12.6k Flippos Comments

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.3 years ago

    @UssInvincible It depends on when my ISP decides to give me faster speeds again. The discord server, however, is currently active and used for chatting and voice chatting in the (Always on) server.

  • Simple Pachisi 7.4 years ago

    @BaconRoll I'm actually adding more boardgames to this, I'll notify you when the update is out...

  • Das Klein Gepanzerte Schiff 7.4 years ago

    @RAF1 No worries m8! Keep the good builds flowing!

  • Das Klein Gepanzerte Schiff 7.4 years ago

    I get that this is for the "Der" series but, the title should say: "Das Kleine Gepanzerte Schiff."
    Der is for masculine
    Die is for feminine
    Das is for neutral.
    In this case, the word "shiff" is neutral and thus the adjectives ("klein" and "gepanzert") change with the noun.

  • U.S.S red red wine 7.4 years ago

    ♫...Red, red wine
    Stay close to me
    Don't let me be alone
    It's tearing apart
    My blue, blue heart...♫

  • Simple Pachisi 7.4 years ago

    @AverroesIndustries Awww you make me blush.

  • Simple Pachisi 7.4 years ago

    @WEAPONSMITH Yee feels too simple, the idea was to try it out in multiplayer, with a discord bot acting as a random dice number.
    But I can always update it! Perhaps add some more board games or try and see whether I can programme an AI to play against itself. You're the expert here, do you think that would be possible?

  • Simple Pachisi 7.4 years ago

    @Awsomur Yeah, it symbolizes the loneliness of the human soul in the vast ocean that is the cosmos.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @DragonAlexCreations idk then

  • AI Teams 7.4 years ago

    Amazing idea! But I suggest also heading over to user voice as that is where devs will most likely come across your suggestion.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @DragonAlexCreations If you have android it won't work for you. The download link seems fine :\

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @Gestour I know the feel ^^.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @Gestour I highly doubt that your hometown has a 6 mile (9KM) runway. List of longest runways even the SLF at Cape Canaveral is only 4.5KM long, unless you live near Edward's Air Base or something.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @Gemista Ναί.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @TheOwlAce Surprisingly it actually is! If you use the "dummy" part which is about the hight of the average human, then based off that....it actually is! In fact, the runways on Yeager are like almost 5.5KM way too large to be real life runways but since creations in SP tend to be slightly larger than in real life you get a different sense of scale. If you're referring to the IRL location, what @shipster said holds truth.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @WEAPONSMITH @WEAPONSMITH Thanks, Thought about that but last time I tried that I...broke some stuff...What I did is just add the particle system and changed some parameters but that for some reason screwed up the mod building process. I'm not competent enough yet it seems.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @Gestour Yeah I saw that issue when I first tested it. But instead of hiding it, I'm going to add a second and third terrain mesh underneath that to make it look like a cave, so, for now, I left it there until I have more time to do that. The main issue is that the job clustering takes ages even when I change the lighting settings, nothing on the web seemed to offer a good solution. Any Ideas?

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @InternationalAircraftCompany Well it is about the size of Wright's runway, but I think Yeager's runway is longer and DEFINITELY wider. The problem is that in simple planes most creations are generally much larger than their real-life counterparts. I scaled the trees, buildings and the runway using the hidden "dummy" part in simple planes (basically a human to scale).

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @Awsomur Kek it is actually pretty hideous when compared to some other INSANE maps out there, simply because most of the textures (with exception from the runway and the airport building) are the unity default ones, with some minor edits. The runway also requires sharper textures. I tried blurring the colours slightly to make it look like paint but that made it worse. I will try and make the textures better in the next update though.

  • Hephaestus Volcano Map 7.4 years ago

    @exosuit @goutboy411 Thanks!

  • Multiplayer ATC roleplay server on discord. 7.4 years ago

    @mbmadnes32 Updated link: click

  • MO-143 90mm "Gazelle" 7.4 years ago

    @AverroesIndustries kek

  • MO-143 90mm "Gazelle" 7.4 years ago

    We should collab again soon...

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.4 years ago

    @WNP78 nvm, I added it into the XML file itself. Big deal?

