I think if Elon were to actually play SimplePlanes he'd probably just have any weird username. Not only to lie low but also just because he is a dank memer. His username would probably be a wordplay of some sort and his profile pic probably something funny/edgy.
I wouldn't find it hard to believe if he actually played simpleplanes. I would find it hard to believe if he used his real name, especially with an "official" slapped on it.
Bloody amazing. This legit convinced me for a second, until I read it was an april fools joke.
To be honest I totally would pay a monthly subscription for this amazing software.
And yes I say "software" and not "game", because of the incredible things you can do with it thanks to the physics simulation and things like funky trees that make it seem more like a professional software on the level of something like autocad. You are responsible for the fact that many of us SP users will in future become engineers, scientists and programmers ourselves. Essentially you literally make the world a better place.
We love you too devs <3 !
@TheEpicMOONHAWK Pointless in what way? I mean ofc it's not essential. It's just a fun little "Dodge the missile" kind of map. Try to be nicer to people. Also, Lol.
@KnightOfRen I really don't wanna hate, but I must say I agree with Foxtrot. I don't mean this in a personal way or anything but objectively speaking I just don't understand what the appeal is for so many people to upvote this. It is a mediocre build at most. So I too must wonder why your planes, especially the first ones, get so many upvotes, and I too seem to find the only logical conclusion is that this is some kind of inside joke. I mean come on, you can't tell me you didn't make the front cockpit panel be upside down on purpose. It has to have been on purpose. And the fact you can't take simple criticism also seems weird. This just has to be some kind of meme. And if it isn't I am not saying these things to be harsh. It is just I legitimately don't understand the upvote count on your builds.
@Viper3000ad I didn't stop per se, I actually "disappeared" from the internet for a few months now due to real life duties and happenings, but seeing as my older SP videos somehow got many many views overnight I am looking to make a comeback soon.
@Airlinelover So quick um inquiry. Does it have to be a 707 and a320 specifically? And I'll probably send you an unlisted version of a plane someone else made however since I am not that great with airliners themselves (don't mean the livery but the actual body)
@spefyjerbf Believe it or not the Autoland code I was working on looks very similar to your descend code if not identical, with the exception that I'm trying to use "AltitudeAgl" to make my aircraft flare at the end.
@Armyguy1534 I was stating what Elon Musk would do in my opinion. Not what donald trump would do. Different people have different behaviors, get over it.
@Viper3000ad Obviously this isn't just some political event. I was as brief as I could be, because if you really wanted you could write entire books about this (like many people have). We can and will never forget the invasion of cyprus. As for being more prepared in the future...I doubt it (sadly). However, I remain optimistic, given that somehow, throughout history, greece has survived much worse. Mainly through "κωλοφαρδίες" and simply because of where we are located geographically.
@randomusername I mean ok...granted...the good ol' rotating cockpit stealth mode. I bet if I changed the missilelockaccuracy paramater to 1000000000 it probabily wouldn't be an issue. But then it would be unbeatable the conventional way :p
@CDRxavier Did you look at the pictures I sent? They'll give you an idea of what I mean. here(click me) But yeah, just like real ship anchors, theres some chain leaft. Obviously not good for a crane (never said this is a vehicle whinch).
@CDRxavier Listen to me closely: It does not work on land. Sorry, I must have not explained well enough. It works only from a vessel.
You can see it retracting here(click me) and having retracted here(click me). If you are referring to it not retracting completely into the casing, it isn't meant to. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to re-deploy it. This is an anchor, not a crane.
Hope this helps ^^.
@CDRxavier Thanks for your feedback. Check the description, it does not work under all conditions. It is specifically designed to work on things that float. And not to be lifted by cranes. Feel free to use the parts of it though. Your inquiries explained:
-The no collision setting is literally the only thing that makes this long of a whinch possible, with collisions enabled you couldn't even make a chain half the size.
-Then there are other winch projects, SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR CRANES out there. This winch only works on VESSELS (see description), NOT on cranes, or vehicles.
-The "line" erm...is working, I can retract the anchor completely. FROM A VESSEL.
On the plus side, if you made a floating construction crane, you could use this to anchor the pontoons lol.
@randomusername Oh nvm. My stance against electric outriggs is that they can store much less energy than petrol powered engines can. Bateries just aren't that good of an energy source when compared to petrol, diesel, etc...
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck Don't put words in my mouth I haven't said. If you read my post again carefully, I was thinking of it more like the minecraft multiplayer system:
1. Introduce LAN network support
2. Inevitably people will open their LAN through static IP or P2P as a server.
3. Profit.
As for the paid subscription thing, it could be as simple as 24$ a year, to cover the basic expenses for jundroo, much like realms in minecraft.
