12.9k Ferrolon Comments

  • What is wrong with my planes? (I’m new here) 4.3 years ago

    Newbies like you shouldn't focus on upvotes. Just build to your heart content. Keep learning, discovering, and fixing. One day, you will find yourself beyond your expectation.

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.3 years ago

    Aye, welcome aboard's the "Regular members" brig, lad, and we'll go raid those redcoats soon

  • A14 Wild Wolf 4.0 years ago

    the only complaint i have is very high part count for an otherwise under-detailed aircraft. Otherwise, this is poggers.

  • Help me for god sake please 4.0 years ago

    @Greggory005 how bad is the pitch? Also i don't recommend using CoM offset on the settings.

  • A question to the community regarding uploads 4.2 years ago

    i think they hate you for posting very low-quality builds for a gold player. Yeah yeah, points doesn't matter but reality isn't what it seems. People usually judge one's build by their points. If a user build is high-quality while being a bronze, of course people like it. But to post a low-quality build as standard while having a gold or plat status makes people think you aren't worthy to being gold. I personally think you are not worthy of gold. But then of course, many of your friend would support you as much as they can by upvoting your builds and such, but other people will say that you only got gold because your relationship, or rather, connection. I used to be one of those people, now i have learned plenty of social stuff and have changed my mindset slightly, so that i can stay away from unnecessary drama. I don't like you, but i don't hate you either. All i have to say is to improve your builds. Take your time with it. Test it extensively, to hunt for issues and seek room for improvement. There is tons of tips, tricks, and technique out there that you can try to improve your builds. Many of it only need patience. Good luck, i hope you will find a solution to this affair.

  • CVN JS Miku (First 1,000 part build) 4.2 years ago

    Also, to whoever hates anime, you better keep that opinion to yourselves, and please refrain from saying anime is bad, especially in front of us weebs. Just because it's your opinion doesn't mean it is the truth.

  • W320-4U | Blue Gold Livery 4.3 years ago


    Don't tag people unless if requested. Or mods gonna yeet you and make you have a bad time.

  • KAC FR-912 Shinosora 4.3 years ago

    @JeskoGoesVROOM because if i place the intake below, there would be no weapon bay

  • THANK YOU ALL! 4.4 years ago

    @SFNox Actually, azure corp ain't much of a corporation. They are a family. They aren't forcing their member to make planes for them, not even slightest bit. So, i guess your assumption were wrong?

  • [CLOSED] Car Modify Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @Mustangflyer yes

  • DT-170B Sabelzahntiger 2.2 years ago

    So. German F-16.

  • F-6A Thunderstrike II 2.8 years ago

    @BeastHunter He is just inactive a lot of times lmao

  • BF 99 - TEASER 3.0 years ago


  • Fc-912C 3.0 years ago

    @Leehopard Okay

  • Fc-912C 3.0 years ago

    Sir, what reshade setting have you used?

  • X-17 Aero Aurora Trainer 3.7 years ago

    @ALRX wtf is that noise when you press ag1??

  • GR-NSX 02 ilishí 4.1 years ago

    Btw awesome job, this helimech or wtvr it is, is very detailed for how much part it has

  • GR-NSX 02 ilishí 4.1 years ago

    @Sadboye12 No, stop, heli is heli XD

  • GR-NSX 02 ilishí 4.1 years ago

    @Sadboye12 i got a feeling my chop is also going to have legs

  • Monolith 4.1 years ago

    @Sadboye12 Where my chopper

    Put it into desc lmao

  • MF-21R Elveshra Remastered 4.1 years ago

    @Hellosss38 @tsampoy

  • ((( CyfeX Alpha F-121 (Ace=Metric) 4.1 years ago

    This is awesome for a bronze user

  • ((( CyfeX Alpha F-121 (Ace=Metric) 4.1 years ago

    Kool plaen

  • RAE A-20 Darksear 4.2 years ago

    @OfficialOfficialTheRyan Aye lol

  • RAE A-20 Darksear 4.2 years ago

    Wow, thanks for all the upvotes guys!

  • Degradation and SimplePlanes 4.2 years ago

    And yeah, this is COMMUNITY not WORKPLACE, just because you are skilled doesn't mean you are the one to set standard!

  • CVN JS Miku (First 1,000 part build) 4.2 years ago


  • CVN JS Miku (First 1,000 part build) 4.2 years ago

    Sir, are the comments section warzone now?

  • EE Stiletto Production 4.2 years ago


  • A.A.I ADFX-014A Senko 4.2 years ago

    ......why don't you start making an original, your own fictional airplane rather than taking others plane and doing different paintjob? As a close friend of yours and as an original concept plane builder, this build hurt my brain and heart deep.

  • W320-4U | Blue Gold Livery 4.3 years ago

    @PointlessWhyshouldi okay then. But i didn't asked to be tagged.

  • What is wrong with my planes? (I’m new here) 4.3 years ago

    Nah. It would be better if you took the screenshot from other perspective.

  • Vacation: A day away from hell 4.3 years ago

    Daughter: creeping up at the island, preparing a surprise attack
    Shimakazu, in his Shinosora, exactly 10 meters sneaking behind Daughter:

    prepares AAHM-94 with malicious intent

  • Calterra-Class Destroyer 4.3 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick the side guns is to defend from smaller crafts lol

  • Orion TriFighter 4.3 years ago


  • Orion TriFighter 4.3 years ago

    Bruh, looks like someone upgraded the Droplet lmao

  • MAD-10 multi role missile 4.3 years ago

    Aww thanks for crediting me :3

  • P-51 in 51 parts 4.3 years ago

    @Cabbage17 X-44 MANTA with 44 parts. Should be slightly ez because MANTA is a smol plane.

  • F-14B 4.3 years ago

    Tagging people without their permission is against the rules

  • Insurgency 4.4 years ago

    Its a RP, and the title of it is insurgency, so why did you connect this with another videogame? You can clearly see that this has nothing in resemblance with whatever that Insurgency video games is!

  • XT-F05 Einhorn 4.4 years ago

    i want to build planes like you SOO BAD

  • AJL Grasshopper 4x4 1.3 4.4 years ago

    You are improving, keep it up

  • AIM-175 "Berserker" Air To Air Missile 4.4 years ago

    One tip, buddy: its better to have the wing/panel scale from 1,1,1 to 0.1,1 by XML editing.

  • PLAC LB-96B Todesschwinge 4.4 years ago

    Well yes, but actually no

  • Per Aspera Ad Astra VII 4.4 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick YESSSSS

  • Per Aspera Ad Astra VII 4.4 years ago


  • MiG-15 4.4 years ago

    @MoonCat80 join my discord in my bio lol

  • MiG-15 4.4 years ago

    @MoonCat80 Do you have discord? I wanna talk lol

  • RAE XF-44 Eridanus 4.4 years ago

    @SledDriver i just wanna say, that i am a huge fan of your builds. Thank you for existing.

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 4.4 years ago

