18.8k F104Deathtrap Comments

  • jCalc FT 3.4 years ago

    Does math pretty well but can't fly

  • Piper Smith Aerostar P600A (last teaser) 3.4 years ago






  • Small update to the site rules 3.5 years ago

    I want to apologize for doing this. I did it repeatedly before I became aware this was a rule. I wasn't trying to cause trouble and I hope it didn't cause any headaches.

  • Explosion mod teaser ft. Michael Bay 3.5 years ago

    Deep voice narrator:
    This fall, get ready to get... Blowed Up.

  • fat thing nyoom 3.5 years ago


  • (-_-) 3.5 years ago

    Always glad to see stuff you made

  • SimplePlanes user chart 3.5 years ago

    Keep in mind this is only for users who have posted on the website. The vast majority of players have never posted anything.

  • I should just delete this. 3.5 years ago

    Mobile stuff is weird. Theres often a good reason why the mobile version wont do something. Have you considered getting a computer?

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    W.N.P. is da G.O.A.T.

  • Sneak Peek to my Best Build Ever 3.5 years ago

    Boeing 707

  • The best aircrafts i ever made 3.5 years ago

    Press F to pay respects


    How are you going to ask him for a favor and not even bother to spell his name right? SMH

  • Cyclone's EF.2 modification 3.5 years ago

    Nice job, meatman!

  • How do i get good at making planes 3.5 years ago

    Download good planes and take them apart to see how they work

  • G-30R 30mm Rotary Cannon 3.5 years ago

    @Thecatbaron Wait, so in real life it doesnt look right to you? XD

  • G-30R 30mm Rotary Cannon 3.5 years ago

    I try to divide by 5 with my guns because SP makes every bullet a tracer, and in real life that's usually every 5th

  • Deathtrap 3.5 years ago

    What the hell, bro?

  • B29 bombs question 3.5 years ago

    A few things to consider: FIRST, as others have pointed out, B-29 wasn't designed to carry atomic bombs so they had to be retrofitted in order to carry such large weapons. Atomic B-29's were called Silverplate B-29's. Look them up to learn more.
    SECOND, during WWII America could only make enough weaponized uranium/plutonium to build 3 or 4 atomic bombs per year and the cost was staggering.
    THREE, the Little-Boy bomb was very simple to design and build, but it used a gigantic amount of uranium, much more than the US could sustainably produce. So the scientists developed a more efficient implosion bomb, the Fat-Man. The Fat-Man only needed 1/10 as much nuclear material to work, but it was extremely complicated and very difficult to design and build. In the end, Fat-Man ended up in mass production and only a few LittleBoy bombs were ever built. Also, when the Soviet Union stole the designs and built their own atom bombs, they were the Fat-Man type.

  • How to make good Landing Gear 3.5 years ago

    Disable suspension on the wheels.
    Multiply the mass of any rotators and anything directly connected to the rotators by 3.
    I like to lower the traction on the wheels, too.

  • Regarding my post schedule 3.6 years ago

    Get help bro. Don't just fall into it, talk to people about it.

  • AZF-2 teaser 3.6 years ago

    This is not how teasers work. Also begging for upvotes is not a good look.

  • Vought F-8 Crusader(Teaser) 3.6 years ago

    @Highbraker Landing supersonic airplanes has always been difficult. The earliest jets that could break the sound barrier had landing speeds of almost 200 MPH, very dangerous. It has to do with the wings, each wing is only able to work well within a certain speed range. There are various tricks people have used to give faster wings better performance at low speed (flaps, leading edge root extensions,etc) and swing wings like on the F-14 are very effective.

  • Vought F-8 Crusader(Teaser) 3.6 years ago

    @Highbraker lol, nice!

  • BV-38 Flying Wing 3.6 years ago

    I am really impressed with this one. You managed to squeeze a mighty fine looking bird out of only 156 parts, a real treat for all the mobile users.

  • Vought F-8 Crusader(Teaser) 3.6 years ago

    You might call it pog plane, but people who actually had to work with it called it the ensign eliminator. Vought was fond of building planes that went fast, without any consideration for safety: Corsair, Cutlass, and Crusader were all notorious for killing their own pilots.

  • New Moderator 3.6 years ago

    All hail our new Canadian overloard!

  • SPVR Update - Labels 3.6 years ago

    H.F.K. is the G.O.A.T.

  • Hawker Siddeley Eagle GR2 5.0 3.6 years ago

    I love your mashups

  • I’m building something cool! 3.6 years ago

    @HistoryNerd007 ! [] (https://www.whatever.com/thepicture.jpg)

    No spaces

    IMGUR wont let you post pics here because lol, but most other things work.

  • I’m building something cool! 3.6 years ago


  • Would get comfy in this plane? 3.6 years ago

    Wouldnt that stuff roll all over the place whenever the plane moved?

  • Junkers Ju-52 "Tante Ju" 3.6 years ago


    I am absolutely blown away

  • I've been hurt... 3.6 years ago

    Expressing yourself creatively will always be right. Always, as long as you're not hurting anybody. If you've got stuff inside of you, then you've got to let it out. But you also have to be ready for haters. Even if you stopped making anime, there would be other mean people to come along and try to hurt you. So your only choice is to keep doing your thing, and push all that mean stuff out of your head. Every artist who ever lived had to suffer the haters and most of the best ones got the most hate when they were alive. Look, I really do not like anime. I complain and make fun of it all the time, but you have got to keep on making the stuff you want to make. And you will just have to ignore people who give you a hard time about it, or at least understand that they dont matter.

  • People build some aircraft way to often 3.6 years ago

    Sukhoi Flankers, every single day.

  • Junkers Ju-88C 3.6 years ago

    That'll do, pig

  • Duck The Great Western Engine | Pannier 5700 3.6 years ago

    Amazing work

  • Boeing 727-200 American Airlines 3.6 years ago

    @Canso I think you can ask the mods to fix it, I dont think you have to take it down.

  • yak-28P 3.6 years ago


  • Boeing 727-200 American Airlines 3.6 years ago

    When you take other peoples work, it needs to be properly linked as a successor or the original builders wont get any points. Ask one of the mods to help.

  • Land Rover Series 2 OFF-ROAD 3.6 years ago

    Very cool

  • Boeing 727-100 3.6 years ago

    @163926 Awesome job

  • Saw this in the GIF 3.6 years ago

    @rexzion No, the programmer who invented it says gif!

  • COMING SOON 3.6 years ago

    @Kangy Not me, WNP

  • COMING SOON 3.6 years ago

    @FabioGalvao5679 I dont think so, but you should be able to make something like that by attacking multiple parts together

  • COMING SOON 3.6 years ago

    @FabioGalvao5679 Not only will this open up cockpits for low-part-count users, but it will certain shapes so much better

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago

    This is going to open up so many new possibilities

  • I finally found my style! 3.6 years ago

    He couldn't bring the world into SP, so he brought SP into the world!
