may b there should be a white version in referance to the newest movie i here in detail there is a bit of a differeance becase ik the white one toothless sees far as rumors has it that hes expected to fall in love w/ so theres small details that would not just do w/ jsut a whight color sheme far as im aware of but i cant relyl go into that to much over all becase i did not see the movie yet and pls pardon my buchered spelling
i think as a trainer helicopter thsi is brillant i mean the flaoting idea is good incase ur in the middle of the water and still ealrning thus may need a phew unexpected landings
soo my thought on this is it has alot of potenchial i love the fact its a rapter just may be work on the walking part may b i mean try your self to walk w/o picking up ur feet but other then that everythings good
@Tully2001 thx how ever i still kept dying tho i did love the sweet cockpit i did say i stink at bombs in the post i also found infernos pointless because the moment i fired them they be like o you are there and then by the time i got a shot they shoot me down already
i understnad its 1 part above the 50 parts but i figured out how to make the head move in the direction its truning hope you like it
@LockheedMartinAerospace i strictly used modded parts from a parts pack theres not relly a way i can edit them anyfurter asside default so from what im herein from u i dotn think is much help but ty for the advise
i kid ya not i went about 20,000-23,000 mph w/ a plane i made from this o.O al tho it seems liekt ehres a certin cut off poin were the engien stops working alidue wise but i imagin it woudl have kept going otherise
@mustafanaveed keep in mind the autcraft jet was ment to help ppl not shoot them down but i wont stop you from this if ya see the description of the original ull see why
@jetcatglider nope
this is outaded i no longer play on here that much now
@jetcatglider o ok
@jetcatglider i flown it and the cockpit was spinning out of controll for some resion
@Tbot217 yw =-)
i think you have a tork problem
may b there should be a white version in referance to the newest movie i here in detail there is a bit of a differeance becase ik the white one toothless sees far as rumors has it that hes expected to fall in love w/ so theres small details that would not just do w/ jsut a whight color sheme far as im aware of but i cant relyl go into that to much over all becase i did not see the movie yet and pls pardon my buchered spelling
i think as a trainer helicopter thsi is brillant i mean the flaoting idea is good incase ur in the middle of the water and still ealrning thus may need a phew unexpected landings
@Exofalt o ok
btw ever thought of trying to make of this w/ a jet engines ment for a vertical take of for basicly rocket jumping?
soo my thought on this is it has alot of potenchial i love the fact its a rapter just may be work on the walking part may b i mean try your self to walk w/o picking up ur feet but other then that everythings good
@Leon83838 yeah tottly =-D
i love it i just wonder whats the controls?
+1i love this truck!!!
@FlipposMC it failed
@FlipposMC well it says connecing then next moment spits me out and says failed
@FlipposMC yes
@FlipposMC i tried to connect and so far nothing im hopping this will be a way for me to hang out fly some planes and enjoy my self
imagien there was anotehr layer upsidwon right above it
@Tully2001 thx how ever i still kept dying tho i did love the sweet cockpit i did say i stink at bombs in the post i also found infernos pointless because the moment i fired them they be like o you are there and then by the time i got a shot they shoot me down already
if all works out i will kidnap the convoy set them on a bridge and shotot eh bridge w/ a bridg destorying gun =-P
i understnad its 1 part above the 50 parts but i figured out how to make the head move in the direction its truning hope you like it
@poenix its probly the thin long angled wings
any one think this was inspired by starfox ?
i love this !
@Alienbeef0421 thx
@TobiasBoon what do ya think ? =-D
MINE! XD lol (findine nemo referance to the seagulls)
ty all 4 feed back =-)
@MaximusTheMinimus thx
@LockheedMartinAerospace i strictly used modded parts from a parts pack theres not relly a way i can edit them anyfurter asside default so from what im herein from u i dotn think is much help but ty for the advise
@TheTekkit101 o.O o wow think that plane can get me a stable verry high up alitude LOL @TheTekkit101 infact here is the plane i made w/ the jet engines i made shure to give credit
i kid ya not i went about 20,000-23,000 mph w/ a plane i made from this o.O al tho it seems liekt ehres a certin cut off poin were the engien stops working alidue wise but i imagin it woudl have kept going otherise
i love it if only now it can run faster
@AstleyIndustries i think that can be made into a hang glider XD lol
@Braeden1 jsut wondering how are thigns wand whats the progress
be hold the king of mine craft villagers! LOl
@mustafanaveed keep in mind the autcraft jet was ment to help ppl not shoot them down but i wont stop you from this if ya see the description of the original ull see why
i did not relly expect this lol
@Braeden1 sweet i look forward to it =-D
almost loosk liek a sith version of the millenium falcon
@Braeden1 thats ok ill be happy that i can use it then srry i had not been on latly i just bene havign irl senarios latly
gg srry for late delay been on break from simple planes latly
@PINK im not in the role play no ty
some minor tweekins is needed simply because when i loaded it on wright airport it fell appart
@PyrusEnderhunter ok =-)
@PyrusEnderhunter that be cool =-D
i woudl love it spechialy if ya had to breack in it
@PyrusEnderhunter yeah it is i hand relly had not much opertunity to get good at this game in order for me to feel that i be right for the rp