10.2k FearlessFabEngineering Comments

  • Damaged/rusted Mitsubishi a6m Zero 5.6 years ago

    @TheMitsuboshiBoi auser called Squirrel was making a map mod and he asked other users to send him some props to put in it, so i sent this. However, i dont think he ever got round to making the mod.

    You can use the tail, however id suggest taking it from my full build of the Zero (not wrecked) as i probably added some changes to this one

  • Eurocopter Ec-145 Air Ambulance "REGA" (Airbus) [1:1 scale] 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Considering your username, you might be interested to know that I made this because I'm from Switzerland, and my school is very near to a REGA airfield, so I see these very often. I'm currently working on a H135 (this but with a fenestron), which will also have the REGA livery. @TheSwissPilot

  • Eurocopter Ec-145 Air Ambulance "REGA" (Airbus) [1:1 scale] 5.8 years ago

    @WHISKY12 I'm actually working on that myself at the moment, but I won't be posting that any time soon (I need to get some other builds done first).

    So I'm happy for you to make an updated version, but maybe with a different livery?

  • Airbus a330-300-300 cockpit FIX 5.8 years ago

    @klm747klm747 thanks! I was inactive when they changed that (the pictures used to display normally) so I didn't know what I had to change.

  • Airbus a330-300-300 cockpit FIX 5.8 years ago

    @WHISKY12 yes you can, do you want me to send it to you?

  • RPA-1 6.5 years ago


  • Dodge Charger 69' in Beijing (Decent Suspension) 7.3 years ago

    No problem! This is a great build!

  • Mercedes Benz Arocs 3245 (LEGO) 7.4 years ago

    Thank you! @BogdanX

  • working clock 7.4 years ago

    Ah, that’s one of the new XML options right?

  • working clock 7.4 years ago

    No problem! How did you get the rotator to spin without having to press anything?

  • Good Bye the Queen of the Sky 7.4 years ago

    Was this the last 747-400?

  • Oh. My. God 7.4 years ago

    Jar Jar is the person Luke remembers but wasn’t scared by!!!

    Oh, and Jar Jar is Snoke @WEAPONSMITH

  • C-5 GALAXY 7.4 years ago


  • C-5 GALAXY 7.4 years ago

    I’m in 8th grade
    In case we have a different system, i’m 13

  • C-5 GALAXY 7.4 years ago

    Yeah, I’ve been working on one big project recently which has been causing me a lot of problems, and I also haven’t been playing as much (or at least building) because of school.
    And no, I haven’t abandoned the albatross project (although I haven’t continued on it), and the new update allows me to do more complicated stuff on iOS.
    So you can expect some nice builds soon :)

  • C-5 GALAXY 7.4 years ago

    This looks really good so far! btw. did you have an sp account at some point called “Buza”?

  • Avro Lancaster B.1 7.4 years ago

    Thank you @CoolPeach @Solarisaircraft

  • Avro Lancaster 7.4 years ago

    Here’s mine : )

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.4 years ago

    If you want I can make a supersonic worm... Don’t be afraid to ask : ) @Carsong1017

  • I visited my best friend from high school today!! 7.4 years ago

    Does this friend of yours happen to also own a centenario, a laferrari and 3 Zondas? I know this’d be a bit of a coincidence but I know a YouTuber who knows someone who owns those cars (exactly the same Chiron colours)

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.4 years ago

    Sure! @Benkelmans @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.4 years ago

    Yep @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.5 years ago

    Non, c’est very good French engineering. Les brits only helped with le seats. Almost totally français! @BaconAircraft

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.5 years ago

    Haha @BaconAircraft

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.5 years ago

    Yeah they used that bug (I think it’s a big at least, maybe it’s a feature) where you cant be seen on the air-to-air “radar”, so I didn’t notice them when I took the picture. That’s why you shouldn’t take photos of planes in multiplayer... @BaconEggs
    Well, at least we didn’t make exactly the same plane. Perhaps I’ll call the mods on you when you upload because the Russians stole the Concorde blueprints so they could make the tu-144... (jk)

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.5 years ago

    Thank you! @BaconEggs
    Currently at around ~350 parts, it I’ve also done the main
    fuselage(with windows), the front landing gear and parts of the cockpit. @ESIOTROT121
    Oh yeah, sorry about that. I have this feeling that this build will get me even more confused since it has elevons. Thanks! @EternalDarkness

  • Question regarding rotators 7.5 years ago

    I’ve managed to get it to work now, it only to a usable state. Do you mean that you can totally remove the problem?
    I’ll tag you on the post anyway, which I’ll upload later today (I need to leave to go to school in 30mins.)
    But can you please only do the rotators that are already on the plane and then tell me how to do the rest? Because tbh I’d like to do the landing gear and all the myself.


