Sorry for 3.5 year late, but yes. The input is "maxRange" and "minRange " and the value is in meters. You can also increase the size of the lock circle with the "maxTargetingAngle" input. for you to have an scale, 65 value makes the circle cover the entire cocmpit vision.
Unfortunatelly, no matter what you do, the AI will forever think that the best way to destroy the oponnent is flying into the volcanno or ramming to a wall with a tank in full speed.
Standoff Dispenser from ace combat.
How It would work: like cleaver, It Will open it's wings before launched. It Will not be capable of pitch control, so It Will fly above the target and deploy bombs with ultimate precision. If possible, It would haver the fuction of lock up to three targets, flying above they all.
@plane634 I think you didnt read the post at all...... I sayd that if the col and the com are close, the plane spins frontwards and if they are far from eachother, the plane cant have pitch control.
Gostei do avião. Da até raiva que em lugar nenhum eu vejo um super tucano com a configuração do brasil, parece que eles esqueceram que o SUPER TUCANO FOI FABRICADO NO BRASIL
Sorry for 3.5 year late, but yes. The input is "maxRange" and "minRange " and the value is in meters. You can also increase the size of the lock circle with the "maxTargetingAngle" input. for you to have an scale, 65 value makes the circle cover the entire cocmpit vision.
+7Hello gringo estrangeiro
+2Unfortunatelly, no matter what you do, the AI will forever think that the best way to destroy the oponnent is flying into the volcanno or ramming to a wall with a tank in full speed.
+1When i join EVERY server at the DevConsole it says "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
How to solve that?
@EmillyBrazil opa manolo, to fazendo um avião novo. Fica ligado
Interesting chose of name.
@MrShenanigans But this is exactly the same as the other one....
@MrShenanigans I tried with chrome in a computer, don't work.
No começo do mundo, não havia brasileiros.
E então, eis que ele surge: mikoyanster.
That funcion is a lot use full when you need to be precise or if your plane has a wobbling, even if its a little bit.
Standoff Dispenser from ace combat.
How It would work: like cleaver, It Will open it's wings before launched. It Will not be capable of pitch control, so It Will fly above the target and deploy bombs with ultimate precision. If possible, It would haver the fuction of lock up to three targets, flying above they all.
@plane634 I think you didnt read the post at all...... I sayd that if the col and the com are close, the plane spins frontwards and if they are far from eachother, the plane cant have pitch control.
@Chancey21 It didnt and i tried both
Im a test boi
I would dowload this, but it haves 666 dowloads and i want to have good dreams.
@TheDerpingMemes ????????? I cant figure out how to understand this
Thank you very much, It worked!
Definitelly finnal version. Passed by some adjustments cause i noticed it wasnt working properly on high and medium presets.
Ok. Now i deffinitelly will not repost this anymore. I did it because i noticed it wasnt working on high presets.
Dont worry, this is the finnal version.
I will not "remove and then upload" this airplane anymore.
Gostei do avião. Da até raiva que em lugar nenhum eu vejo um super tucano com a configuração do brasil, parece que eles esqueceram que o SUPER TUCANO FOI FABRICADO NO BRASIL
I spawned an AI controlled tank and the tank ran to the nearest wall at full speed🤣🤣🤣