@BryanO5 vous devrez peut-être mettre à jour le jeu, mais la version bêta allait sortir la semaine prochaine, à la place elle est sortie la semaine où elle a été annoncée
@BryanO5 En fait, vous pouvez obtenir la version bêta dès maintenant si vous accédez à Google Play et que vous êtes un testeur bêta. Si vous l'êtes déjà, alors yay :D (je suis américain d'ailleurs et je ne connais pas le français)
@BeastHunter it's a glitch. IF you has quick reflexes, the second after the last screenshot, hit take another, since it takes like a millisecond to make it to the button won't work. it's a bit hard, I tried 5 but I couldn't get it to work
Not bad, I noticed that the front landing gear was not level with the other landing gear so I moved it to the front a little and tilted it. Now the gear is level. But still, amazing creation as it is your first creation :D
@BeastHunter yeah I figured that out like........ around a week after it was released or when the forum came out
+1@BeastHunter I didn't even know what t meant cuz I'm dumb. But THIS is the ship
+1@Sergio666 thanks:)
+1@BryanO5 ouais j'attendrais jusqu'à ce qu'il soit officiellement publié alors .. mais je ne sais pas pourquoi il est sorti tôt
+1@BryanO5 vous devrez peut-être mettre à jour le jeu, mais la version bêta allait sortir la semaine prochaine, à la place elle est sortie la semaine où elle a été annoncée
+1@BryanO5 En fait, vous pouvez obtenir la version bêta dès maintenant si vous accédez à Google Play et que vous êtes un testeur bêta. Si vous l'êtes déjà, alors yay :D (je suis américain d'ailleurs et je ne connais pas le français)
+1No! You can't just make a dish that goes pew!
+1how bout I do, anyway
@BeastHunter because T...
+1(also if that breaks the rules I can just delete it)
@BeastHunter the propellers actually took me about over an hour to get right.
+1@BeastHunter T
+1@BeastHunter I expected that lol. Thanks for the upvote
+1@ClaymatorYT we all know
+1@BeastHunter it's a glitch. IF you has quick reflexes, the second after the last screenshot, hit take another, since it takes like a millisecond to make it to the button won't work. it's a bit hard, I tried 5 but I couldn't get it to work
+1hanz I think we have a slight glue issue
+1Why not "Tanks" for silver
+1L E P A N T S
+1one of the mods I don't think work anymore
+1Edit: nevermind they do
You dare oppose the super styraco mortal? then you have chosen... d e a t h
+1This isn't even accurate. this is EXACTLY WHAT WAR THUNDER IS.
+1@AndrewGarrison I wonder what the next update will be. that is if there is one
+1Soyuz neshmery respublik svodybohny splotila navakei veleikaya rus!
+1@KangBaksoIntel1 it's a rickroll... and also I didn't even start watching it
+1@RebelAlpha yes I do agree
+1... And Naples, very cool nailgun. You guys here to get some revolutionary ide... dying France noises AHHHHHHHHHHHH SACRE BLEUUUUUUUUUU
+1@mLk17 Thank you!
+1someone definitely ate too much taco bell
+1@Unknownguy1210 the mod i belive is outdated, so I don't think its gonna work
+1Not bad, I noticed that the front landing gear was not level with the other landing gear so I moved it to the front a little and tilted it. Now the gear is level. But still, amazing creation as it is your first creation :D
+1Suprised me when i LANDED on it. Its bassicly a bigger USS beast. Without the features though
+1I just found out that theres special engjnes for this mod XD
+1O wait
+1It wastes fuel when it shouldnt
+1@F4Mustang nvm i know what ur talking about now. :)
+1Y does the engine over speed 9999 rpm, and BLOW up??
+1Thx dude
+1@SkyCloudGaming wait the prop blows when i also take off
+1@SkyCloudGaming ohhhhhhhhh thx
+1I LOVE it just i turn the raoket on and, how do i land?
+1Dont worry ive been working on your creation for a little bit its almost done just paint and weapons🙃🙂
+1old man alert
absolute cinema
the window should shatter instantly upon spawning
it's fine for me
whys it limp
push prop bf 109 isnt real it cant hurt you
push prop bf 109:
isnt that.. technically illegal
"recruiter said I'd get a free charger... I believed his ass"
-some dude in the US military