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.4 years ago

    @Lahoski107 A platform, a bit like steam.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.4 years ago

    @LBYSteven Unfortunately you cannot use it in overload, you have to find the damper multiplier in the XML file itself.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.5 years ago

    @LBYSteven Use xml, if possible, to change the rotators damper by putting damperMultiplier="InsertModeratelyHighNumber" and find the sweet-spot! ^^

  • vf 4 7.5 years ago

    The profile pic of yours is quite nice! Kek, Neko fan, the plane flies surprisingly stable.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.5 years ago

    @WNP78 Thanks, that helps. But it is weird that I had to do this even though I swapped them for new ones from the parts menu...

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.5 years ago

    @14ROVI The only way out is to shoot it. Except not because if you do that the broken part of the chassis will come flying at you trying to re-dock and in the process will smash your creation...there is no escape!

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.5 years ago

    @NathanMikeska Oh here's a really funny bug I just found! Get this Arctic vehicle and shake the trailer off, don't detach it, just literally shake it off by drifting around. As if that wasn't funny enough, the detacher seems to act like a magnet or like an entangled particle. What I mean by that is, that the trailer turns into some sort of "it follows" story. Wherever the main vehicle goes, the trailer will slowly follow, and if you turn around to face it, it will come from the distance and actually reposition itself so that it can come to re-dock with the main vehicle. Its really creepy, last time I got these kinda chills in SimplePlanes is when I discovered the Kraken.

  • 1.7 Beta - Round 2 7.5 years ago

    Rotator bug not fixed even after completely replacing the rotators (swapping them with new ones). This time it is not the range that's wrong, but they're all way too jittery no matter how much mass I put on the part connected to them. Making turrets with that glitch is a nightmare.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.5 years ago

    @LiamW Currently not, but soon again, the discord server, however, is still active.

  • HDBU - N.E.K.O 7.5 years ago

    @Irobert55 I know, I made its abbreviation to match the Japanese word for cat/catgirl if you're into anime :)

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @BaconAircraft Exactly what my previous post said. Also I added more dedicated wham so the part limit is 1000 now but on request (in case of alot of lag with alot of players) it can be lowered.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @UssInvincible Sure, I'm on the server now.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @UssInvincible Yes, I'll have to update my rules a bit to clarify some stuff.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @BaconAircraft You do not get auto-kicked by the server, also the rules usually only hold truth when a lot of people are using it at the same time so they do not complain about lag, either way, you're free to use any server you want to, I'm not your boss.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @PilotOfFuture Well we'll see tomorrow, hope you're ok with the shifted schedule.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @PilotOfFuture Quantity doesn't really matter (as long as they're not fired all at the same time). Also, you can nearly make as large of a bomb as you want if you're in the server alone. That's because the server works by updating part's locations (@Testin123 was wrong about it actually lagging the server, as the plane is marked as crashed and the parts stop scattering, which is part of the reason why when you crash they become fixed in mid air). The real issue lies in potentially crashing someone else's game or your own one, but if they're k with it there's no prblem.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    Well, I'm gonna call it a day and switch off the server 2hrs earlier so I can make some modifications to it before going to sleep. Further more the schedule will change from: 8:00am UTC to 20:00pm UTC.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @PilotOfFuture A big thing that goes boom at times. Jk, but no scaled up bombs larger than 3x scaled up I guess

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @JMicah4 Indeed

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @PilotOfFuture ^^

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @saturn28 Online now

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @PilotOfFuture @saturn28 You failed because you were trying to connect when I was servicing the PC. In a sec it will be up again.

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @FireNut58 Fixed the issue, the ruter was stuck on opening the wrong port, you now should be able to connect using the nrmal ip (simpleserver.sytes.net)

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @FireNut58 Wird, because I didn't even see a failed connection attempt...

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @FireNut58 Did you use the multiplayer mod and did you enter the correct ip-adress?

  • New Multiplayer Server! [OFFLINE] 7.6 years ago

    @Botfinder @PilotOfFuture @UssInvincible @OtterOfToast Try to connect now.