  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.5 years ago

    Yes, it is a Concorde.
    Thanks! @CaesiciusPlanes

  • Prepare yourselves... (Teaser) 7.5 years ago

    Yeah, I wrote the link thing in incorrectly the first time.
    Thank you!

  • The future of commercial aviation? 7.5 years ago

    I think the next big breakthrough in commercial aviation will be the passenger flying wing (Boeing x-48), However, this will require airlines to specially train pilots and maintenance crews and possibly even airport modifications.

  • Question regarding rotators 7.5 years ago

    The wobbling hasn't totally gone away, but it's now stable enough. I'll come back to you if I need help in the future.
    Thanks again for your help!

  • Question regarding rotators 7.5 years ago

    I haven't tested it yet, but I'll be able to tomorrow. I'll write a comment to you as soon as I have the results : ) @EpicPigster1

  • Question regarding rotators 7.5 years ago

    Ok, thanks a lot! @EpicPigster1

  • SST Challenge! [CLOSED] 7.5 years ago

    What a coincidence, yer boi is already building one.


  • Eurocopter Ec-145 Air Ambulance "REGA" (Airbus) [1:1 scale] 7.5 years ago

    Do you have any special requests for registration number, decals or tail writing? @Awesomejack

  • Eurocopter Ec-145 Air Ambulance "REGA" (Airbus) [1:1 scale] 7.5 years ago

    Just to make sure I've got the right pictures is the livery of Texas parks and wildlife dark green with a white stripe behind the cockpit? @Awesomejack

  • Eurocopter Ec-145 Air Ambulance "REGA" (Airbus) [1:1 scale] 7.5 years ago

    Ah I see now, I thought had misspelled "A350" (as in the airliner), which will be coming soon. But I'll add the as350 to my list of builds as I haven't made a helicopter in some time. My estimate for time of upload would be late November. @Awesomejack

  • Antonov An-225 "Mriya" FIX 7.5 years ago

    Thanks for all your upvotes! And for being my 60th follower : D

  • Eurocopter Ec-145 Air Ambulance "REGA" (Airbus) [1:1 scale] 7.5 years ago

    Don't worry, that'll be coming soon : ) @Awesomejack

  • Tupolev 154 M Aeroflot Ver 1 7.6 years ago

    Trés bien! Un peu difficile à voler, mais il semble trés bon!

  • LEGO Technic Set 8068 7.6 years ago


    Autocorrect is trolling me

  • LEGO Technic Set 8068 7.6 years ago

    Wow! I can remember that this was my very first Lego technical set.

  • Teaser shot for the 1.7 Update 7.6 years ago

    All aboard the hype train!!!!

    Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh boooooooi

    (Just to be clear the hype train is a normal train, not Thomas the tank engine infested by a parasitic creature)

  • What livery should I do my Pilatus PC-6 in? 7.6 years ago

    I think you should do it in the Breitling livery (3)

  • Airline Teaser 4 7.6 years ago

    Is that just a concept pic or have Delta actually ordered some Bombardier CS 100/300s?

    Either way it looks great so far!

  • I wanna get a creation featured :P 7.6 years ago

    Lol ok, I suppose you learn something new everyday! In that case, I recommend making something that's never been made before (so not a Spitfire or Mustang) or something with a special feature.

  • I wanna get a creation featured :P 7.6 years ago

    I'm afraid platinum users can't be featured. Basically you'd have to start a new account or ask everyone who upvoted your planes to remove their upvotes until you have below 25k points

  • Jay Jay the Jet Plane 7.6 years ago

    Where can I get one as a pet?

  • Jay Jay the Jet Plane 7.6 years ago


    It's beautiful......