Guys, Android will never happen, so quit bugging HellFire. One reason is obviously due to the fact that your phone would probably start to melt due to the amount of proccessing power this would take. However, there are other, less obvious reasons. One of the unaddressed reasons is that the keyboard on a phone can't just be open without being focused onto a textbox, therefore you can't access the dev console without purchasing an external keyboard. Another reason would be that HellFire would have to port this mod, and being an Android user myself, I have no idea what it would take. You (the reader) probably have no idea either. If I were to guess, I'd say it would be a pretty hard task, not even including testing it. The third lesser known reason would be that there would have to be a whole new network specifically for Android, because making this cross-platform compatible would be near impossible. Most other PC games that have a mobile edition don't bother with making mobile connectable to PC, so why should a mod that isn't an integrated piece of the game do that? Upvote this comment so others can see. (Nobody gets points for comment upvotes, so this is compliant with the current SimplePlanes Website rules.)
Why expect hate comments? This is basically the Canada of the internet! Anyways, please don't delete your account! You're an amazing builder and an amazing person!
When NASA started sending astronauts into space, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The Soviets, when faced with the same problem, used a pencil.
Guys, Android for this mod is next to impossible. Even if UnstableOrbit got this for Android(which is a Herculean task in itself), your fps would literally be a fraction.
@TheMouse Hey there, glad someone at least checked up while this account was dead. Just watched Porco Rosso for the first time and thought of this place again. Still alive and well, and as for the ominousness of this, I never really tried designing on PC and moved on to other things. I hope to get back on the saddle soon. The Unity part of this never came to fruition, and probably never will, since I'm sure any ideas I had back then are either forgotten or already made.
Thanks for thinking of me after all this time, it makes me more invigorated to build again.
@BlackhattAircraft that's it, we don't even need the website running for the rest of the year. 24 days into 2019 and we've already reached our full potential
Guys, Android will never happen, so quit bugging HellFire. One reason is obviously due to the fact that your phone would probably start to melt due to the amount of proccessing power this would take. However, there are other, less obvious reasons. One of the unaddressed reasons is that the keyboard on a phone can't just be open without being focused onto a textbox, therefore you can't access the dev console without purchasing an external keyboard. Another reason would be that HellFire would have to port this mod, and being an Android user myself, I have no idea what it would take. You (the reader) probably have no idea either. If I were to guess, I'd say it would be a pretty hard task, not even including testing it. The third lesser known reason would be that there would have to be a whole new network specifically for Android, because making this cross-platform compatible would be near impossible. Most other PC games that have a mobile edition don't bother with making mobile connectable to PC, so why should a mod that isn't an integrated piece of the game do that? Upvote this comment so others can see. (Nobody gets points for comment upvotes, so this is compliant with the current SimplePlanes Website rules.)
+15Why expect hate comments? This is basically the Canada of the internet! Anyways, please don't delete your account! You're an amazing builder and an amazing person!
+12Updoot mine!!
+8T R A I T O R
Foolish mortal, they are merely trying to stop you from retiring.
+7When NASA started sending astronauts into space, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The Soviets, when faced with the same problem, used a pencil.
+6The devs are the ones who link it most, because they are telling us about the progress on it. SR2 isn't even out yet.
+5There's no such thing as a perfect loo-
+5badum tshh
+5How do you not hace more points than me my planes are crap lol
+4Blyaaaaaaa... CCCP collapsed again....
+4It was made by a user by the name of Phil2003. The plane can be found here. In fact, the third screenshot is tge exact picture used in the video.
+4I don't feel so good...
+4time to stop leaks fast with flex tape™!
+4"Poor drawing skill", suuuuuuuuuure. This is actually really good!!!
+4Lol rip 1 like = 1 prayer
+4You can only do that through XML editing, and iOS can't do that, unfortunately. However, I can help you with that whenever you need it!
+4Bottoms up when I first met you!
+3Comment #2,666
+3So you're an actual pilot?
+3In accordance with the 2nd article, I will be aiming my shotgun at a banan and making it my profile picture, as long as no mods say against it.
+3Roses are red
+3My name is Dave
This poem makes no sense
The largest one I've ever seen is 11,000.
+3Note: for mobile, a keyboard is required for this to work properly.
+3Guys, Android for this mod is next to impossible. Even if UnstableOrbit got this for Android(which is a Herculean task in itself), your fps would literally be a fraction.
+3Hehe, that would take a while for me! I have over 1500 planes downloaded XD
+3Yeah the SR2 updates are cool but have you ever closed 15 tabs after a project?
+3I wish you good luck in the future, you will be missed.
+3Tbh the new crediting system is throwing me off, but it is better than before
+3@TheMouse Hey there, glad someone at least checked up while this account was dead. Just watched Porco Rosso for the first time and thought of this place again. Still alive and well, and as for the ominousness of this, I never really tried designing on PC and moved on to other things. I hope to get back on the saddle soon. The Unity part of this never came to fruition, and probably never will, since I'm sure any ideas I had back then are either forgotten or already made.
Thanks for thinking of me after all this time, it makes me more invigorated to build again.
OwO Awsomur is active again? Yeeeeeeees
+2@CruzerBlade Gasps in Braille
+2@BlackhattAircraft that's it, we don't even need the website running for the rest of the year. 24 days into 2019 and we've already reached our full potential
+2Welcome to a typical FSX server.
+2How did this even happen!?!?!?!?!?!?
+2@ACEPILOT109 a piano is a percussion instrument. While it does have strings, they are activated be being struck (aka percussively.)
+2You could build an entire line of Beam.NG vehicles in SP! The H-Series could be a cool option!
+2@ThunderNova that's awesome man!
+2Same dude, same...
+2Better than my teaser XD
+2@randomusername oh, it'll work alright!
+2I posted so early because I have quite a bit of hope for this.
If you feel like you're at the point of scrapping a plane, post it as is. There are plenty of people who would gladly help!
+2I never knew you, but welcome back!
+2@Roswell true
+2@Roswell you can get a Bluetooth keyboard at walmart for like 20 bucks.
+2Take the first snapshot on the inside then.
+2[Comment removed by Publisher] I'm an idiot bc I didn't check the link. :|
+2Why don't we take the house and push it somewhere else?