@Tornadoblobbo Learn to speak english before spreading hate on simpleplanes. Also, nothing is wrong with this build and I think you're just too stupid to figure out the controls. Another thing, the spikes CAN'T go in the ground because of simpleplanes physics. You're also hating on a simpleplanes build even though you stated that you couldn't do better. Finally, "terriblest" isn't a word.
@Tornadoblobbo bro we are all old enough to drive my guy. You're the 8 year old here buddy. Now go complain to mommy about how much you don't like a simpleplanes creation and leave it alone.
@Stephen22 that isn't an official figure. With how aerodynamic UTAV's shape is, as well as the 4 spikes I would be inclined to belive it could withstand 200+ mph winds. But im no expert so im just assuming.
I just realized that auto-credit broke and didn't credit the original build. The original build was Gabztar's subaru here: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/34TIef/Subaru-Legacy-AWD-08-156hp-ADJUSTABLE-SUSPENSION
@crazyplaness hey crazyplaness, this guy reported my buddy @YeeWx and yee got banned. You can find yee in this comment section. Is there any way you could unban yee?
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot thank you! However, we can't understate the amount of time and effort ZeNiW put into this buid. It only took me like 3 or 4 days of work to make the turret, but it took ZeNiW 5 months, so lets all appreciate ZeNiW for this excellent build.
If anyone wants to put an interior in this, you are welcome to. The grey "glass" can be changed to a glass fuselage or removed. I purposeful made this build easy to put an interior in.
@Tornadoblobbo "🤓🤓🤓erm actually, this isn't an airplane, this is a vehicle!!1!11!!!! ☝️🤓"
+2@AManWillDieButNotHisIdeas 🗿
+1My original build was 187 parts. This is 312 parts. That's how much detail Yee added to this
+1@Tornadoblobbo Learn to speak english before spreading hate on simpleplanes. Also, nothing is wrong with this build and I think you're just too stupid to figure out the controls. Another thing, the spikes CAN'T go in the ground because of simpleplanes physics. You're also hating on a simpleplanes build even though you stated that you couldn't do better. Finally, "terriblest" isn't a word.
+1U should make one of these using ZeNiWGaming's tiv 1
+1@IceCraftGaming I did the math in your bio and it says you're 15 years old. Is that right?
+1Can't wait for RIV 2
+1@WizNick thank you
+1@AirCrashInvestigationFLR thank you for telling everyone how it happened!
+1@Sirac add weight to the bottom of the car, I had that issue too
+1@Thunderhawk thanks! So, 24 points
+1@Thunderhawk ok I made some modifications and it is done
+1@Thunderhawk I'll make some modifications
+1This is really good for your first plane
+1I tried to make a corsair but it ended up looking like half corsair and half P-47
+1@Skykid028 B-17
+1@Skykid028 your not the only one who loves aviation I have studied it for 3 years
+1@Skykid028 thank you so much I LITERALLY just made an account 20 minutes ago also I made an Air Canada flight 143 plane if you want to check it out!
+1thats a shame
Really good for a decade ago
@Tornadoblobbo bro we are all old enough to drive my guy. You're the 8 year old here buddy. Now go complain to mommy about how much you don't like a simpleplanes creation and leave it alone.
It actually looks good
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot just on the rear wheels. It has a little piece of metal in between the 2 rear wheels.
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot ok. I'm interested
Yeah upload it
Fixed the corners near the hood (shown in image 3) and made front airbags deploy further than before.
@Stephen22 probably
@Stephen22 that isn't an official figure. With how aerodynamic UTAV's shape is, as well as the 4 spikes I would be inclined to belive it could withstand 200+ mph winds. But im no expert so im just assuming.
@YeeWx thanks yee
@Tortoise500000 thanks
I just realized that auto-credit broke and didn't credit the original build. The original build was Gabztar's subaru here: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/34TIef/Subaru-Legacy-AWD-08-156hp-ADJUSTABLE-SUSPENSION
@crazyplaness hey crazyplaness, this guy reported my buddy @YeeWx and yee got banned. You can find yee in this comment section. Is there any way you could unban yee?
@skelyButActuallyCJ I might make tornado puncher, but im gonna make UTAV and Armadillo before it.
@skelyButActuallyCJ me neither, could you test my tiv 2 with your tornado?
@Tornadoblobbo https://www.reddit.com/r/EnglishLearning/s/rGwCWcJRgx
@Tornadoblobbo terriblest is not a word. The correct term is most terrible. Again, if you knew proper english, you would know this.
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot it brok😭😭
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot yea he did great
DOW 3 coming soon, followed by dow 2
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot thank you! However, we can't understate the amount of time and effort ZeNiW put into this buid. It only took me like 3 or 4 days of work to make the turret, but it took ZeNiW 5 months, so lets all appreciate ZeNiW for this excellent build.
Looks great!!
This is way better than mine lol
@Gon12928 tornado attack is done
If anyone wants to put an interior in this, you are welcome to. The grey "glass" can be changed to a glass fuselage or removed. I purposeful made this build easy to put an interior in.
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot you too
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot yes you can, and you don't need to ask
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot yeah you should upload it
@Ilikeplanescausewhynot cool, I should've done that lol