60 DZ1987 Comments

  • Hornet Class All Terrain Troop Transport 4.1 years ago

    @DZjetsManufacturer Indeed. strange, innnit? Oh well. I don't know what brought you here, other than the fact that we basically share a name, but one thing's certain.
    We both enjoy the same thing.

  • Engurian Highland Crawler 3.5 years ago

    I just like looking at the suspension, alright.

  • IF-60 Starburst 3.5 years ago

    It is also the one aircraft that i keep going back to. There always seems to be something i can change about it. Well, i did just say that its not as good as the IF-51. Hell, the Eagle 2 can probably out-turn it. Maybe even the Strelka. Though, as of the posting of this comment, it has not been released yet.

  • IMPA-15 Watcher 3.5 years ago

    Mm, i forgot to explain a bit more on why i wanted the buoys to be a bright colour. Well, it still contains a database that saves any notable changes in the sea it was dropped in, and if contact were to be lost with the Watcher, or it simply stopped responding for some reason, it can be spotted easily and recovered. Unless a rival vessel were to discover it. Thankfully, however, it does not give away the position of its fleet.

  • Nakajima Aerocraft WOD-6600 3.6 years ago

    I must ask how you maintain Horizontal stability. Truth be told, I've been wondering how tail-less aircraft can fly straight. Mm, well, either way, its a beautiful aircraft, this. Well done.

  • DV-20 Vasilisa 3.6 years ago

    Truth be told, i made this around a month before the SU-75 Checkmate was announced, and i found that the elevator-rudder thing was the same, so therefore, i'd like to say that i predicted the SU-75.

  • KJ-15 Cicada 3.6 years ago

    She's quite a joy to fly. And when you're fighting it against another player, its rather annoying. Much like a Cicada.

  • RF Falconhawk 3.6 years ago

    I was half tempted to make a bomber version and make it look like an arrow, since the Falconhawk already looks like an arrow. All that was needed was the shaft. But i decided against it, for it would not fit the lore. Though, my good sirs and ladies, you could do it yourself, if you want.

  • Defender class Multirole Fighter 4.1 years ago

    Though it differed slightly to how it originally looked, when i made it in 2017-2018, i forget, but around that time-frame. But this is indeed, my first ever Jet powered plane.
    You could tell it was one of my first for i stuck in a sod-load amount of guns on it, for whatever reason i do not remember. Probably "More guns good guns"

  • Pike class Tactical Helicopter 4.1 years ago

    @Beanz17 Why, thank you, good sir.

  • Sylvester's Warbird 4.1 years ago

    Good boy.

  • Pike class Tactical Helicopter 4.1 years ago

    After comparing notes between IRL standards and the one i made, i must say. Me engines are under-powered. Why do i say that? well, the heaviest helicopters out there are around the 15,000 kg on empty weight, and mine's around 4,000 and it struggles to take off. Oh well. I'll just make note of it and see if i can make a better one next time.

  • SOLO WING PIXY 4.1 years ago

    Wait... was he always missing half his wing?

  • Hornet Class All Terrain Troop Transport 4.1 years ago

    I forgot to put it in the description, and i'm too lazy to edit it again, so i'll say it here.

    On 1, vehicle control, you can also control the flipper. Careful, now. "She's a wild one" as Markiplier would most likely say.

  • Dimension Penetrator 4.1 years ago

    I'm genuinely going to find a way to run SimpleRockets 2 and rebuild this, so i can penetrate the moon.

  • IF-52 Sabre 4.2 years ago

    My Magnum Opus, this.

  • IB-32 Striker 4.2 years ago

    The reason why i leave the pylons empty is because i want you lot to customize your load-out. Carry a specific amount of missiles, bombs, and such. Tedious, aye, especially since these engines just detach if you mirror the aircraft, but, i suppose you can treat it as relaxing experience, or something. I dunno, Do as you like with my vehicles.

  • Sky-Anchor class Anti Air Mech 4.2 years ago

    Ok, not need... But more like... "Its better if you had SimpleWings"

  • Dreadnought Class Siege Mech 4.2 years ago

    Seems all these years of staring at anime girl thighs has finally bore fruit.