1,399 Drobot432 Comments

  • Tank Tracks Idea 7.6 years ago

    Wow this is an old post but this needs to be added.. we can already build cars, boats, planes, helicopters, and walkers, there's only one thing left... Tanks.. the tracks idea is great.. my idea is to have them resizable, maybe like how we resize wings or something.

  • Snowmobile 6.0 years ago

    @Axartar Thanks!

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @Swagginpiglet Are you on mobile or PC? For some reason it seems that mobile users get the firing sequence in order of placement, but on PC it is very different

  • Fire Rockets Simultaneously? 7.2 years ago

    @RailfanEthan oh you are saying using detachers... nvm then.. this wont work with rocket pods will it :(.. thanks for trying to help me tho

  • FA-37 Talon Fighter from movie "Stealth" 7.5 years ago

    Nevermind, its just max throttle...

  • FA-37 Talon Fighter from movie "Stealth" 7.5 years ago

    Question: How did you make the engines so high pitched sounding?

  • Gears/Transmission? 4.8 years ago

    @An2k, yes, real infinite rotators would be nice as well, but really what I mean is the ability for things to have faster RPMs than the game's built in limit. You can make infinite rotators by using vtol engines and nozzles on shafts if you really want, but you'll notice that they wont spin as fast as you'd expect, no matter how much you increase the power on the engines.

  • Tracks 2 5.3 years ago

    Is there any way to make the gear wheel be above the main wheels and close to the middle so the tracks form a sort of triangle shape like seen on most tracked skid-steers? Great mod btw, I just really want to make some interesting track shapes where the distance between free wheel and gear wheel is shorter than the distance between the front-most and the rear-most main wheels.

  • AC-130 6.0 years ago

    @Frenchyfry yea I honestly could have put more work into this design, I was originally going to put the whole tail ramp and everything in but that would have been difficult before hollow fuselages were a thing.

  • Snowmobile 6.0 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 xD Funny thing I actually did make one that would float on water and fly...

  • Wrecking Vehicle 6.0 years ago

    Nice job :)

  • Ka-919 (FG) 6.0 years ago

    What gives this yaw power? is there a gyro hidden somewhere that I'm missing? And also how do you make the main rotors spin faster than the game's angular velocity limit? Great job btw

  • Buzzard Bike 7.1 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap thanks!

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries xD not a problem, I can see why you'd think that, there are 3 showing on the bottom, so there should be another 3 on the top right? ;)

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @shipster oh ok thx

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @shipster yea I tried to figure that out but how?

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries yea I think there are some jets that actually use this concept, I couldn't name them though. And btw there are 8 rockets

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @shipster thanks, and the main reason why I need to find a solution is for this:

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @chancey21 Oh nvm i see

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @chancey21 Wym by piston engine

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @chancey21 the rotator input is a good idea, but for that to work the weapons button has to be held down, and as soon as it's released, it returns to it's beginning rotation.

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries thanks

  • (HELP WANTED) Rotating Rocket Bay Concept 7.2 years ago

    @chancey21 I have a whole thread on trying to find out the firing sequence of weapons under questions on the forums, and between everyone there, nobody can figure out how weapons are ordered.. At least on PC.. on android/iOS it just seems to be the attachment order.

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    I cant seem to come to conclusion what the order is based on.. All I can say is that it seems to launch based on the distance from the main cockpit on the x axis as well as ID number, and it fires in a pattern meant to balance weight or something... I think we need a developer to tell us how it works :/

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @shipster ID number doesn't work for me, I placed 4 rocket pods, and in order from left to right, the ID #s were 127, 89, 85, 128... it fired in this order: 89, 128, 127, 85..

    then i changed the order, -- from left to right, the ID #s became 127, 89, 128, 85..
    then it fired in the order: 128, 85, 127, 89.. weird

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav @AstleyIndustries @WNP78 I have done some more testing, and I keep getting different results.. If I xml mod a cockpit so that there are two primary cockpits, then put one of them on the tip of a wing, it fires them in order of their part ID.. If two weapons are the same distance from the main cockpit, the one on the right seems to fire first.

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @shipster that explains it.. PC runs on different code (i think) .. Android probably has a different equation for calculating which weapon fires first.. Im on PC. Frankly, I wish it was just fired based on which one is placed first (Part ID #) it would make it a lot easier.

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @shipster Are you using phone or computer?

  • Remove drag thru XML? 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav that might work, I'll have to test that

  • Remove drag thru XML? 7.2 years ago

    @Rodrigo110 I've already done that, it's not weight, it's drag.. every part of my weapons have no weight except the actual weapon itself

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @AstleyIndustries ty

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @shipster no it's not the order of attachment, unfortunately.. I wish it was, would make things so much easier

  • Remove drag thru XML? 7.2 years ago

    @WaffleCakes umm, wot?

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @WNP78 Oh, ok, that helps a lot.. wish there was a way to just edit which ones fire first though

  • Military truck and trailer 7.2 years ago

    Cool looking

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav huh.. I'm betting that it is intended so that bombs drop evenly on planes to balance weight.. wish we could edit this somehow though, trying to make a revolving weapon pod is impossible without being able to change the firing order.. (example -- I once tried making the FA-37 Talon which has deployable missile pods that rotate each time a missile is fired, but since the firing order is pretty much random it was impossible to make it rotate to the right missile.)

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    Even if I only place two, no matter which pod I place first, it always fires the right one first.

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav Nope... not at all. I think it just does that to balance weight out? I think it's intended.

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav PC.. for more info I'm using rocket pods most of the time on one of my helicopters, I stick two pods on each of the wings... In order from left to right, say they are 1,2,3, & 4.. I attach them in that order, but they fire in this order: 2, 4, 1, then 3

  • Does anyone know the firing sequence of weapons? 7.2 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav doesn't seem to be that way for me... Hmm.. I wish it was tho

  • Fire Rockets Simultaneously? 7.2 years ago

    @BogdanX Ohh, ok, good idea, I'll have to test that.

  • (Custom Missile) AGM-94 Typhoon 7.2 years ago

    @IAmMyBoss xD thanks man

  • Fire Rockets Simultaneously? 7.2 years ago

    xD guys I said not looking for firingDelay.. I already know I can do that, and it isn't really what I'm after

  • Fire Rockets Simultaneously? 7.2 years ago

    Ya I said that I wasn't looking for the xml mod firingDelay, I stated that in the OP.. but @RailfanEthan, shoot two at once by activation groups.. how can I do that?

  • UNSC UH-144 Falcon 7.2 years ago

    @danman12 thanks!

  • UNSC UH-144 Falcon 7.2 years ago

    Thank you all for your support :D

  • (Custom Missile) AGM-94 Typhoon 7.2 years ago

    @chancey21 I've completed it, uploading now..

  • (Custom Missile) AGM-94 Typhoon 7.2 years ago

    @chancey21 sure, I can try, but it might not work so well :/

  • Basic Calculator 7.5 years ago

    oh lol thanks

  • Basic Calculator 7.5 years ago

    Looks cool but, controls please?