119k DestinyAviation Comments

  • German Corsair 3 4.2 years ago

    Hey @RailfanEthan. I have a question that I hope you'll have an answer to. I recently got myself an Athearn Blue Box HO scale ALCO PA1. I opened it up and noticed that the motor was pretty loose and I was wondering if this is normal or not

  • Messerschmitt Me P.1199 ''Drache'' 4.3 years ago

    @RussianAce I may have been gone from the site for too long

  • Messerschmitt Me P.1199 ''Drache'' 4.3 years ago

    @TitanIncorporated thank you!

  • HELP MEEEEEE 4.6 years ago

    Hello. What exactly were you hoping to get help on?

  • RIF-232 Triton 4.7 years ago

    @davygravy10 yes, I can make a carrier variant! It will be an unlisted post

  • T29 Heavy tank 4.9 years ago

    Fantastic job! Don't think I've seen the turret done so well on the site before. Very well done. One suggestion would be to make the tracks wider, but other than that no complaints

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 4.9 years ago

    Man, @Othawne, can't imagine the stress involved with this one. Fantastic!

  • E-100 5.0 years ago

    All looks great on this build. However, the tank kept exploding when I fired the main gun, which is too bad because of 1.8. I know on Windows/OSX there's a way to disable part collisions so that this doesn't happen. Is there a way to do so on Android?

  • Altair-Crowe Eradicator B.1 5.0 years ago

    Great build! I think adding custom landing gear would make it even better!

  • Messerschmitt P.1150 Druden 5.3 years ago

    @Mustang51 sorry for not replying earlier. Yes, it is a night fighter!

  • Object 700 Soviet Heavy Tank 5.7 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade Go right ahead! Just make sure to give me credit for the original design :)

  • de Havilland Comet 4 5.8 years ago

    Will fly it later. Love the looks!

  • E-95 Ausf.D Standardpanzer 5.8 years ago

    @Dllama4 I'm honestly not sure. My theory is that it doesn't show up because the mod hasn't been updated to the latest game version

  • E-95 Ausf.D Standardpanzer 5.8 years ago

    @Mcllulen I'm sorry, my mistake. The tracks mod is not showing up, so it doesn't tell anyone that it was used to create this tank. I will be creating an unmodded version!

  • E-95 Ausf.D Standardpanzer 5.8 years ago

    @PhantomBladeCorp they were incredibly annoying to make, especially the front of the skirts. I think I went through four or five versions before I was happy with this one. If you end up making some skirts, let me know! I'd love to see how you manage it!

  • E-95 Ausf.D Standardpanzer 5.8 years ago

    @Randomdoggo I will do my best to make an unmodded version! If/when it gets uploaded (as unlisted), I'll make sure to tag you!

  • Longest plane 5.9 years ago

    Very nice

  • Messerschmitt Me-2025 Vampir 5.9 years ago

    @Bluerobot11 thank you!

  • Messerschmitt Me-2025 Vampir 5.9 years ago

    @Bluerobot11 it's just an aircraft that I built a while back and never uploaded. Thanks for asking!

  • Wanderndpanzer 1A2 Luchs 5.9 years ago

    @Lotsofhotdogs yes, I am aware. I might post an unlisted fixed version in a little while. Thank you for reminding me!

  • Wanderndpanzer 1A2 Luchs 5.9 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick that would be correct!

  • Wanderndpanzer 1A2 Luchs 6.0 years ago

    @SledDriver I'll give you a hint; It's a box whose top can be removed :)

    @Hockeygoalie21 you found it!

  • Wanderndpanzer 1A2 Luchs 6.0 years ago

    @SledDriver sure! It has something to do with the propulsion of the vehicle

  • Rainier Enclosed Weapon Pods™ 6.0 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot np! They're awesome

  • Arado Ar-234 B-2a ''Bodenangriff'' 6.0 years ago

    @Dllama4 what you thinking about hmmmm?

  • Teaser For Project 6.1 years ago

    @Aeromen I'm not sure what the part count is atm. Not really aiming for a specific part count

  • Teaser For Project 6.1 years ago

    @InternationalAircraftCompany all good!

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.1 years ago

    Just a small complaint to make. I'm not a huge fan of how the XYZ rotation system has been changed. It only goes in increments of five, and typing in custom values is a bit of a pain. Is there a way to make it adjustable in smaller increments?

  • p-46 Tub 6.1 years ago

    Nice job! Flies well, even at low speeds

  • Which colour scheme for my new build?? [closed and posted] =) 6.1 years ago

    I think 5 & 6 look good, but 2 also looks really good!

  • 3 Year Anniversary Light Strike Mk. IV 6.1 years ago

    @Sgtk you're welcome!

  • S/F-1A Lion 6.1 years ago

    @TheXDimension32 no problem! Let me know if it doesn't work.

  • S/F-1A Lion 6.1 years ago

    @TheXDimension32 you should use a site like Discord to post the images and copy their links from there. If you use something like Imgur, it doesn't work for everyone else. Cool plane!

  • SF-129A ''Falkon-A'' 6.1 years ago

    @CookieDefender good question! Yes, the smaller ones lock onto targets in a shorter distance than the bigger ones (they also take less time to lock onto targets).

  • SF-129A ''Falkon-A'' 6.1 years ago

    @DankDorito It's heavily inspired by the MiG-29, but not an exact replica!

  • Custom Tiger Challenge [Closed] 6.2 years ago

    I'm in!

  • AI Fortress 6.2 years ago

    @Weaverfish Great build! How did you edit the damage values for the guns?

  • Short Seaham MkII 8.5 6.2 years ago

    Looks great! The fuselage is pretty skinny, but I love the other design elements!

  • Farman F.111 6.2 years ago

    Awesome job! It looks fantastic! Who made that Bf-109 in the last picture?

  • SZF-309 Stundardflieger 6.2 years ago

    @RamboJutter Yeah, I used discord for the second time.

  • SZF-309 Stundardflieger 6.2 years ago

    @RamboJutter I am using imgur. That's strange because the images load just fine for me.

    Edit: I just re-uploaded the images, let me know if they work now.

  • SZF-309 Stundardflieger 6.2 years ago

    @Irobert55 haha, I meant to spell it "Stundardflieger." It's a fictional language that's similar to German but not exact.

  • Q&A with EternalDarkness (again) 6.2 years ago

    Got any tips/advice on how to improve one's build quality? I'm kinda struggling with one of my builds

  • Fairey P.75 5.6 vietnam special 6.2 years ago

    I think it would have been cool if you'd made it have an ejection system similar to the F-111, where the entire cockpit ejects from the plane. Great build!

  • CedCo CF/A-113 BlueJay 6.3 years ago

    @Cedy117 Ha, "it's been a while." It's been 11 months!

  • Grumman XF-88 Thundercat 6.3 years ago

    @RedRoosterII I can and I'm doing a more detailed version soon. It'll have custom control surfaces as well.

  • Aerospace Engineer Bundle 6.3 years ago

    @Bearclaw189 I believe you just have to land on them. Let me know if that doesn't work.

  • FB-39EM Strix 6.3 years ago

    Very sleek design. Great build! It does sort of remind me of my Triton, which is why I love it so much!

  • B-189-S11 6.3 years ago

    I highly advise putting a description in to compliment this awesome build!