5,895 FarrowTECH Comments

  • cotton swab 2.3 years ago

    Illegal in 12 countries, doesn't bat an eye to torture, killed 14 men in Iraq. legend has it, it doesn't even work out. That's one badass cotton swab.

  • Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.I NF 2.4 years ago

    There's a suspicious lack of typos. Thought you were the king of 'em. Nice plane tho, love the attention to detail of the compliant mechanism.

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 2.4 years ago

    Thanks @BeastHunter and @BuyOxicleanDetergent for the upvotes

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 2.4 years ago

    Thanks @HuskyDynamics01 for the spotlight

  • Artillery with wings 2.2 years ago

    So, why ain't ya gold yet? Cause this is gold level shit right here. I don't care what people say, you can make the most beautiful and detailed plane ever but it won't top this lol.

  • USS Zumwalt 2.2 years ago

    @Jaspy190 the destroyers size in general is underestimated, it's got plenty of room for ammo. I got to see one while on a dinner cruise and it dwarfed the ship we were on. Imposing as hell and just looking at it it's hard to imagine feeling ok with having even one cannon pointed at you, let alone a damn missile rack and a few cannons. It's ahead of it's time but it's definitely full of potential and probably not too useless considering the main downside is cost, though the military budget annually in the us is still more than what bezos can make in 20 years. I'd give the zumwalt some time to mature and the manufacturing process time to make specialized machines for it. since it was made mostly custom, the cost of manufacturing was insanely high despite the materials in turn being about the same as a normal destroyer vessel. Once the military pulls the pin and decides to start producing a finalized model they'll probably streamline manufacturing and cut the cost in half or more. Main reason for holding off besides cost is because world war3 isn't super bad yet, we're still in just a shouting match with the occasional warcrime, but when shit start popping off for real and we start losing the old destroyers... I bet my only good pair of socks that they'll start producing next gen war machines.

  • Laptop Gamer 2.3 years ago

    R.I.P peoe who buy gaming laptops

  • Tractor Plane 2.3 years ago

    Ye ever try to milk a sky cow Leroy!? It's damn difficult, ye need alot o' rope. Leroy. And it's damn difficult. So, I built this here tractor for milkin' me sky cows. Ye can call er a tractair.

  • How many languages can Simple plane display? 2.3 years ago

    Heya jundroo people, might wanna add more languages that dont follow the Latin alphabet. Seems like Russian is the only exception.

  • We All Build This 2.5 years ago

    Random fact 1:According to Disney Land staff, all the plants in Tomorrow-Land are edible.

  • Nazi Germany Battle Flag - Reichskriegsflagge 6.7 years ago

    Nazis are bad and all, but damn did they have style

  • COD Modern soldier 2.2 years ago

    Mobile game ads: cod modern soldier

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 2.2 years ago

    @MobileGamer21 I don't really see a lack of players in sp, regardless some new content would be nice. Maybe a texture revamp, a way to wrap the text on fuselages and making the hitboxes tighter. Adding more polygons to the blocks and terrain would be nice too since even a bottom tier potato can handle the current game.

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 2.2 years ago

    @CaptainFranchfries yeah there's only you and @femboykiller0w0 who successfully completed the challenge, so basically I just have to figure out which of you is first and second. Me and my friend will be testing them Friday and will probably have our scores by the end of Friday or later in the weekend, depends on work scheduling.

  • I6 Engine 2.3 years ago

    Aye this is great, I might have to use it in one of my next builds. If that's fine with ya.


    @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL ah lol, well I have another question. How will the aircraft evade missiles while being controlled by ai? From what I've tried so far countermeasures don't work and they don't recognize missile warning. Wouldn't both aircraft just launch a missile and tie?

  • Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.I NF 2.4 years ago

    @KingOfTypos giga Chad move purposely misspell every 5th word

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 2.4 years ago

    @femboykiller0w0 i'll allow that. Early era stuff was wack af. Just keep balance in mind, a big part of the total points for scoring is if they're both able to complete their missions under the same circumstances.

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 2.4 years ago

    Thanks @Zaineman and @weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for the upvotes as well

  • Dragon Lady 2.4 years ago

    Would you like to make this an entry into the spy vs spy challenge?

  • MAZ537 2.9 years ago

    @Alisuchanka he used tire conditioner and shiner. A product often used on collectable classics, such as 70's muscle cars and MAZ537's... Headcannon is important

  • Honda NSX type-R 2.9 years ago

    My first car was a 99 Ford zx2 with a Vader widebody. My second car... Was a Honda NSX type r. Though only in name since the owner swapped it's engine and tranny with a 5sgte Toyota, that POS hat 230,000 miles on it and was clapped to hell. Lasted 4 months. Best 500 bucks I ever spent. Rip Jangles the rattletrap 1998-2018.

