I need the mobile one
Keren bang, modern banget, tapi ga bisa nikmatin take off nya karena pake physic low😞
Why this robot keep shaking, I turned the 8G And his head updown?
Where's the v1.0, can y'all give me the link?
Keren sih, tapi hp saya ketar ketir😂
You say mobile friendly and you have track mod, so wtf🤡
Bang ni napak gw kgk bisa dibelokin yak (mobile)
Bang gimana tuh cara nya ada tiga pesawat bersamaan, tutorial nya bang
maybe this is the best offroad car that i have on my phone, even though i played with very sad circumstances, but this car is very good in all aspects
@KONOJERRYDA same issue in mobile
it's very good at replication, but not with the resilience of the truck body
why plane wheels become tractors on mobile, is there an update?
@2Papi2Chulo bro why the gak damage the body and the sound like that bro, and btw make the black snake one, that's the new one of the a - 10 skins
My phone: to the no no no hell nah
Bikin yang pesawat khusus ground attack bang, kyk a - 10 warthog, su25
Jan berat berat ye bang
What is your device?
The manuver, i loved bro
@indogamers next KWNOTWOL
Gimana ni bang missile nya😩, gw mobile udh gw pasang kagak mau nembak roketnya
Masih produksi ya banh😅👆
Lvl.999999999999 armor plate
Why this submarine keep shaking in mobile?
why do the wheels of the plane keep turning even though it's in a stopped state, they will shake the fuselage continuously
Uplod bang, gw males ketemu pesawat/vehicle yang udh jadul jadul
Bang bikinin satu set sama pesawat dong bang
@Molasses i can't donwload it in my phone hahahaha
@Azk1712 maksudnya kek pas lu diem ban nya kek muter sendiri, pasal diem pesawatnya terus suspensinya lembek bet, kek gw landing roda nya langsung meledak
Make a black snake one😎
@z24zorpx4 but my wheel spins and keeps vibrating, and it keeps popping up every mod i download, and i can't enjoy that mod at 100%
Bang ban blakang gw kok muter muter sendiri ya bang, btw gw main di mobile, kalo masalah desain nya sama senjatanya keren sih😎
@CNOceanLin ya is kinda annoying😂
I need the mobile one
+17Keren bang, modern banget, tapi ga bisa nikmatin take off nya karena pake physic low😞
+5Why this robot keep shaking, I turned the 8G
+5And his head updown?
Where's the v1.0, can y'all give me the link?
+4Keren sih, tapi hp saya ketar ketir😂
+3You say mobile friendly and you have track mod, so wtf🤡
+2Bang ni napak gw kgk bisa dibelokin yak (mobile)
+1Bang gimana tuh cara nya ada tiga pesawat bersamaan, tutorial nya bang
+1maybe this is the best offroad car that i have on my phone, even though i played with very sad circumstances, but this car is very good in all aspects
+1@KONOJERRYDA same issue in mobile
+1it's very good at replication, but not with the resilience of the truck body
+1why plane wheels become tractors on mobile, is there an update?
+1@2Papi2Chulo bro why the gak damage the body and the sound like that bro, and btw make the black snake one, that's the new one of the a - 10 skins
+1My phone: to the no no no hell nah
+1Bikin yang pesawat khusus ground attack bang, kyk a - 10 warthog, su25
Jan berat berat ye bang
What is your device?
The manuver, i loved bro
@indogamers next KWNOTWOL
Gimana ni bang missile nya😩, gw mobile udh gw pasang kagak mau nembak roketnya
Masih produksi ya banh😅👆
maybe this is the best offroad car that i have on my phone, even though i played with very sad circumstances, but this car is very good in all aspects
Lvl.999999999999 armor plate
Why this submarine keep shaking in mobile?
why do the wheels of the plane keep turning even though it's in a stopped state, they will shake the fuselage continuously
Uplod bang, gw males ketemu pesawat/vehicle yang udh jadul jadul
Bang bikinin satu set sama pesawat dong bang
@Molasses i can't donwload it in my phone hahahaha
@Azk1712 maksudnya kek pas lu diem ban nya kek muter sendiri, pasal diem pesawatnya terus suspensinya lembek bet, kek gw landing roda nya langsung meledak
Make a black snake one😎
@z24zorpx4 but my wheel spins and keeps vibrating, and it keeps popping up every mod i download, and i can't enjoy that mod at 100%
Bang ban blakang gw kok muter muter sendiri ya bang, btw gw main di mobile, kalo masalah desain nya sama senjatanya keren sih😎
@CNOceanLin ya is kinda annoying😂