Nice, thanks for the credit! Although for the cockpit I used some parts of an already exesting one but I couldn't find it anywhere on the site so...yeah...
@Mellons I could just tag them but they might not see it (they're overfilled with tags) and I also don't want to really bother them...I hope they stumble on this sometime, especially since this has so many upvotes!
@KnightOfAraluen Make any weapons you like! My flagship has a onetime use camacazi laser capable of deorbiting moons (circuits are fried afterwards and station explodes) thats why its kamakazi...XD.
@Rcb1235 Good news it does wor with spacemod (if you replace the vtol engine with one fueled with oxidizer)! But since it already flies ingame its already approved :-).
@Rcb1235 Oh I can beat that, I scaled up a boom 50 50 times and it kinda froze so then I went for the next logical thing...50,000 times! Now my game crashed multiple times in the editor but because my pc is op after overheating a bunch it loaded the level! So then I restart somewhere above yeager and...BSOD! Nah just kidding wasn't that bad, except my pc was making wierd noises for a whole week after I did that! Go figure.
@Rcb1235 If you play'ed on a samsung galaxy note 7 i'd warn you but...I honestly don't think that would happen to your ipad...I dunno, maybe it would overheat or something X3.
@Rcb1235 @TheBigEgg Next time I will build something that irreversably crashes your computer ;-). Seriously, thats my goal! My goal for 2017 is to force people to do a clean reinstall of windows XD.
@CamoKilla223 @blackvultureaeroespace If you need me to crash any other games tell me! Also...I will add the mobile friendly tag...I love tricking mobile users (─‿‿─).
@KnightOfAraluen The rules are mostly the same that would apply IRL such as the prime directive & could just play along and I'd tell you if you break any rules ^^.
@Samwise facepalm....we do not take into account the rotation of a planet...ONLY the orbit...And I don't know whats so complicated about that Jeasus...
@BaconEggs When I get these kinds of errors I do the following: Restart the game (sometimes its a temporary glitch) then Go through all the mods, disabling them 1 by one to check where the problem lies...if you found the problem and it is indeed caused by one or multiple mods (conflicting scripts) be sure to alert the modmaker...If the problem however persists a clean reinstall of SP would be the only can backup your plane's xml files just by copy and pasting them, same goes for locations and mission progress...Hope this helps!
@Samwise You are right about the orbits! Yes the routes do change wich makes it even more exiting...all of a sudden for example your worst enemy could be your neighbour! Rotation of the planets doesn't matter...
@SkullsAndCrossbones I dunno man @RailfanEthan Yes it can McFly @XxcreedexX the future!!!!
Nice, thanks for the credit! Although for the cockpit I used some parts of an already exesting one but I couldn't find it anywhere on the site so...yeah...
@IanAndEndy1124 You're lucky it was only the game that crashed XD.
Wow...just wow!
@UnivalentHen0 I did
+1spams upvot button ._.
@Mellons I could just tag them but they might not see it (they're overfilled with tags) and I also don't want to really bother them...I hope they stumble on this sometime, especially since this has so many upvotes!
@Mellons Propably not...As I said earlier, I'm trying to get the devs to see this!
@SkullsAndCrossbones Lol, I will upload a mobile friendly version soon!
@Oni789 Lol if you want more game-crashing checkout the "Interdimensional Cube.exe" that I built XD
@KnightOfAraluen nice
@KnightOfAraluen Make any weapons you like! My flagship has a onetime use camacazi laser capable of deorbiting moons (circuits are fried afterwards and station explodes) thats why its kamakazi...XD.
@KnightOfAraluen Keep them, they make good weapon holding platforms, besides they look op...also for extra manouverability make it have vtol nozzles.
@Rcb1235 Good news it does wor with spacemod (if you replace the vtol engine with one fueled with oxidizer)! But since it already flies ingame its already approved :-).
@KnightOfAraluen Nah you can still have wings! (What if you need to fly through a different planets atmosphere)?
@Flightsonic That's good and all but why do the bridges literally fall, the make the falling sound over and over!
@Rcb1235 Oh I can beat that, I scaled up a boom 50 50 times and it kinda froze so then I went for the next logical thing...50,000 times! Now my game crashed multiple times in the editor but because my pc is op after overheating a bunch it loaded the level! So then I restart somewhere above yeager and...BSOD! Nah just kidding wasn't that bad, except my pc was making wierd noises for a whole week after I did that! Go figure.
@SimpleFlow Thanks! Did it crash your game?
@KingDeadshot Maybe light red (ruby) at 50k?
@Rcb1235 If you play'ed on a samsung galaxy note 7 i'd warn you but...I honestly don't think that would happen to your ipad...I dunno, maybe it would overheat or something X3.
@Rcb1235 @TheBigEgg Next time I will build something that irreversably crashes your computer ;-). Seriously, thats my goal! My goal for 2017 is to force people to do a clean reinstall of windows XD.
@Rcb1235 Sorry...
@Rcb1235 Well the only thing that can help you now is a clean reinstall of simple planes :-\
@CamoKilla223 Thanks for the idea...I will now go from 140 to 140,000 subs!
@CamoKilla223 @blackvultureaeroespace Will do! (Certified game crasher since 2010).
@CamoKilla223 XD Thank you :3.
@CamoKilla223 @blackvultureaeroespace If you need me to crash any other games tell me! Also...I will add the mobile friendly tag...I love tricking mobile users (─‿‿─).
@Rcb1235 Much cute doggo ●ᴥ●.
Srsly, look at my heading.
@KnightOfAraluen The rules are mostly the same that would apply IRL such as the prime directive & could just play along and I'd tell you if you break any rules ^^.
@Samwise facepalm....we do not take into account the rotation of a planet...ONLY the orbit...And I don't know whats so complicated about that Jeasus...
I got something better hueueue other than that...your planes are indeed getting better with each time!
@BaconEggs When I get these kinds of errors I do the following: Restart the game (sometimes its a temporary glitch) then Go through all the mods, disabling them 1 by one to check where the problem lies...if you found the problem and it is indeed caused by one or multiple mods (conflicting scripts) be sure to alert the modmaker...If the problem however persists a clean reinstall of SP would be the only can backup your plane's xml files just by copy and pasting them, same goes for locations and mission progress...Hope this helps!
I'll be your first upvote!
@Samwise You are right about the orbits! Yes the routes do change wich makes it even more exiting...all of a sudden for example your worst enemy could be your neighbour! Rotation of the planets doesn't matter...
@Pilotmario Hold your horses its 2021...wait for wormholes till season 2 XD.
@KnightOfAraluen Also, just join the discord link!
@KnightOfAraluen Sure thing, however with so muany celestial objects from asteroids to planets, wouldn't you want to own something?
I'll be your first upvote! Welcome to the community!
@PINK Yep :3 see if you can do better...keep in mind it has a mustache!
@WNP78 And thedevs might get inspiration from that and maybe add firefighting missions...involving the volcano maybe????????????@Swiftsure
@WNP78 Yep, and I was kinda hoping one of you more advanced mod makers could give it a shot...either that or we'll get the dev's attention .-.
@PlanesOfOld Yep...all of that essentially
@EternalDarkness Actually I was hoping I'd get some support from some more experienced mod makers :-. Or maybe get some attention from the devs!
@ESIOTROT121 Photoshop.
@EternalDarkness My idea is you could also adjust the jettisons port eject velocity!
@SkullsAndCrossbones I know that, but you could always just copy paste ot even drag the link into the url bar...
@RailfanEthan I've never seen this happen with any of my AI planes :-\
Trolling people in multiplayer with a remote controlled, nearly invisible landmine!