1,214 Craftgamer23 Comments

  • 2022 ASTONMARTIN AMR22 2.4 years ago

    This F1 looks great but I have a question: could you give me the code for the gear counter and the rev counter? If it wasn't that my device can't run 2,184 parts I would use it. The benefit for the code you may ask: you will be credit on my new creation (work in progress) the 2023 Ant Gear Redhatch AGR + an small Easter egg that credits you for the code. (that's if you want to be credit)

  • It's A Bird! It's A Plane! It's...wait...no, it's a plane. 2.4 years ago

    I was thinking that my plane the ACRZ-1130 (coming very soon) was cool but this is amazing and flys better than my paper plane url lol. Also T

  • 1957 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider 2.5 years ago

    An really good looking classic from Italy now that's driving with style

  • More Bombs? 2.5 years ago

    Oh I remember I did something similar to my orbital cannon

  • More Bombs? 2.5 years ago

    Wait how is that possible also T

  • Mercerschmith MS1000 3.3 years ago

    This is pretty cool

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.4 years ago

    Will the original cockpit be still in the game (like the ww2 cockpit or the angle cockpit)?

  • Grenton vr plane 3.4 years ago

    I can't wait to do those interiors on android platform

  • GAH-25A+ 1.8 years ago

    I want to know how it is possible that this is so agile because I always wanted to make a plane and a vtol to moved like this creation if know how tell me or send the parts that it used for it. (Why I had to to make this comment long lol)

  • Gravity assisted rocket powered pigeon 2.1 years ago

    Well this is how an pigeon should have been from the start lol.
    Btw I notice that the color is baby blue or similar.

  • 2022 ASTONMARTIN AMR22 2.4 years ago

    @Finnqzzzz Thanks a lot

  • Lancia Stratos 2.5 years ago

    This actually looks really good and it work with me (medium physics) and it handles bumps good. Also should I build an rally car?

    Edit: could you build an 2002 Lamborghini mucielago because that's my favorite car.

  • Lexus LFA 2010 2.7 years ago

    It looks awesome I download it and I have doubt that this works on my device and I was right it got stuck at 99% but at least the game freeze and not my device. but anyways its looks like the real thing I might need an NASA tablet 😂😂😂

  • Manual Transmission Type 3 2.7 years ago

    Is it possible to add more gears and to remove gears?

  • redbull x2010 2.7 years ago

    The game crash thing I take it back the game run smooth with everything low and static reflection but when I put it on mid physics the game still run but lagging and after some time randomly it will freeze any screen input (I know that is an issue with my device) here is the reason I download it: because my custom 2002 f-150 it run smooth but since I build it on low physics it will run smooth. Can you build one but low physics compatible.
    Well I still have gt5 & 6 (gt5 I didn't make progress lol) but since I in version 1.00 on gt6 this car cost 20,000,000 CR and I didn't update it because of slow Internet but all that away in game look fantastic

  • I need some tip and tricks 2.7 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP the one that worked with me is discord but i have to make a private server so no one see it but it works at least

  • I need some tip and tricks 2.7 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP thanks a lot for this. And because you help me i will follow you

  • I need some tip and tricks 2.7 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP it worked with images from online but does it work with links, videos and images on my gallery (for example if i have a drawing of an prototype car for this game)?

  • craftgamer's custom 2002 Ford F-150 2.7 years ago

    Out of all the F-150 this one is my favorite because of the sound of the turbos, the speed, and the somewhat good handling.

  • (beamng.drive) ibishu pigeon- base model 2.7 years ago

    @WowPlanes2ndAccount yep

  • Gavril D-series 2.8 years ago

    @LIQUIDconsumer sorry to disappoint you but the nissan datsun pickup will be delay (because i didn't have time) you can expect it be released between may and August. Sorry for the bad news

  • Gavril D-series 2.9 years ago

    @LIQUIDconsumer i will try one day to do it (i search it up and it looks good) but i may not do the interior i am not that good on interiors. Thanks for an idea 😊.

  • Eärendell E-16 mk 2 2.9 years ago

    Thanks for your creation I discovered how to make the reverse light to work. Nice job (not aerodynamic) it is real fast and I feel like if I put a gyroscope I can make it into a glider😆.

  • redbull x2010 2.9 years ago

    You really got it exactly right like in the game i still have GT5 & 6 on my ps3 that is awesome that you did it in simpleplanes (though i did not download the creation the reason it would crash my game lol) but anyway good job 😀

  • Oculus Quest - Cloud Backup fix - v1.12.131 3.0 years ago

    Hey devs would you see my list of things i want you guys to add on my page
    Link (safe):

  • Manual Transmission Type 3 3.0 years ago

    Now this is on a other level of creativity. Nice. :-)

  • Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Technical AI 3.1 years ago

    Now this is a challenge in a half. That is really cool

  • hovering rickroll 3.1 years ago

    When the memes learn to hover without giving up

  • HOVER TIRES 3.1 years ago

    That is really cool i can't wait to get the new update

  • 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS (vr compatible) 3.1 years ago

    If anyone wants a drag version of this camaro reply this comment :-)

  • 2021 ANT GEAR D-ROAMER 8x8 3.2 years ago

    @V Sorry about the Steering wheel thing but I am happy that you have fun with it

  • Curation and uploading new XML to your craft posts 3.3 years ago

    Well even though I don't have a vr headset i want vr and non-vr players have fun with my creations and i am having fun building my creations (i can't approved that my creations are best quality or having many details) i am really happy with this game with my creativity so thanks devs for the game. (Sorry for the long comment)

  • SAM System HSPI ABM 3.3 years ago

    It is really good like it

  • TT X-C concept 3.3 years ago

    It is lagging on my tablet but it is really nice good job

  • ANT GEAR 2021 EVTK performance 3.4 years ago

    Hey camodo gaming if you see this creation please put it on your next simpleplanes video and before you think that does not have battery it's actually power by pistons.

  • CGJ-203 passenger jet 3.4 years ago

    Well this plane actually fly pretty good and its easy to land, take off and move around in the sky

  • CGSS-23 (amphibian military vehicle) 3.4 years ago

    @ChadRod thanks i like it too

  • Panzerkampfwagen Maus II Ausf.B 3.4 years ago

    It's looks like a tank for big chungus😂😂. But it's cool good job
    (Even though I didn't use it because i am not a beta tester)

  • CGSS-23 (amphibian military vehicle) 3.4 years ago

    @ChadRod it looks like the worst nightmare for aircrafts and land vehicles. Am I right?

  • CG-180 Cargo jet 3.4 years ago

    Forgot to mention that trim=air brake

  • flying car V2 4.1 years ago

    I notice that the normal one the back wing is not even