19.7k DerVito Comments

  • BogdanX ? 3.7 years ago

    Once he was a standard for me, I strove for his "mastery". I will not speak badly about him, I will only say that I am greatly disappointed in him as a person and as a player.

  • "Trinity" 3.7 years ago

    Instead of asking me not to delete, just download it yourself if you like it so much.

  • "Trinity" 3.7 years ago

    6 upvotes lol. Everything that is on my account, I post for the players, not for myself. I want people to go to my account and not find a bunch of rubbish, but only what they like. This craft is like a teaser. I saw that the players were not interested in this project. I have no reason to try, waste a lot of time on something that in the end, almost no one will like it. This project is closed and there is not a single prerequisite to resume it.

  • "Trinity" 3.7 years ago

    Only the absence of your permission stopped me. Thank you God.

  • "Trinity" 3.7 years ago

    I guess people didn't like the general concept. Although I love the design, a lot of people have called it weird. There is no point in wasting time and nerves on this if the majority do not like it.

  • "Trinity" 3.7 years ago

    People didn't like this craft. It spoils account statistics. I will not finish the full version either. The full version and this craft will go into oblivion.

  • "Trinity" 3.7 years ago

    @Gestour np

  • Youtube series 3.7 years ago

    MC-15 Cri-Cri

    and maybe this:
    Ki-184 "Tatsumaki"

  • Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus II (Krupp Turm): Fenrir 3.7 years ago

    @PathologeSchmidt не имеет значения, делает ли АГ что-то важное, или нет. Это в любом случае должно быть в описании, чтобы потом это не стало сюрпризом. Иначе, зачем добавлять возможности/функции, если если никто об этом не узнает или узнает случайно?

  • Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus II (Krupp Turm): Fenrir 3.7 years ago

    Когда ты уже научишься писать управление по-нормальному????
    Где описание работы АГ??? Например, АГ3 - включает ИК-прожектор, но в тексте этого нет.
    Нужно писать управление единым блоком, и понятно описывать действие для каждой используемой АГ.

    Так же, не понял логику работы пулемета, и не понял, что происходит при нажатии АГ1 (у меня просто башня поворачивается немного влево).

  • I seem to be boring everyone. 3.7 years ago

    За последний год ты в среднем получал по 40-65 апов, что достаточно неплохо.
    Однако можно выделить причины, почему у тебя все не так, как хотелось бы:
    1) общая однообразность крафтов
    2) не лучшие скриншоты
    3) малое кол-во авиации, а наземка собирает меньше
    4) почти нет тизеров
    5) тизеры не интригующие
    6) твоя довольно слабая активность на форуме, в комментариях.

    Что можно изменить:
    1) уходить от тематики немецкой техники (в т.ч. и полумифической) конца Второй Мировой.
    2) серьезно улучшить навыки в постройке авиации и строить ее в бо́льшем количестве
    3) изменить подход к скриншотам (сейчас крафты теряются на фоне задних планов)
    4) активнее рекламировать постройки, делать больше тизеров, делать их более интригующими
    5) изменить структуру описания крафтов (бери пример с моих описаний)
    6) увеличить активность на сайте помимо выкладывания крафтов
    7) остановить конвейер, если ты делаешь что-то с завидной периодичностью (даже раз в месяц), это рано или поздно всем надоест, что и произошло. Не вижу надобности в более чем 5 крафтов в год.

    Over the past year, you've gotten an average of 40-65 upvotes, which is pretty good.
    However, there are reasons why everything is not the way you would like it to be:
    1) the general monotony of craft
    2) not the best screenshots
    3) a small number of aviation, and the ground collects less
    4) almost no teasers
    5) teasers are not intriguing
    6) your rather weak activity on the forum, in the comments.

    What can be changed:
    1) move away from the theme of German technology (including semi-mythical) at the end of the Second World War.
    2) seriously improve skills in the construction of aircraft and build more of it
    3) change the approach to screenshots (now crafts are lost in the background)
    4) advertise buildings more actively, make more teasers, make them more intriguing
    5) change the structure of the description of craft (take an example from my descriptions)
    6) increase activity on the site in addition to uploading craft items
    7) stop the conveyor, if you do something with an enviable frequency (even once a month), sooner or later everyone will get tired of it, which is what happened. I do not see the need for more than 5 craft projects per year.

  • SPBC Is a bad server 3.7 years ago


  • Cy-27 != F-15 3.7 years ago


    ummm ... I'm talking about the fact that most users make the wrong stabilizers on the Su-27.

  • Y tho 3.7 years ago

    Just because most people are stupid

  • Durchbruchswagen Ausfuhrung.A1 3.8 years ago

    @Tankistrus37 скачать можно, даже в игру зайти можно, но кататься не выйдет, только на месте стоять да башней крутить-вертеть

  • Durchbruchswagen Ausfuhrung.A1 3.8 years ago

    @RussianAce уже который пост подряд не слежу за тобой, ибо скрины неудачные и в общей массе крафтов они не выделяются.

