@PyrusEnderhunter like i said srry but no i dont even build orignal stuff that can function i just tune up things such as that and build stachues of things i like that i did in minecraft
@PyrusEnderhunte i dont think the engeins would fit the 500 point build spechial u commented on the idea of the build was to be small and fast and at the scale its hard to balance things so wile ur idea of this jet is massivly awesome i dont think id be using it on the little plane i did
this screams to me lazy as for the so called build im srry if it seems mean i rather be honest then to lie and say its the world best thing ever when clearly i seen better even if its for fun i feel this would com back and back fire on you simply because ppl would see this and it would not relly give you a good reputation its better to shoot this project down while u still can again my opinion and srry if it seemed mean i just feel there could have been more to it
@UnknownNate hows about this realisticly i know i stuck at words there not my thing u and ONLY you can be my offfishal helper interms of this if you are that much of a grammer and spelling freak as you say you are i did not even bother to edit this as a test =-P
@ForeverPie thx alot of editing gose into this so there is a bit more then meets the eyes as for the puncuation i do not use it simply because well grammer is not my strong point to im lucky to get some of the words right because even if i try to look it up i cant nessarly alwasy read to well so a dictinary is relitivly usleless to me and thus gose in a victious loop
@PyrusEnderhunter yw
@PyrusEnderhunter like i said srry but no i dont even build orignal stuff that can function i just tune up things such as that and build stachues of things i like that i did in minecraft
@PyrusEnderhunter no thx but i do appreate how u you see the potenchal in my planes
@PyrusEnderhunte i dont think the engeins would fit the 500 point build spechial u commented on the idea of the build was to be small and fast and at the scale its hard to balance things so wile ur idea of this jet is massivly awesome i dont think id be using it on the little plane i did
@PyrusEnderhunte i will look into that =-) thx for the comments and upvotes
@PyrusEnderhunter ty for the upvote
@DuckMintnewprofile ty
@Rcb1235 thx =-D
@Rcb1235 @ mustafanaveed please read this to the best of ur ability
@Tully2001 lol thx how can i forget that XD
@mustafanaveed thx for that and the upvote =-D
i love the early take off =-D
@robloxweponco yep congradz =-D
@Athaya thx for the upvote
@robloxweponco its probably a glich in the system i cant say for sure all i can say is keep at it
@robloxweponco ty for the upvote!
@Rcb1235 thx for the upvote
@Rcb1235 and thx for the upvote =-D
@Rcb1235 thx if ya look i made a spechial plane for the ocassion
@mustafanaveed ty for the upvote
@mustafanaveed TY SO MUCH! =-D
@mustafanaveed ty for the upvote
@mustafanaveed ty for the upvote
@mustafanaveed thx for the upvote
@mustafanaveed @SimpleEric thx for the upvote
@mustafanaveed thx for the upvote
thx @mustafanaveed
@mustafanaveed thx for the upvote
@mustafanaveed thx for the upvote
thx @mustafanaveed
thx @mustafanaveed for the upvote
thx @mustafanaveed for the upvote
thx @mustafanaveed for the upvote
@Braeden1 ok thx for the update =-D
@Windwaker5000 i was saying thank you for the upvote
@Windwaker5000 ty for the upvote =-D
@horatio thx for the upvote! =-D
@REW ty for the upvote
@mustafanaveed and @Rcb1235 ty for the help =-D
@Rcb1235 thx =-D
@Rcb1235 thx =-D
@ Ian1231100 thx for the upvote!
@Mod here it is if ya want to see it =-)
@Rcb1235 ty so much for the upvote! =-D
ok now thats tiny!
this screams to me lazy as for the so called build im srry if it seems mean i rather be honest then to lie and say its the world best thing ever when clearly i seen better even if its for fun i feel this would com back and back fire on you simply because ppl would see this and it would not relly give you a good reputation its better to shoot this project down while u still can again my opinion and srry if it seemed mean i just feel there could have been more to it
gg on the fule tank =-)
@UnknownNate hows about this realisticly i know i stuck at words there not my thing u and ONLY you can be my offfishal helper interms of this if you are that much of a grammer and spelling freak as you say you are i did not even bother to edit this as a test =-P
@belugasub i guess it might be because i got a fallower a while back
@ForeverPie thx alot of editing gose into this so there is a bit more then meets the eyes as for the puncuation i do not use it simply because well grammer is not my strong point to im lucky to get some of the words right because even if i try to look it up i cant nessarly alwasy read to well so a dictinary is relitivly usleless to me and thus gose in a victious loop