@Swagginpiglet I see your a TF2 fan. You should check out my model of the pyro's flamethrower. I'm also currently working on the Demoman's grenade launcher.
@robloxweponco it has something to do with console games having high graphics then PC I think. Also people don't judge games overly harsh no there graphics when there is a factors like free sandbox or just sandbox game play. Mindcraft And Terraria are standing examples of low graphic gams Minecraft is specifically a voxel-based game, Terraria is intentionally pixeles both do this to allow for more freedom.
@Liyicheng my guess Is your computer is having problems calculating it both the placement of objects from one side to the other and whether is would snap to the chassis of the planet. This is not your computers fault but the program itself. Program having rules that the computer must follow.
@landspeedcreator a gun like that would not fired effectively as pointed out by the worlds largest artillery gun the Gustav which holds the record for the largest artillery shell. It's smarter to use effective solution then brute force.
@landspeedcreator more modern AP rounds are not large in comparison to there propellant charge (I.E. the casing that holds the gun powder is normally a larger then the round it's self). Why less surface area means better penetration. This is very evident in rounds like 7.62×39 NATO stander(used by the AK47)and FN 5.7×28mm ( used by the FN Five-Seven) both used by military forces.
@LaGG3 then your understanding of the English language makes sense. your from China more or less. English is based off of more European languages like Latin and Greek. If you need any help with the grammar of the English language don't hesitate to ask.
@Pilotmario "fighting is to result in victory then you must fight, song Sue said that and I think he knows a little bit more about than you do pal. Because he invented it and then he perfected it so no living man could beat him in the ring of honor" the Soldier - TF2
@AEROFUERZA "Sniping is a good job mate. One things for sure you won't go hungry. Because by the end of the day someone is going to want someone else dead." The Sniper - TF2
@Meep261 thanks, are you having the issue with it pulling to one side?@SarcasticCommander
@SarcasticCommander @Meep261 thanks for the upvoats M8s
@DaKraken the SS and the SP where the nazi elite. The SS in particular were the elite soldiers of the Nazi regime during World War II.
@TheFreemaker Roger Roger.
@Pilotmario nice artillery truck. What tipes of artillery shells dose it fire? I'm mostly anti-personnel and anti-fortification of shells.
@TheFreemaker what is your favorite tipe of droid in StarWars?
@Swagginpiglet I see your a TF2 fan. You should check out my model of the pyro's flamethrower. I'm also currently working on the Demoman's grenade launcher.
@Birdman492 do you plan on adding an airfoil to this frame?
@robloxweponco game design is just a really big balancing act. Between the choices of where to cut corners and when.
@robloxweponco it has something to do with console games having high graphics then PC I think. Also people don't judge games overly harsh no there graphics when there is a factors like free sandbox or just sandbox game play. Mindcraft And Terraria are standing examples of low graphic gams Minecraft is specifically a voxel-based game, Terraria is intentionally pixeles both do this to allow for more freedom.
@DaKraken do you know what the SS are?
@Pilotmario it kind of reminds me of the FN5-7. Witch reminds me to ask are you ever going to make an 5-7?
@robloxweponco it is something of an old game now days.
@Type2volkswagen thanks for the upvoat M8. How's your search for the holy grail going? X.D
@Type2volkswagen if only they had fragmentation rockets or Flechette , artillery rounds.
@DaKraken good thing it doesn't say just SS people might start to call you a skin head.
@robloxweponco vie only played it once and that was when I was 14. :.(
maybe you should try to make some of the cars from the game... just a though.
@SajabAerospace do you think this will run on IOS?
@DzikiSzynszyl slug shooter?
@robloxweponco's this is my submittion for your submarine challenge. please check out the previous versons that dont need the underwater mod.
@YuukaNeko nice pant skeem don't really know about the blue line down the mag about though.
@Pilotmario are those red tracer rounds?
@robloxweponco ok, thanks.
@BaconRoll yes it runs but it's laggy as all hell.
@robloxweponco can I turn in something I made a while ago? If so I'm in.
@LukeDaDuke looks really good. Also time to installed on chopper. Shred some fools.
@PINK it kind of looks like Hollywoods' idea of a bazooka.
@Pilotmario Nice master key shotgun set up.
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation nice gun don't really like the gold plating but nice gun.
@Braden It's a cute starter tank
@landspeedcreator I'd like to also point out that the Gustav destroyed the economy and overly taxed Germany's national resources such as Iron.
@Liyicheng my guess Is your computer is having problems calculating it both the placement of objects from one side to the other and whether is would snap to the chassis of the planet. This is not your computers fault but the program itself. Program having rules that the computer must follow.
@landspeedcreator a gun like that would not fired effectively as pointed out by the worlds largest artillery gun the Gustav which holds the record for the largest artillery shell. It's smarter to use effective solution then brute force.
@landspeedcreator more modern AP rounds are not large in comparison to there propellant charge (I.E. the casing that holds the gun powder is normally a larger then the round it's self). Why less surface area means better penetration. This is very evident in rounds like 7.62×39 NATO stander(used by the AK47)and FN 5.7×28mm ( used by the FN Five-Seven) both used by military forces.
@LaGG3 then your understanding of the English language makes sense. your from China more or less. English is based off of more European languages like Latin and Greek. If you need any help with the grammar of the English language don't hesitate to ask.
@landspeedcreator you mean what did I say thay were not. AP ( Armor-Piercing) APDS (Armor-Piercing discarding sabot)
@LaGG3 where are you from?
@landspeedcreator its' ammo are definitely not AP or APDS rounds.
@LaGG3 so what you mean to say is its sub aquatic.
@YuukaNeko I'd probably use this gun if it wasn't hot pink. ether standard black, olive green, or Woodland Camo for me.
@Pilotmario I see. << >> i'm gonna let you in on a secret project of mine. Because you've been indulging my insanity.
@AEROFUERZA you should go old school when you play TF2 next... Mix things up a bit.
@Pilotmario "fighting is to result in victory then you must fight, song Sue said that and I think he knows a little bit more about than you do pal. Because he invented it and then he perfected it so no living man could beat him in the ring of honor" the Soldier - TF2
@Hawk3y305 I do believe the name of the style of plane you're talking about is a biplane...
@Braden just a bit too long... For a Maus maby it's actually a Rat... XD
@AEROFUERZA "Sniping is a good job mate. One things for sure you won't go hungry. Because by the end of the day someone is going to want someone else dead." The Sniper - TF2
@AEROFUERZA looks good. Do you mind if I make a tactical version of this?
@Pilotmario do you think you'll ever make an shotgun based off of the Saiga-12 or JTS-12?
@Pilotmario Yha the spas-12's younger more complicated brother... I can see some of the similarities.
@melojam sink the Mayo special? XD