  • Durchbruchswagen Ausfuhrung.A1 3.8 years ago

    @RussianAce мб я случайно включил джойстик, потом проверю, но у меня всегда горит левый поворотник, а при повороте вправо включается правый и левый выкл

  • Durchbruchswagen Ausfuhrung.A1 3.8 years ago

    ООООООООООООООО Шмидт наконец-то сделал нормальное описание управления!


    А почему поворотники нормально не настроил?
    А где прицел?
    А..пвойт уж поставлю. Ладно, выглядит неплохо, живи пока что.

  • What is your ‘Lucky Country’?... 3.8 years ago

    1. Deutschland (France) - Cri-Cri [ 131 (+25) upvotes ]
    2. UK - FGA-7 [ 120 upvotes ]
    3. Russia - ATG "Eaglet" [ 64 upvotes ]
    4. Japan - Ki-184 [ 60 upvotes ]

  • B o i n g - B o i n g 3.8 years ago

    V i s b y

    Let's pray for it

  • Boeing 747-100 Pan American Airways Ver.2.0 3.8 years ago

    Nice work, but the whole tail is trash. The horizontal tail is made in a deletant manner, compared to the rest of the aircraft it is terrible. The rudder is one-segment, whereas in reality it is made up of two segments. The emblem of the airline is made in one circle and does not turn with the turn of the rudder. The saddest thing is that you were able to do these parts well, but you didn't. I don’t believe that you were saving parts, because if your craft consists of 2000 parts, it’s too late to save them.

    Sorry for using Google Translator.

  • Some sketches that I drew [2] 3.8 years ago

    I can't draw people either. I am just taking my first steps in this. As you can see, I am drawing warriors, because they have almost their entire body covered with clothes. Feet - in shoes, hands - either in gloves or in the shade, face under a helmet. It’s the legs, arms and faces that I don’t know how to draw well enough to focus on them.

  • De Havilland Dash 7 Pan am 3.8 years ago

    You just copied the description from the original post lol

  • A 3.8 years ago

    We need Visby Corvette !!1!

  • Interesting bug with Ocean Mod (?) 3.8 years ago

    ... and restart the game, and again, and again...

  • Interesting bug with Ocean Mod (?) 3.8 years ago

    Ocean Mod is on
    Ocean is "AIR"
    Ocean is off


  • Excuse me, what? 3.8 years ago

    You're not a little Harrier

  • MJ - 56 'ClownFish' 3.8 years ago

    Nice simple design.
    I love it! Good job.

  • Boeing 747-200B Braniff International 3.8 years ago



  • MC-15 Cri-Cri (Smooth) 3.8 years ago


    "The post you are redirecting to must be public."

  • Some beautiful screenshots. 3.8 years ago

    This mod has many different settings. I have changed some of them. If you have a question about how to do this, I recommend going to the mod's page (link in the post) and carefully read the description.

  • Don't do drugs kids 3.9 years ago

    I don't like the drugs

    But the drugs like me

  • MC-15 Cri-Cri (Smooth) 3.9 years ago

    @Chancey21 canopy + wingtips + decals = a lot of parts

  • MC-15 Cri-Cri (Smooth) 3.9 years ago

    I don't understand your logic. Those who have already upvoted the original craft, why do you upvote this??? This is a minor improvement, there is nothing for which you can upvote a second time)

  • MC-15 Cri-Cri (Smooth) 3.9 years ago

    Lol, I just now understood your joke)) I just lost 2 parts, but nothing falls out anywhere, so I don't know where exactly they got lost. I thought that my connections on the letter W were broken and I searched for a long time, what is the problem of XD

  • MC-15 Cri-Cri (Smooth) 3.9 years ago

    @Sinnacraft ?

  • Condor Aviation Kite FGR.3 3.9 years ago

    Sorry, I forgot to upvote this ;)

  • Condor Aviation Kite FGR.3 3.9 years ago

    Great appearance. There are a couple of shortcomings:
    1 - inverted rudder;
    2 - the flaps touch the external fuel tanks;
    3 - the wheels turns, but it would be better if all front landing gear turns.

  • Condor Aviation Kite FGR.3 3.9 years ago

    nice manual !! I'll test it later.

  • Challenger 2 3.9 years ago

    Mmmmm, made in china

  • Challenger 2 3.9 years ago

    Wow! Hopefully my pc won't burn if I try to test it.

  • Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-1 3.9 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP the trimmer has nothing to do with it. As soon as the tail wheel go up, it starts to turn, the same when touching down. Too strong imitation of torque

  • Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-1 3.9 years ago

    looks awesome. However, the roll is rather weak, and it also behaves terribly during takeoff and landing.

  • FV-301 [1 Year special][Mobile Friendly] 4.0 years ago

    @Grob0s0VBRa Центурион: я для тебя какая-то шутка???

  • FT GP 4.0 years ago

    FT GP



  • Kenneth's post about me got removed 4.0 years ago

    @WiiWiiTheMini No hate ;) I'm just annoyed that you litter on the forum

  • Kenneth's post about me got removed 4.0 years ago

    @KnightOfRen ohhh yeah

  • Kenneth's post about me got removed 4.0 years ago

    @WiiWiiTheMini I hope you don't come back 😘

  • Kenneth's post about me got removed 4.0 years ago

    Keep us informed. This is very important and interesting information. Most importantly, you don't litter the SP forum at all.
