The next step: increasing the number of screenshots to 5 and the ability to upload screenshots directly to the site, bypassing the game. I would like to...
Western values in all their glory. A generation of whiners and perpetually offended. This wonderful Western world that defends freedom of speech, but in which there is no freedom of speech, because if you say at least something traditional with criticism of the new, you will be destroyed. At such moments, I’m even glad that I live in Russia (funny, huh?). After all, despite my terrible government, despite my standard of living, I am still free to express my opinion and, most likely, I will not have problems with work because of this opinion. However, now you are free to speak and joke as you want, because ANY humor is permissible. Enjoy and welcome back.
@Dimkal @Dimkal
1. Maybe
2. It’s just a trainer jet
3. I did not find a place on the fuselage, where the air brake would be beautifully located
4. I wanted to make an automatic (semi-automatic) flap system
5. It’s just a trainer jet
I will take into account your comments and make my future planes better. Anyway thank you for upvote and spotlight;)
This mod has many different settings. I have changed some of them. If you have a question about how to do this, I recommend going to the mod's page (link in the post) and carefully read the description.
You just redid the rudder a little and changed the livery, but did not leave a link to the author of the original. I consider this disrespect for the work of others.
And anyway - toggle eject seat is too weird. There is usually a cord in the front of the seat that you need to pull hard on.
It’s just as weird to use the toggle switch to drop bombs. It is logical that the bombs are dropped by pressing the trigger, while the toggle switch can be assigned simply to select bombs as the current weapon.
A cockpit in this design is meaningless, since the camera is centered and there is no way to use toggle switches, monitor all gauges, etc. Especially when using the mouse.
Only 6/10 just because for me the visual is above the rest.
This is a sandbox game, not a simulation. If you make at least 50 AGs, it will greatly increase the entry threshold and hit the casual audience. If I open the craft page, and there is no control description block there, then I don't even download. If there is a description for all 50 AGs, then you can go crazy. I agree that it is possible to increase the number of AGs up to 10, maybe up to 15, but by no means more.
Very beautiful work. However, the cockpit is not functional and does not look the best. There is no dedicated AG for reverse thrust. Reverse thrust is not physically implemented. Airbrakes are not physically implemented. There is no dedicated AG for lights. There is no wing flex. The first person camera is set too low. Not a very realistic flight model. At speeds below 290 kmph, it is very poorly controlled, while the landing speed should be around 260-280 kmph.
I will give an upvote, but in advance, in the hope that you will develop as a designer. So far, my overall rating is only 6/10.
1) Stop tagging me all the time
2) You originally wrote "Comac MC-21"
3) You are not from the SPMC community, so delete this logo
Once he was a standard for me, I strove for his "mastery". I will not speak badly about him, I will only say that I am greatly disappointed in him as a person and as a player.
Nice work, but the whole tail is trash. The horizontal tail is made in a deletant manner, compared to the rest of the aircraft it is terrible. The rudder is one-segment, whereas in reality it is made up of two segments. The emblem of the airline is made in one circle and does not turn with the turn of the rudder. The saddest thing is that you were able to do these parts well, but you didn't. I don’t believe that you were saving parts, because if your craft consists of 2000 parts, it’s too late to save them.
Great appearance. There are a couple of shortcomings:
1 - inverted rudder;
2 - the flaps touch the external fuel tanks;
3 - the wheels turns, but it would be better if all front landing gear turns.
As you can see, no drama happened in an hour. Be neutral? Why would I be neutral? I have my own opinion and I have the right to express it. And your right to agree or disagree. If you aren't interested in posts of this kind, nobody forces you read them.
Nice job as a beginner. However, there are drawbacks. 1) it is better to invert the flaps.
2) in the cockpit, the pedals are not working properly.
3) the main landing gear is better to be made higher, this will make takeoff easier.
4) you have an ultralight plane, it should not weigh 4 tons. Maximum 170-200 kg (fully loaded).
5) it takes off at a speed of 160-170 km/h, while the ultralight often has a lower maximum speed. The flight model should be changed so that the takeoff speed is 60-80 km/h, and the maximum speed is about 150 km/h.
6) too thick glass, it is better to make it thinner.
The next step: increasing the number of screenshots to 5 and the ability to upload screenshots directly to the site, bypassing the game. I would like to...
+18I won’t even try to download it
+16Western values in all their glory. A generation of whiners and perpetually offended. This wonderful Western world that defends freedom of speech, but in which there is no freedom of speech, because if you say at least something traditional with criticism of the new, you will be destroyed. At such moments, I’m even glad that I live in Russia (funny, huh?). After all, despite my terrible government, despite my standard of living, I am still free to express my opinion and, most likely, I will not have problems with work because of this opinion. However, now you are free to speak and joke as you want, because ANY humor is permissible. Enjoy and welcome back.
+15Thanks, now I hate u 😘
+10I don't know how difficult it is to implement, but it would be nice to see textures such as carbon, metal, wood, rubber...
+10Also (this is more difficult) it would be possible to implement clickable elements of the cockpit: switches, levers, touch screens...
+9This craft is more worthy to be feautured than crafts which are feautured now!!!