A fully working/stable network solution is not possible in the current way simpleplanes is set up. Thats why I said SimplePlanes2, giving SR2 as an example (going from 2D to 3D). As such simpleplanes could change completely, possibly giving a stable networking solution. Many games similiar to SP have managed this, so a revamped simpleplanes version should be able to.
@Testin123 It depends on what kind of parts...if you have many complex parts you will not be able to run the creation and vice versa...take my timecube.exe (a timetravelling teleporting...thing...I built...it only has few parts but can crash your game INSTANTLY. And then actually destroy your GUI and menu screen (that was an unpleasant experience for Rcb1235). It all comes down to the type of parts you use and not always the amount.
@WNP78 Yeah I figured it was MP that was acting up. Also yeah my bad with the beacon light, haven't touched the game in too long so I confused the beacon light with other parts that don't have an input controller (I thought activation groups took FT expressions as booleans?). I gotta get back into it. You could say I lost my funk...
I think if Elon were to actually play SimplePlanes he'd probably just have any weird username. Not only to lie low but also just because he is a dank memer. His username would probably be a wordplay of some sort and his profile pic probably something funny/edgy.
+19I wouldn't find it hard to believe if he actually played simpleplanes. I would find it hard to believe if he used his real name, especially with an "official" slapped on it.
Bloody amazing. This legit convinced me for a second, until I read it was an april fools joke.
+7To be honest I totally would pay a monthly subscription for this amazing software.
And yes I say "software" and not "game", because of the incredible things you can do with it thanks to the physics simulation and things like funky trees that make it seem more like a professional software on the level of something like autocad. You are responsible for the fact that many of us SP users will in future become engineers, scientists and programmers ourselves. Essentially you literally make the world a better place.
We love you too devs <3 !
@TheEpicMOONHAWK Pointless in what way? I mean ofc it's not essential. It's just a fun little "Dodge the missile" kind of map. Try to be nicer to people. Also, Lol.
+5@KnightOfRen I really don't wanna hate, but I must say I agree with Foxtrot. I don't mean this in a personal way or anything but objectively speaking I just don't understand what the appeal is for so many people to upvote this. It is a mediocre build at most. So I too must wonder why your planes, especially the first ones, get so many upvotes, and I too seem to find the only logical conclusion is that this is some kind of inside joke. I mean come on, you can't tell me you didn't make the front cockpit panel be upside down on purpose. It has to have been on purpose. And the fact you can't take simple criticism also seems weird. This just has to be some kind of meme. And if it isn't I am not saying these things to be harsh. It is just I legitimately don't understand the upvote count on your builds.
+4Lmao, C-YEET
+2@Viper3000ad I didn't stop per se, I actually "disappeared" from the internet for a few months now due to real life duties and happenings, but seeing as my older SP videos somehow got many many views overnight I am looking to make a comeback soon.
+2@CDRxavier Flawless physics!
+2@Gestour Sweet sweet revenge >:3
+2@Sarin eyy thanks for sharing, should be useful af
+1@Airlinelover I need your tag too haha [Username]#[TagNumber]
+1@Airlinelover Alright. You maybe got discord? So we can chat faster?
+1@Airlinelover So quick um inquiry. Does it have to be a 707 and a320 specifically? And I'll probably send you an unlisted version of a plane someone else made however since I am not that great with airliners themselves (don't mean the livery but the actual body)
+1@Airlinelover Hey sure. I can give it a shot~
+1Damn that's lit fam
+1@KerlonceauxIndustries Thankies~
+1Rip Memeking's account
+1@Sm10684 nah, twas a Villager from Element animation saying "Hullo"
+1@spefyjerbf Rotators that moved wing sections that are themselves also a control surface.
+1@spefyjerbf Believe it or not the Autoland code I was working on looks very similar to your descend code if not identical, with the exception that I'm trying to use "AltitudeAgl" to make my aircraft flare at the end.
+1@Armyguy1534 I was stating what Elon Musk would do in my opinion. Not what donald trump would do. Different people have different behaviors, get over it.
+1@Viper3000ad Obviously this isn't just some political event. I was as brief as I could be, because if you really wanted you could write entire books about this (like many people have). We can and will never forget the invasion of cyprus. As for being more prepared in the future...I doubt it (sadly). However, I remain optimistic, given that somehow, throughout history, greece has survived much worse. Mainly through "κωλοφαρδίες" and simply because of where we are located geographically.
