as always MAPA! Really makes me happy to see another upload from you every weekend!

  • [Closed] PSM Challenge (Post Stall Maneuvers) 1.7 years ago

    @AXEPOH i find using 2 vtol nozzles placed at the plane’s engine nozzle (2 per engine, that is) to work fantastically. Added 2 to Tsuiichan’s F-16C (as well as some rear fins and landing gear) to make an F-16 Vista.

    And before someone yells at me, I acknowledge that the original plane is Tsuiichan’s and not mine.

  • SK-95BM Banner 1.7 years ago

    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore I looked it up, and I regret it so much

  • Su-30SM Flanker-H 1.7 years ago

    Mihaly Dumitru Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Rafael Maria Niketas A. Shilage

  • Pilatus PC-24 1.8 years ago

    I would like to see the rest of the Cessna 4XX series. You already have the 4XX base from other planes, so they should be relatively easy to make. No rush, @MAPA! Make the planes in the order that you prefer and at the time of your choosing. Also, it’s great to have you back! Welcome home!

  • Artillery with wings 2.1 years ago

    @DimitriIqbal91 exactly what I thought lol

  • SU-30SM -Archange- 2.1 years ago

    @Aazan63 Mihaly Dumitru Margareta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas A. Shilage

  • 25 part B-25 2.3 years ago

    I added 3 extra parts (landing gears) and took it off from the tiny

    10/10 would doolittle raid again

  • Max Verstappen 2 months ago

    max >>> lando

  • AI FIGHTER CHALLENGE! [CLOSED] 10 months ago

    @TheNewSPplayer ok! Thanks!

  • AI FIGHTER CHALLENGE! [CLOSED] 10 months ago

    With “that can be operated by AI, what do you exactly mean?

  • Any Drone Challenge [ENDED] 1.1 years ago

    @FOXHOUND26 I don’t know if I will participate. I WILL consider it, but I’m not fully sure.

  • [MURDER DRONES] Serial Designation V 1.1 years ago

    Where’s proof of your backstory? The one where your kind is so conveniently innocent?

    -Serial Designation V, insulting Uzi Doorman in Episode 2 “Heartbeat”

  • F-16BM Block-20MLU 1.2 years ago

    @KornAerospace it’s (one of) my favorite aircraft. Many variants, rich history involving the controversial Fighter Mafia, how steering away from their ideas made it a much better fighter, and much more. There’s still many more to come. I’m just taking a break (on vacation).

  • (Target) Jax 1.3 years ago


  • Pomni but she's a car 1.3 years ago

    That’s it, I’m making a Serial Designation V F-16 lol

  • What happened to Tsuchiisan? 1.4 years ago

    @Dragoranos as I had mentioned before, I never subscribed to this theory. I said that another user asked me if they had died, and since I wasn’t sure if it was an actual question or a rhetorical question, I told him that I don’t know their whereabouts. Proof of this is in the comment section of my F-16A Block-20MLU.

  • What's your favorite song?? 1.4 years ago

    Project Wingman OST and Project Wingman Frontline-59 OST