@windshifter1 Sure, this is an ancient relic that is almost used on any ship with a phalanx, you can use it for sure even without any credits.
Also, I have FT-based AAs on my latest ships, they auto-track planes & some have an explosive fuse that detonates near enemy planes but make sure to give credit on the latest weapons, please.
@Alternation that is a nice helicopter and also you should fly this version. I gave it some modern upgrades & cockpit
Thanks for all the support so far, I forgot to add some info about the plane.
A magnet-based EGPWS sound warning system can be heard during a shallow dive while HUD is also flashing X to warn the pilot.
The last information I forgot to add is the FT Based Torpedo Parachutes. Torpedoes have limited drop speed and altitude so don't ignore the speed & altitude limits given in the instructions. Have fun 🙌
I would like to give you a big thanks since I was looking for an ATR-72 with proper looking rear landing gear to finish my maritime patrol aircraft.I’m going to give you a credit when I publish it :)
@TheTomatoLover Of course, but I have to thank my luck since I saw an active-duty ship & a museum ship. With that knowledge came from the ship visits surely it helped this long enduring process
Special thanks to
@BMilan: Anchor, Night Lights
@Rafalemmm: LifeBuoy
@HoshinoStudioOfficial: Chaff/Flare Launcher
@UnmanagedReservoir: Spotlight, Binoculars, Hatches, Vent
@SnoWFLakE0s : GPMG
@Scharnhorst: Propulsion, Movement
@2Fat2Fly: Landing Assist Lights FT codes
Port SP for ideas & suggestions
Absolute Xinema, Chinese Century is here
+2Infinite PACT Bmp-1 death.
+1True WARNO airborne vehicle
Is that my Crotale thing still getting tossed around
I would like to use it on my project
Is this guided ?
Another day another good deal
+1Landing Gears exist
Structural integrity has joined the chat
+1Heyecanla bekliyorum
@BlackGearCompany Yes,but don't forget to give credit
+1@dekanii AW-109 helicopter?
+2@Fghu I'm working on a brand new ship, and new missiles going to be two stage one so yeah
@SpiridonDynamics I have some weight and size ratio issues with the Spy-7 mast,so I’m going to use the tower mast of the Sentinel 160 instead
I liked the radar mast and I want to use it on my next build, going to give you credit if you agree
@windshifter1 Sure, this is an ancient relic that is almost used on any ship with a phalanx, you can use it for sure even without any credits.
Also, I have FT-based AAs on my latest ships, they auto-track planes & some have an explosive fuse that detonates near enemy planes but make sure to give credit on the latest weapons, please.
Example Ship: Zenith Class OPV
Additions : AG-3 Lights,AG-4 Winch,AG-5 Hover
+1Well, I have another version of your helicopter based on this time it is the Norwegian SAR version.
@Alternation Yeah,I usually don’t post kitbash stuff if I use alot of sub-assemblies from other people’s projects so yeah
@Alternation that is a nice helicopter and also you should fly this version. I gave it some modern upgrades & cockpit
@rexzion it doesn’t work on my 2011 Samsung Galaxy Ace,guys it’s not mobile friendly 😭
+1@MAHADI Yes, without it this build would be dull. Thanks nonetheless!
@AshdenpawTG22 I wish they were guided too
@ffifteenfive I think torpedoes are buggy,even without parachutes they are still broken,best way to use them is getting low and slow
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes Yep,We are ballin'
Thanks for all the support so far, I forgot to add some info about the plane.
A magnet-based EGPWS sound warning system can be heard during a shallow dive while HUD is also flashing X to warn the pilot.
The last information I forgot to add is the FT Based Torpedo Parachutes. Torpedoes have limited drop speed and altitude so don't ignore the speed & altitude limits given in the instructions. Have fun 🙌
@Onat67 Evet
I have a lot of blursed ideas with that tail engine
I would like to give you a big thanks since I was looking for an ATR-72 with proper looking rear landing gear to finish my maritime patrol aircraft.I’m going to give you a credit when I publish it :)
+5It has a great design but the front gun is very underwhelming for this ship size, you can use guns up to 40mm and such
@Josephina577 Which ship ?
Sleek build
+1@Freerider2142 Thanks,after your advise on Collective & Rotor control,it works much better
@MAHADI I would like to use the targeting HUD for my upcoming plane that has Aselsan ASELFIR since I couldn't find any better HUD :)
@phrongus Yeah, I found this ship earlier on the site but the original post was deleted. I'm surprised that it belongs to you.
This is a well-made ship however I have decided to make guns really realistic & immersive.
Also while designing my Penguin missiles this ship got on my radar as a promising test platform.
Fasten your seat-belt for a very upgraded Mi-8 version that is coming up
@spectre118 You should be playing at High Physics
@Navyguy https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/a0dDNN/AI-Hawk-Battery
+1@MobileBuilder21 Thanks
Shoo shoo, you are scaring the hoes @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore @Leondex
+2@TatsuTheOtaku When is the deadline ?
You got me off-guard, I was building my IFV in peace now I have to build something that floats !!
+1Welcome Back !
@WaterFlavouredSpitfires There is another one coming soon
Saw it fly over my boat in MP, solid F-14B
@TheTomatoLover Of course, but I have to thank my luck since I saw an active-duty ship & a museum ship. With that knowledge came from the ship visits surely it helped this long enduring process
+2Special thanks to
@BMilan: Anchor, Night Lights
@Rafalemmm: LifeBuoy
@HoshinoStudioOfficial: Chaff/Flare Launcher
@UnmanagedReservoir: Spotlight, Binoculars, Hatches, Vent
@SnoWFLakE0s : GPMG
@Scharnhorst: Propulsion, Movement
@2Fat2Fly: Landing Assist Lights FT codes
Port SP for ideas & suggestions