I do it easier: just don't make wingtips
+8Social credit: -
SP classic
+7Making craft: 5 hours.
Edit connections: 1000000000+ hours.
Very beautiful work, but functionally there is room for improvement. 7.5/10
Thank you for your very important and necessary opinion.
+6Interesting construction
+6Automatic landing gears sucks
+6@Dimkal @Dimkal
1. Maybe
2. It’s just a trainer jet
3. I did not find a place on the fuselage, where the air brake would be beautifully located
4. I wanted to make an automatic (semi-automatic) flap system
5. It’s just a trainer jet
I will take into account your comments and make my future planes better. Anyway thank you for upvote and spotlight;)
+6You must go to court. The law is on your side.
+5Well, translating Russian Aircraft ChAlLeNgE into Russian through Google Translate was a mistake. Because the translation is ridiculously wrong xd
??? Controls ???
+4This mod has many different settings. I have changed some of them. If you have a question about how to do this, I recommend going to the mod's page (link in the post) and carefully read the description.
Better than Homemade
+4You just redid the rudder a little and changed the livery, but did not leave a link to the author of the original. I consider this disrespect for the work of others.
Sorry for using Google Translate
+4flag == false;
+3Не помешал бы нормальный вид от 1-го лица и описание AG (да и в целом блока с описанием управления)
+3@BeastHunter you are low skilled player without any good crafts.
+3s p y
+3not correct / correct :
навес кабины / фонарь
извлечь / катапультирование
бомбить / бомбы
And anyway - toggle eject seat is too weird. There is usually a cord in the front of the seat that you need to pull hard on.
+3It’s just as weird to use the toggle switch to drop bombs. It is logical that the bombs are dropped by pressing the trigger, while the toggle switch can be assigned simply to select bombs as the current weapon.
This is a sandbox game, not a simulation. If you make at least 50 AGs, it will greatly increase the entry threshold and hit the casual audience. If I open the craft page, and there is no control description block there, then I don't even download. If there is a description for all 50 AGs, then you can go crazy. I agree that it is possible to increase the number of AGs up to 10, maybe up to 15, but by no means more.
+3Visual: 9/10
Functional: 3/10
Cockpit: 5/10
Very beautiful work. However, the cockpit is not functional and does not look the best. There is no dedicated AG for reverse thrust. Reverse thrust is not physically implemented. Airbrakes are not physically implemented. There is no dedicated AG for lights. There is no wing flex. The first person camera is set too low. Not a very realistic flight model. At speeds below 290 kmph, it is very poorly controlled, while the landing speed should be around 260-280 kmph.
I will give an upvote, but in advance, in the hope that you will develop as a designer. So far, my overall rating is only 6/10.
+3Very cool for a beginner!
+31) Stop tagging me all the time
2) You originally wrote "Comac MC-21"
3) You are not from the SPMC community, so delete this logo
Once he was a standard for me, I strove for his "mastery". I will not speak badly about him, I will only say that I am greatly disappointed in him as a person and as a player.
+3Nice work, but the whole tail is trash. The horizontal tail is made in a deletant manner, compared to the rest of the aircraft it is terrible. The rudder is one-segment, whereas in reality it is made up of two segments. The emblem of the airline is made in one circle and does not turn with the turn of the rudder. The saddest thing is that you were able to do these parts well, but you didn't. I don’t believe that you were saving parts, because if your craft consists of 2000 parts, it’s too late to save them.
Sorry for using Google Translator.
+3Great appearance. There are a couple of shortcomings:
1 - inverted rudder;
2 - the flaps touch the external fuel tanks;
3 - the wheels turns, but it would be better if all front landing gear turns.
Keep us informed. This is very important and interesting information. Most importantly, you don't litter the SP forum at all.
+3As you can see, no drama happened in an hour. Be neutral? Why would I be neutral? I have my own opinion and I have the right to express it. And your right to agree or disagree. If you aren't interested in posts of this kind, nobody forces you read them.
drama is the guarantee of the site's life
+3Nice job as a beginner. However, there are drawbacks.
1) it is better to invert the flaps.
2) in the cockpit, the pedals are not working properly.
3) the main landing gear is better to be made higher, this will make takeoff easier.
4) you have an ultralight plane, it should not weigh 4 tons. Maximum 170-200 kg (fully loaded).
5) it takes off at a speed of 160-170 km/h, while the ultralight often has a lower maximum speed. The flight model should be changed so that the takeoff speed is 60-80 km/h, and the maximum speed is about 150 km/h.
6) too thick glass, it is better to make it thinner.
+3let's be honest, he is mediocrity
oooh yeah, I'm toxic
+3@JolyLoly мемЫ про кокс неактуальны- так АйтипедИя сказал 🗿
+3No flaps and ailerones, only flaperones!
+3Сыро. Недоделанно. Без детализации. Апвойт.
! [] ()
Между скобками без пробелов, в круглых скобках url картинки (самый простой вариант - заливать себе в лс в ВК картинки и брать url оттуда)
+2Will there be a lighter version but with a full cockpit (no camouflage and maybe some other small details)?
+2very pleasant in appearance and in flight
+2If you do not know Russian, NEVER try to write in Russian with the help of a translator. This looks sooooo ridiculous xd