"If you've got annoying neighbours, just use this to steal their houses and drop it into the sea or something. Or maybe you could drop houses on people. After all, who would believe that a house can just fall from the sky?" Description 10/10
I would like to give you a big thanks since I was looking for an ATR-72 with proper looking rear landing gear to finish my maritime patrol aircraft.I’m going to give you a credit when I publish it :)
I just love this tank. I used to play Armored Warfare & gone for VT-4 line-up since VT-4 has APS & better mobility. Glad to see someone actually nailed all the details!
@TheTomatoLover Of course, but I have to thank my luck since I saw an active-duty ship & a museum ship. With that knowledge came from the ship visits surely it helped this long enduring process
Scripts for incoming missiles.
Those codes will help us create better counter-measure,CIWS & Active protection systems.
+46Shall we get “Incoming Missile” iteration ?
+10That way we can create Active-protection systems.
Wild-Armed TB-2 enters the chat
+7I'm getting TB-2 Vibes from this :))
+6"If you've got annoying neighbours, just use this to steal their houses and drop it into the sea or something. Or maybe you could drop houses on people. After all, who would believe that a house can just fall from the sky?" Description 10/10
+6I would like to give you a big thanks since I was looking for an ATR-72 with proper looking rear landing gear to finish my maritime patrol aircraft.I’m going to give you a credit when I publish it :)
+5I just love this tank. I used to play Armored Warfare & gone for VT-4 line-up since VT-4 has APS & better mobility. Glad to see someone actually nailed all the details!
+5Jotaro !
+4Finally ! A proper Desert map !
+4@PotatoJenkins1 Mushroom Cloud in the sky
+3Age of Empires II intensifies
+3As aCrossout player who plays with tank builds,I approve this !
+3"With armor unmatched by that of any modern tank"
Me : Hold my Scorpion
+3@Kerbango Don't lie,It is illegal to fly a boat lmao.
+3@QingyuZhou This game really deserves Tank Track Variations.
+2Shoo shoo, you are scaring the hoes @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore @Leondex
+2@TheTomatoLover Of course, but I have to thank my luck since I saw an active-duty ship & a museum ship. With that knowledge came from the ship visits surely it helped this long enduring process
+2@WinsWings I have been playing a lot of Arma 3 recently
+2Hey, Glad to see you again bro. I'm excited about this mod & your Tracks 3 project.
+2Crew : Sniff "What is that smel-"
+2Captain : "Sssh,It is a secret weapon"
@BoganBoganTheWoman Sad Kodiak Sounds
+2I remember the days when I was using this as a scooter in our factory.
@EternalDarkness Thanks for the Upvote !
When Germans actually installs a chin mounted cannon to their helicopters ))
+2This belongs to @ChunderDownUnder
+2You better credit him
I might use those technics,this video sparked an idea !
+2Best JF-17 I ever saw on this site so far !
+2Number of Parts 4996 !
+2@Kimcotupan15 Wait what ? Mobile ? I haven't heard it !
+2True Masterpiece,I have been waiting for this day ! Excellent Work !
+2Well done,Now it is even featured on the main page !
+2Awesome !
+2Thanks for featuring my helicopter in the trailer ! @PhilipTarpley
+2@MOPCKOEDNISHE I think we really need more tracks
+2@Feanor NO-U
+2@Roswell @Mostly @Baldeagle086 Thanks !
+2Number of the Beast ? @QingyuZhou
Absolute Xinema, Chinese Century is here
+1Infinite PACT Bmp-1 death.
+1True WARNO airborne vehicle
Another day another good deal
+1Landing Gears exist
Structural integrity has joined the chat
+1@BlackGearCompany Yes,but don't forget to give credit
Additions : AG-3 Lights,AG-4 Winch,AG-5 Hover
+1@rexzion it doesn’t work on my 2011 Samsung Galaxy Ace,guys it’s not mobile friendly 😭