For those who don't have this on PC, Q and E are Yaw left/right. May want to put this in your description as there are many many users only on mobile. Very nice btw
@BlackThuNDR nah, see I can do the general egg shape. I cannot do them like your stealth fighter and star fighter. I have them both downloaded. I fly them often, pretending they're mine!
@ToeTips yes... but that was a few years ago we switched to almost exclusively Ford Suvs. Kinda sucks. But the Chargers fast, but they weren't close to HELLCATS. Michigan State Police still uses the chargers
I strictly a Mopar fan, but this is an excellent build... All of your build are very realistic. Looking forward to seeing your challenger as I own 2 of them..
I like this quite a bit. Its kinda strange seeing ppl comment the way they do... Btw this and every other creation on this game runs completely normal on my phone. Makes me wonder what kind of potatoes you all use from different countries.
@MrWilliam first go to a site like post image. Com to add your custom images. Once you have them made. Copy the link come back to your description and type. 
@PapaKernels lol I did cut the bumper a little bit, knowing you'd see it.. 😬 I initially was going for a Chevy but couldn't get it looking right. Wanted to keep the driver safe too! I promise you I wouldn't and couldn't attempt that profile ever. Glad you liked the additions
@PyrrhaNikos Thank you, I realize I won't be able to use this without everyone of my builds being a successor to this post. You still deserve much credit. Thank you
@BlackThuNDR Thank you, very much gratitude to you and the other builders! I'm humbled. I found a new niche with the eggs I think. I dream of eggs all the time now!
Pretty cool. Mine won't accelerate though.
+3@Nerfaddict Mouse Tit! 🐦 Can't forget about the Blue Footed Booby either 🦤
+3For those who don't have this on PC, Q and E are Yaw left/right. May want to put this in your description as there are many many users only on mobile. Very nice btw
+2@BlackThuNDR nah, see I can do the general egg shape. I cannot do them like your stealth fighter and star fighter. I have them both downloaded. I fly them often, pretending they're mine!
+2@BlackThuNDR thank you !
+2Very cool fellow eggy builder
+2Kinda makes me wanna bust out some GI joes and go to war
+2Greetings from Detroit
+2@realSavageMan YES
+2Nice work brother!
+1@ToeTips yes... but that was a few years ago we switched to almost exclusively Ford Suvs. Kinda sucks. But the Chargers fast, but they weren't close to HELLCATS. Michigan State Police still uses the chargers
+1@WisconsinStatePolice Thank you good sir!
+1@LunarEclipseSP I actually put time into the NYPD car regardless of upvotes. I'll repost the MSP car as a different post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
+1@LunarEclipseSP Thank you!
+1Very cool.. I like you Gen6 i believe it was. (The one I chopped all to hell) but this one tastes raised the bar for sure
+1Outstanding! I have this car... Albiet only a 392... But it's white and matches this one perfectly!
+1This is amazing.. you'll be happy to know that not all of us have potato mobiles. Zero issues on my mobile..
+1I strictly a Mopar fan, but this is an excellent build... All of your build are very realistic. Looking forward to seeing your challenger as I own 2 of them..
+1Coupe = 2 doors 😬 Sedan=4 Had to say it.. but this is pretty damn good!
+1Doesn't move with VTOL for me... No console cam either. Confused because I'm looking for a build that can be completely stationary mid air
+1@BlackThuNDR Thanks my friend!
+1Nice man. I'm liking this one
+1I like this quite a bit. Its kinda strange seeing ppl comment the way they do... Btw this and every other creation on this game runs completely normal on my phone. Makes me wonder what kind of potatoes you all use from different countries.
+1@MrWilliam first go to a site like post image. Com to add your custom images. Once you have them made. Copy the link come back to your description and type. 
+1@PapaKernels lol I did cut the bumper a little bit, knowing you'd see it.. 😬 I initially was going for a Chevy but couldn't get it looking right. Wanted to keep the driver safe too! I promise you I wouldn't and couldn't attempt that profile ever. Glad you liked the additions
+1@PapaKernels thanks buddy. I'm telling you, you had the body spot on. It was such a good profile
+1👍👍👍 for whatever you did to make it sound the way it does. Very cool. Works Just fine on my mobile as well.
+1Pretty cool
+1@Aviator01 Wow...
+1@VinylCollector420 I'll work on that
+1@Kangy Lol thank you
+1@BlackThuNDR thanks buddy
+1Can't get that rattle out of my head and it's not even the season!
+1Another fine addition! Congrats on Plat!
+1Looks very time consuming. Amazing though.
+1Flys well on my S22 Ultra. Really nice build.
+1@PyrrhaNikos Thank you, I realize I won't be able to use this without everyone of my builds being a successor to this post. You still deserve much credit. Thank you
+1@NeJi that little ship decal and kill marks are a boat load of parts. Sorry
+1@BlackThuNDR it's ok good sir?
+1Love it!
+1Even the fins on the transfer case... It's all badass!
+1@BlackThuNDR couple more for the eggy war. I also have 2 additional after that lol
+1@BlackThuNDR for your Eggy wars. I took your advice and built several Eggs!
+1An "eyeball" toggle feature on the game screen to make all buttons/HUD invisible. (Basically for screen shots)
+1@BlackThuNDR Thank you, very much gratitude to you and the other builders! I'm humbled. I found a new niche with the eggs I think. I dream of eggs all the time now!
+1@BlackThuNDR Will do! Thank you very much! @BlackThuNDR @BreadDoBeKindaSus I have an easier time with these than a regular plane... It's weird
+1@BlackThuNDR I submitted another just now. Was having issues making it a successor. Thanks for your time, great challenge idea!
+1That AG1 black magic sorcery is way underrated
+1Pretty cool