@LunarEclipseSP True but again, even though you also are hit, it does the same to THE WHOLE WORLD. but not that chain reaction destruction, but merely random deconstruction mid-flight😂💀
@SKLV95 this will take a while due to the fact u have 7 pages of posts and also theres a cooldown in between upvote time. I may take a break every 2 pages but rest assured you will fully have all your points before 11 pm pacific time
@YarisSedan posted.
@YarisSedan Sure. Gimme a sec
@YarisSedan lol
@MolotokSP because Ultrakill is based
@Graingy Lemafayo💀
@LunarEclipseSP True but again, even though you also are hit, it does the same to THE WHOLE WORLD. but not that chain reaction destruction, but merely random deconstruction mid-flight😂💀
+1@overlord5453 video is up.
@overlord5453 @126 Read pinned comment
It is not a game crasher.
Edit: Video link: https://youtu.be/TeFIfBxNmlU?si=Ei96O5gI4Aj7KF4-
@TheOfficalMarylander it wouldn't be literally invisible. Just untrackable.
@THEOKPILOT But tbh SimplePlanes 2 will have multiplayer (on the base game. No mod. It comes with the game)
what about SP2? i know it gonna be a step up from sp1
+1@DogThatMakesPlanes meh, i do not blame you. ft can be hard to learn lmao
@DogThatMakesPlanes Honestly fr. Guess everyone wants to do PSM without learning FT thrust vectoring that runs by FBW
@DogThatMakesPlanes This one is more STOL anyway.
@Mason08 it didn't auto credit? Hm. Thats weird. Welp. Nevermind lol
@Mason08 Hey. Glad you at least credited me after someone had to TELL you to. I invented that thing💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@Randomplayer i'm here. i'll take care of this.
This dude became silver level in one day💀💀💀💀💀. meanwhile it took years for me to be gold
+3@MVC im still waiting. android version.
Isn't this from Calvin and Hobbes?💀
im not quitting after all
@TutorialPlaneswOw Usually it happens for very light planes on low physics settings
@ThatRandomCouchPotato rip
+1@DeezDucks hmm...those words sounds like it comes from someone who knows whats going on....CONFESS!!!! Jk i know, i know. I can wait. I can wait.
Tag me when done pls.
+1@MAPA tag me in the future pls?
get spotlighted xd
@TheMouse Love the taste of ammonium nitrate in the mornings
@BNKAB no. i tried it. it doesnt💀💀💀
It took me 2 years to go from Silver to Gold💀💀💀
@Mousewithamachinegun122 Thanks
@Nerfaddict its fine
@Nerfaddict 💀
@Mousewithamachinegun123 welp. Congrats. You rickrolled me💀
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 why did i click on the link so blindly💀
@Rb2h wtf💀
"SimplePlanes 2 when?" you guys may ask?
+6Answer is, whenever the devs want to make and release it.
@SKLV95 update: 2 out of 7 pages done. Taking a break. You went from 17.1 to 17.8k points so far.
@SKLV95 this will take a while due to the fact u have 7 pages of posts and also theres a cooldown in between upvote time. I may take a break every 2 pages but rest assured you will fully have all your points before 11 pm pacific time
@SKLV95 oops. Sorry. I will start
@SKLV95 9 AM Pacific Time Zone tomorrow (2/10), is when i do my part