602 Challenger Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.5 years ago

    @XthehungrymigetX actually this plane is number one because it was the first really detailed plane and the first to have a cockpit with moving controls and instruments. So the guy who made this didn't have any other cockpit to base his off of. He was the only person to even try making instruments or working controls and the first to have guns that weren't massive. So no this plane isn't first because new players see this first but because it was innovative and set a new standard for detail and quality.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.7 years ago

    Yeah he just takes ages to make his planes @megaapplepiee

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.9 years ago

    It definitely isn't @weaselfan10101 I've managed to takeoff heaps of times with this plane. If you are using the plane on low physics settings then try not using the flaps

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.0 years ago

    @weaselfan10101 the reason that takeoff is harder than most planes is because this plane is so well made and so detailed that it acts like the real plane and WW2 fighter planes were never famous for how easy it was to takeoff. @citykid4 this plane is definitely not a normal plane. The attention to detail is stunning

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.1 years ago


  • Concorde with turntable nose gear 9.3 years ago

    I'm sorry you didn't do enough for an upvote. You literally pressed a button to do this.

  • Regarding Multiplayer in SP 9.4 years ago

    I know there are a lot of problems but you just have to think about what would attract new customers To this game and not another game and multiplayer is very attractive to someone just looking for a game to play in their spare time.

  • Go Pro_hero 4 8.5 years ago

    Shot with a missile and it didn't survive. REFUND.

  • CORVUS in EVE 8.6 years ago

    I love how it feels unstable but is actually perfectly balanced. Amazing job and in fact you just got a new follower

  • carp streamer (BETA) 8.6 years ago

    Holy carp

  • Thrust Vectoring - Sukhoi Su-35 V4.0 8.6 years ago


  • The Donald Trump Truck 8.6 years ago

    I think America failed by even giving Donald trump a chance to be president...

  • I highly regret this... 8.6 years ago

    this will probably physically damage my computer...

  • The Swine 8.6 years ago

    Scotty you know you could put that in the description. All you have to do is press the little arrow near the description then press edit.@Scottydoesthings

  • Howitzer (semi-auto) V2.0 8.6 years ago

    Oh I thought you where talking about this cannon compared to the v1 howitzer @LuKorp

  • Howitzer (semi-auto) V2.0 8.6 years ago

    Works so much better for mobile. Thanks spiritus.

  • Kimo' Balloon w/Sky Divers 8.7 years ago

    100000000888888th @Djbanana

  • Howitzer (full semi-auto) V1.0 8.7 years ago

    Thanks, it improved the performance a tiny bit but to run this well I'll have to get the pc version of simple planes
    @JackAlpha26. 1st world problems.

  • Howitzer (full semi-auto) V1.0 8.7 years ago

    I Tried high settings but if anything it made it explode more easily...

  • Cruise Missile by SR 8.7 years ago

    Hey just a simple request from a simple fan. Could you please put a bomb in this so it will actually explode properly? Only if you want to of course.

  • The Ark Of The Covenant. (Indiana Jones) 8.7 years ago

    Clever way of making the opening effect

  • EGM-3 Border Collie (Off Road) 8.7 years ago

    Ha "The Collies" would be a good name for a border patrol group. Epic car.

  • Howitzer (full semi-auto) V1.0 8.7 years ago

    It keeps getting jammed for me on every second shot. Is this to do with my low physics settings?

  • F-35B Lightning II (Lockheed Martin) 8.7 years ago

    This is actually %99.999999999 cheaper than the real thing. It's not free because you have to pay for your internet. I don't know why I wrote this...

  • Mr Millipede - mobile 8.7 years ago

    I feel his eyes burrowing into my mind...

  • Defense UAV-03 8.7 years ago

    I love the engines

  • 3D Print Your Planes 8.7 years ago

    Yes @Mineseb

  • 3D Print Your Planes 8.7 years ago

    Sorry if I crushed a dream or 2@EvilTortoise

  • 3D Print Your Planes 8.7 years ago

    I can answer the second question @IMDABEST . If you were to just print out a cube and you got the 4 inch option it would be a 4 inch cube. If you printed out 2 cubes then you would get 2 inch cubes and so on. So the volume all depends on how large the model is and what print size you choose.

  • 3D Print Your Planes 8.7 years ago

    @EvilTortoise it wouldn't work and would be classed as a toy gun or replica

  • The Tumbler from The Dark Knight 8.7 years ago

    Still the best bat mobile ever

  • 3D Print Your Planes 8.7 years ago

    I love packing peanuts
    Packing peanuts are my thing
    It's like a home of styrofoam
    And I'm their packing King

    I thought you might enjoy that @MikuKat

  • The Mountain Bunker: the easy way 8.8 years ago

    I think you are the first person in history to raid any kind on bunker using a pogo stick @Matt7709

  • DeLorean Time Machine 8.8 years ago

    I just saw some serious shirt.

  • 1000X Scale Beacon 8.8 years ago


  • DeLorean Time Machine 8.8 years ago


  • Ural-4320 8.8 years ago

    Something is very wrong with the wheels on low physics...

  • Ural-4320 8.8 years ago

    Here's a good descriptor: Russian

  • HELP With new Areas 8.8 years ago

    Ok thanks@Jetspeed1001

  • HELP With new Areas 8.8 years ago

    @Jetspeed1001 do you mean the big mountain or the lump directly behind yeager

  • HELP With new Areas 8.8 years ago

    @Jetspeed1001 @DatsunVehiclesCompany thanks guys

  • Catchphrases! 8.8 years ago

    Mine is "How you may ask? With SCIENCE of course." I get to use it more than you would think.

  • THE UPDATE IS OUT??!! 8.8 years ago

    I know I saw it and my eyes suddenly went wide and stared at the screen. In my mind I heard a chorus of hallelujah.

  • BLACK STAR 8.9 years ago


  • Omega flowey 8.9 years ago


  • GPX Knight Savior 8.9 years ago


  • PHENIX prototype fighter 8.9 years ago

    this beta is slowly killing

  • D4-RUD3 "Sandstorm" 8.9 years ago

    am I wrong in saying that darude sandstorm was an early dubstep?

  • AQ-2N Night Sentinel V1.1 8.9 years ago

    It just keeps exploding for me... I ran it on low physics and on medium and both times it blew up the motor and half of the wing as soon as the game started

  • Do Not Try This At Home 9.0 years ago

    I didn't know the human body could explode like that...