Ok wise I looked at a side-by-side comparison and the corvette and destroyer were very similar and for the third destroyer either picked up by the first order, found floating in space and scraped, or flew into a star
Also I just read the comments and I will repeat this in caps. SWASTIKAS ARE NOT A BAD SYMBOL. THEY WERE USED BY HITLER TO BRING GOOD LUCK TO HIS CONQUESTS.
Well technically swastikas are an an ancient symbol used by Germanic tribes near the fall of the western Roman Empire to show strength and good luck. The only thing that made them bad was the crazy lunatic himself that went by the name hitler.
P.S. I do not in any way have sympathy for the Third Reich I’m just using the correct terms.
Good job is this in anyway related after the feuded class corvet (ie: the Corvus (battlefront 2 campaign))
Because I remember the raiders were designed in that time frame and built for the same reasons + to fill the gap between fighters and capital ships but mass produced, not just prototypes. Also where’s the third destroyer.
Ok kewl, the behind the scenes action is just a lot of info and I think both of us think it would be useful. But again if you have the time @spefyjerbf
P.S. I do agree that time is scarce
Could you make a timeline of your sp universe/world cause I’m really confused about the whole backstory of Tcorp, SPEcorp, and New Portum, ect. @spefyjerbf
I’ve also destroyed the SAMS to enter, the Mach 5 thing was a final option last ditch effort thing but I did it anyway. @IStoleYourMeme
I just took the fastest plane I could find and flew like Mach 5 into the hanger the missiles didn’t even lock
Ok no prob
When I say jet I mean VTOL but potato pototoe same thing.
insert patriotic United States music here
Spooky scary salamanders
Lol @Brields95
Ya same let muther Russia come
Mah phone don’t like mods @PvPSky
+1You guys know there’s a mod called “advanced targeting” that allows you to aim bombs but this conversation is 2.5 years old so I guess you know
Yes @Tencents49
Canadian lol
I agree with @PvPSky I play on a phone and I can’t download cough cough darn apple but it looks really good and good job
+1Good job spefy good job
+1The communist manifesto has been rebuilt
insert soviet anthem here
Ok I apologize swastikas are bad but I still stand by my first comment, (the big paragraph that I wrote)
It fits the description
The second word is subpage to be “because” stupid auto correct
Ok wise I looked at a side-by-side comparison and the corvette and destroyer were very similar and for the third destroyer either picked up by the first order, found floating in space and scraped, or flew into a star
Also I just read the comments and I will repeat this in caps. SWASTIKAS ARE NOT A BAD SYMBOL. THEY WERE USED BY HITLER TO BRING GOOD LUCK TO HIS CONQUESTS.
Also swastikas were used by hitler in the army not the Air Force. He used the plus signs in the Air Force.
Well technically swastikas are an an ancient symbol used by Germanic tribes near the fall of the western Roman Empire to show strength and good luck. The only thing that made them bad was the crazy lunatic himself that went by the name hitler.
P.S. I do not in any way have sympathy for the Third Reich I’m just using the correct terms.
Good job is this in anyway related after the feuded class corvet (ie: the Corvus (battlefront 2 campaign))
Because I remember the raiders were designed in that time frame and built for the same reasons + to fill the gap between fighters and capital ships but mass produced, not just prototypes. Also where’s the third destroyer.
You’re welcome @dirtlife30
Ha ha you win @ChallengerHellcat
Good friggin job man
+1Your welcome @Devilchicken365
Ok @spefyjerbf
And thanks for your time and sorry I tend to be spammy @spefyjerbf
Also I absolutely love your builds they all have the right amount of detail @spefyjerbf
Ag 3+4= stable engine boost just so y’know
Ok kewl, the behind the scenes action is just a lot of info and I think both of us think it would be useful. But again if you have the time @spefyjerbf
P.S. I do agree that time is scarce
For the advice I read through the comments I’m just gonna keep my mouth shut and watch this
Start with bare bones props, and work your way up to bare bone jets and VTOLs, then as detail to all three
And lots and lots of bombs@F104Deathtrap
If you have the time of course
Well it flys...when it’s put together
Could you make a timeline of your sp universe/world cause I’m really confused about the whole backstory of Tcorp, SPEcorp, and New Portum, ect. @spefyjerbf
I modded the geldius to go Mach 1
5 words he used 5 words @ChallengerHellcat
How bout lasers
+1Control we have an incoming pizza delivery from Yeager Airport
Lol a flying box
Yeah yeah it is funny