  • We're doing merch! 3.4 years ago


  • MJ - 12 Dragonfly 3.8 years ago

    How'd you get the glass to be visible from the inside? I'd like to implement that into my future builds.

  • AirPods 6.2 years ago


  • Nazi Germany Battle Flag - Reichskriegsflagge 6.7 years ago

    But they were following the wrong leader, and they did many unjust and evil things and they will not be forgiven for that... there are very few nazi soldiers alive today that aren’t behind bars, mostly because they went into hiding and had their identities changed but there are a handful that had received presidential pardons. @BMilan

  • Nazi Germany Battle Flag - Reichskriegsflagge 6.7 years ago

    Indeed, they were geniuses in the feild of physics, mechanical engineering, and style... masters of chemistry and famous metallurgists, they did alot of wrong but still paved the way to where we are now@BMilan

  • ICARUS CHALLENGE IV 7.0 years ago

    i might join, sounds complicated and over the top...
    are the planes going to be using the games overly simple AI?

  • Free 19$ Fortnite Giftcard 2.1 years ago

    Pres: ENHANCE.

    Soldier: Sir, that's not how image enhancement works.


  • Free 19$ Fortnite Giftcard 2.1 years ago

    If the code on the back worked...

  • ZooxTark's Desk - Desk Challenge 2.2 years ago

    @IAlsoBuildPlane let's settle this on win XP, back when Microsoft was pure and innocent.

  • ITS MY 13th BIRTHDAY 2.2 years ago

    @Rocketguy2079 turning 22 tomorrow, I'm... Jazzed.

  • ZooxTark's Desk - Desk Challenge 2.2 years ago

    @IAlsoBuildPlane blackberry w, rip blackberry and blackberry OS tho.

  • ZooxTark's Desk - Desk Challenge 2.2 years ago

    @GorillaGuerrilla that's basically saying I'm stupid, but become smarter and smarter as time passes. Then my smart self decides to clean up and revert to ape brain. Lol

  • ZooxTark's Desk - Desk Challenge 2.2 years ago

    @IAlsoBuildPlane windows 7 w, windows 8 m, windows 10 L, windows 11L. Linux perfect.

  • PLEASE DIAL, 2.2 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer missiles don't target me, Skyler. I AM the missile who Targets!

  • USS Zumwalt 2.2 years ago

    Best zumwalt I've seen So far 👌

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 2.2 years ago

    @femboykiller0w0 sounds good, send me your tag when available, thanks for participating 👍

  • Rotator "flip-flop" possible? (Solved) 2.2 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX oh Lord it's called ping pong... Be still my heart lol.

    Thanks a ton mate!

  • GZR-Eagle-IV 2.3 years ago

    Batmobile but caked up. 👌

  • Simple traveling mechanism 2.3 years ago

    I think it definitely needs a dampening or tendon mimicking part ror the 'feet'. Since it's a runner it can go toe first but it needs to have a dampening effect to maintain contact with the ground more consistently and whiteout bouncing straight into the air when pushing off. Doing the same thing slightly with the joints will also give tolerance to the timing of the steps like in most leg examples of the meatier variety. This is very impressive though, and more than I can do with my current knowledge of funky trees.

  • Gigachad challenge (canceled) 2.3 years ago

    @ColonelCanada that's a giga Chad move, nobody was deemed worthy yet.

  • XA-11 2.3 years ago

    ATV-10 (accuracy through volume)

  • PQ-14 2.3 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo interesting 🤔

  • Autoloader? 2.3 years ago

    Man it's been a while since I've seen one of these.

    Some of the first ones I've seen used detachers inside a fake casing with insane detach force to propel the projectiles forward. And a second piston to eject the spent shell.

    I tried making my own a few years ago before I knew anything about XML so maybe you could make it automated by timing the Pistons.

  • KONSTFLYG-8 : Golden Swede 2.3 years ago

    @Aarav thanks 👍

  • Dassault Mirage 50EV (FAV) 2.3 years ago

    The 'new planes' page starting to get TikTok vibes. I guess it's an easy way for someone coked up on upvotes to get their fix. But in the end it's just the same craft with different letters.

  • Deactivation through Activation? 2.3 years ago

    @Grob0s0VBRa thanks, works great. Also found that I can use !Activate1 as an ag or input which works similarly. Thanks for the help, once I experimented a bit with the command you shared it helped out great, my plane can now taxi without the control surfaces affecting it on the ground and I can switch between sensitivity modes 👍

  • Tulatin Bar Forbidden Film-Carrot radiator 2.3 years ago

    The whole description reads like an AI written monologue.

  • pink V8 soap box 2.3 years ago

    Pastel 👌