+1@KerlonceauxIndustries Thanks for spoootlight~
@Sm10684 Yeah I get that.
+1Poly oraio build phile mou.
+1@Viper3000ad Etsi ton lene. Mallon tha tou aresoun ta gemista.
+1@Leyton77 Read the instructions carefully and I assure you it will.
+1@WeSeekANARCHY It will be quite a while before I publish it.
+1@Strikefighter04 Involves attatching a cockpit to a rotator and spining it at 50000000RPM
+1@DS97 They do fire, but have a very limited range (otherwise it would be impossible to complete it as intended (with a vehicle).
+1@randomusername I mean ok...granted...the good ol' rotating cockpit stealth mode. I bet if I changed the missilelockaccuracy paramater to
it probabily wouldn't be an issue. But then it would be unbeatable the conventional way :p@CDRxavier Did you look at the pictures I sent? They'll give you an idea of what I mean. here(click me) But yeah, just like real ship anchors, theres some chain leaft. Obviously not good for a crane (never said this is a vehicle whinch).
+1@CDRxavier Listen to me closely: It does not work on land. Sorry, I must have not explained well enough. It works only from a vessel.
+1You can see it retracting here(click me) and having retracted here(click me). If you are referring to it not retracting completely into the casing, it isn't meant to. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to re-deploy it. This is an anchor, not a crane.
Hope this helps ^^.
@CDRxavier Thanks for your feedback. Check the description, it does not work under all conditions. It is specifically designed to work on things that float. And not to be lifted by cranes. Feel free to use the parts of it though. Your inquiries explained:
-The no collision setting is literally the only thing that makes this long of a whinch possible, with collisions enabled you couldn't even make a chain half the size.
-Then there are other winch projects, SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR CRANES out there. This winch only works on VESSELS (see description), NOT on cranes, or vehicles.
-The "line" erm...is working, I can retract the anchor completely. FROM A VESSEL.
On the plus side, if you made a floating construction crane, you could use this to anchor the pontoons lol.
@randomusername Oh nvm. My stance against electric outriggs is that they can store much less energy than petrol powered engines can. Bateries just aren't that good of an energy source when compared to petrol, diesel, etc...
+1@UssInvincible Ohh I can turn it on now, actually! I sorta neglected it bc a 24 hour server already exists.
Connect to this:
+1@GeneralOliverVonBismarck Don't put words in my mouth I haven't said. If you read my post again carefully, I was thinking of it more like the minecraft multiplayer system:
1. Introduce LAN network support
2. Inevitably people will open their LAN through static IP or P2P as a server.
3. Profit.
As for the paid subscription thing, it could be as simple as 24$ a year, to cover the basic expenses for jundroo, much like realms in minecraft.
+1A fully working/stable network solution is not possible in the current way simpleplanes is set up. Thats why I said SimplePlanes2, giving SR2 as an example (going from 2D to 3D). As such simpleplanes could change completely, possibly giving a stable networking solution. Many games similiar to SP have managed this, so a revamped simpleplanes version should be able to.
@sexylips35 I identify as a greek furry fox countryball.
+1@Amaker Always trust a man, in a big white van!
+1@Testin123 It depends on what kind of parts...if you have many complex parts you will not be able to run the creation and vice versa...take my timecube.exe (a timetravelling teleporting...thing...I built...it only has few parts but can crash your game INSTANTLY. And then actually destroy your GUI and menu screen (that was an unpleasant experience for Rcb1235). It all comes down to the type of parts you use and not always the amount.
+1spams upvot button ._.
When I try to save it it crashes my game...my pc has saved waaay bigger things yet for some reason it crashes with this one :/.
+1@Rodrigo110 Ω τρελέ μουυυυυ, έλληνας, επιτέλους! Ναι ρε, πες μου οτι έχεις discord και γίναμε, κάνουμε και βίντεο μαζί αν γουστάρεις.
@Coderboi20 no clue how it behaves with newer physics models in newer game versions. Congrats you found a post that's nearly 2 years old :p
@nooo No, this is a single-prop plane.
@Braynie04 Or just be bisexual like me and...well you, you know the rest ;)
Welcome to SimplePlanes my guy ^-^
Wow damn that's hawt
@WNP78 Yeah I figured it was MP that was acting up. Also yeah my bad with the beacon light, haven't touched the game in too long so I confused the beacon light with other parts that don't have an input controller (I thought activation groups took FT expressions as booleans?). I gotta get back into it. You could say I lost my funk...